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Bump. What should we do?
Same thing we always do pinky
Redpill them, toss them through the machine
>willingly going to the lion's den
what could possibly go wrong?
What a time to be alive
nice slide
cnn is fucked.
>journalist mentions Sup Forums
omg it's 2006 and this matters
no one cares faggot
either they are disgusted, or they are turned
poo in it
They have been in Sup Forums for years now. Your a little slow on the news
Poo on the streets, be on our best behaviour
BBC is shit
shit tier/10 talk show.
Wish BBC reporters are the next to be enriched
Why is there not more Anti bigoted biased corrupted news Meme's
I see you didn't catch Theresa May's plan to regulate the Internet with the purpose of preventing terrorism, and that you didn't catch Labour's tweet that this would be useful in shutting down Sup Forums.
Jesus Christ these hosts are cringe as fuck. Is the girl's name 'Mega', the fuck kind of name is that?
>remember lul catz.. rick rolling?
>how could I forget!!1
I still miss the Sup Forums we had pre-trump.
>Theresa May's plan to regulate the Internet with the purpose of preventing terrorism,
think that will work as well as UK's plan to block thepiratebay?
>shutting down Sup Forums.
will they finally? I'm so sick of the fact this place exists
Redpill threads used to be so damn common, it's a shame
Visiting The Pirate Bay doesn't put you on a terror watch list.
How often do you plan on making this thread you faggot
stop trying to get people to listen to your shitty big black cock radio
Post gore and poo
dont worry, they cant read anything without a gold pass
[You can't read this message without a Sup Forums GoldPass]
>a girl with purple hair holding a purple gift box
Sup Forums is dead. Since Trump got elected this forum got too much exposure from Laarping liberal fags trolling the shit out of us.
I don't have a gold pass, but deleting my system32 has helped reveal this post.
But muh slaves
They've been covering us for the past 4 years and they still have no idea how to describe us to the normies.
[You can't read this message without a Sup Forums GoldPass]
>in it for the "lols"... to use the technical term
>ironic racism
>recruit new members
>we couldn't let this convo pass, without a comment on pepe!
>kill all normies
>Sup Forums is a sub-thread
>I'm a 4channer
>fog of hacking
would I bone Megha Mohan though? perhaps.
post videos of muslims being muslims.
fucking bbc niggers
Do they seriously expect you to download their shit to listen to it? Are they living in 1995?
Full scale Meme war agasnt BBC news to destroy there reputation .
Show them as the biggoted biased corrupred news.
Put there name to dog shit
Anonymous social media. Interdasting.png
What to do?
Huh? You just press play and listen to it.
Don't know what ancient browser or OS you're using mate.
Where is system32 on a Mac?
Windows 7 and Firefox, m8. It doesn't work.
You mean...
the truth is that Sup Forums is receiving countless media exposure while not being taken down for a reason. it's a massive datamining pool. we're all training the next gen shillbot-zogbotnet AI with every post we make on here.
Cat can poo in loo, can you? Can you?
Dog can poo in loo, can you? Can You?
Monkey, too, can poo in loo. I say to you, what will you do?
Sloth is slow, slow as glue, but even he can poo in loo.
Elephant is mighty large, needs toilet the size of barge, but smarter he is, compared to you, cause even he can poo in loo.
Even slave, who dumb as bricks, barely rub together sticks, when needs to go, what do he do? Of course he goes to poo in loo.
Rat is small and lives in street, feasting on discarded treats, but when its time for number two, he always goes to poo in loo.
Sometimes is hard to fit in loo, and snek is always slipping through, but he knows what to do, its true, he knows to put the poo in loo.
The time has come for this tale to end, and to remind our Indian friend, unless you're retarded, you already knew, the loo is made for you to poo.
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kek stupid shills will never learn huh?
[You can't read this message without a Sup Forums GoldPass]
Unfortunately you'll have to use bootcamp so you can upgrade to a real PC and then remove system32.
fuck these idiots
Bbc blocked their youtube comments after they were getting so much hate yestersay.
adblock kills their cross domain javascript files.
Bumping for a massive war agasnt this vile disgusting bigotted biased shit hole liberal news agency full delluded dellsional fucking scum.
We need bring them down
Islamic is incompatible with the western world.
Islam*, excuse me.
I listens to BBC Trending on a fairly regular basis. I kinda like her voice maybe because I'm australian and her accent is kinda interesting to me. What i found more cringy is the fact that they went all the way back to the scientology era and their 'expert on Sup Forums' is a women who wrote a book on internet or some shit.
I already listened to this.
It's only funny in the beginning (after the 6 minute South African cuckolding piece) when they start reading some of the posts from what I assumed was the sticky on election night 2016.
Then some "hacking expert" goes onto talk about the history of Sup Forums which isn't much different than what you can hear during joot's TedTalk a few years ago.
In the end, the "hacking expert" essentially says users of the website are white nationalists because of their edginess.
There, I just saved you 15 minutes.
>There's no evidence of Sup Forums influencing the election
>Media investigating us and people having jobs where they shill here
no replies
only shitposts now
Can't you hold another referendum to force a change in leadership and ban the passing of the reigns to people unelected to the position?
Censored internet vs terrorist handholding isn't much of a choice, especially when censored internet also comes with terrorist handholding.
Oh, it's a hidden file. Just run the following command to make it visible:
How exactly did the "expert" conclude that we
>inb4 muh sekrit club
are white nationalists? As far as I could tell it's because our edginess. Did I miss something there?
Last I checked most of us Americans Sup Forumstards irl aren't even white, but are clinging to white/western ideologies.
There is actually a script out there that you can put in terminal that deletes the Mac version system32
I witnessed an user do it to a kid on twitch
>this one website broke the voting conditioning
>and not the constant rallies the man himself and his staff organized
They dont like that this is a free speech board so they need to demonize it to justify blocking it by the EU and other countries. Fucking retards. I think "journalists" today are sociopaths and unhinged
Effective immediately theres a moratorium on interesting all shit & happenings
To make them lose interest and look stupid we go strictly Interracial, Brony Porn, & cuck threads . . . Oh wait.
>talks about regulating the internet
>Next day state run media talks about Sup Forums
Kanoodles much noodle
tl;dl - another shit tier "news report on Sup Forums" where they spend the first half of the report talking about rickrolling, lolcats, and chanology like every single MSM report on Sup Forums to come out in the last 8-9 years, then promptly goes on to explain how Sup Forums was apparently a peaceful liberal/libertarian board that's become "corrupted" and "invaded" by evil white supremacists and their terrible alt-right movement.
Don't waste your time, there's nothing new or even mildly interesting here and it's about as fair and balanced as a HuffPost on Trump.
who is this "BBC"?
I've got bad news for you user...
Ask Sweden.
But what of the exploding yellow vans
>Oi, Lionel, you t'ink we should do something about all the terr'ists done plaguing owur sitis
>Nah, mate, we godda deal what wif dat inderit sait whut wif da anime gurls, they's da real fret
British tax payer dollars at work
This Angela (((bagel))) bitch questioning the reach of the faggots baka
>BBC comes to visit
[You can't read this message without a Sup Forums GoldPass]
I heard Western girls love BBC
We should LARP as hackers on steroids.
And if you cross us, watch out!
I admit, I'm a journalist
whats your end game /po/?
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Yeah, I'm a little annoyed at how Trump pulled this place more to the left. Sup Forums used to be farther right.
Fucking faggots leave India alone
This, now you can barely say nigger without some traitor spouting some nonsense about statistical outliers.
It's like those civic nationalists traitors haven't heard of regression the the mean or something, kek
The BBC has been reporting fake news for decades. Many, many hoaxes, reported as real events. Nothing but USSR tier propagandists.
Is this a moderate muslim ?
You have to go back.
>this was more brutal than working on a plantation
WRONG to an extend nigger. read about sugar plantations. cotton gets muh butthurts but the reality is sugar is the real killer of slaves
Yeah she was saying that terrorists use it for plotting even though the most recent attack was planned in person at the guys house, as neighbors witnessed "many men in robes coming and going" from the terrorists house.
These scumshits are here? Can we convince them to neck themselves?
JS i study journalism at uni and ive been going on Sup Forums for 7 years
listening now, hilariously bad.