All my friends support circumcision

>all my friends support circumcision
>ask why
>"Cause it looks gross with foreskin lol"
>and it reduces STIs by like 80%
Is there any way to convince them not to snip their kids?

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call them a jew and point out it fucks up kid's heads

>mfw gf is a huge tits, white brit 9/10
>mfw she loves my foreskin

No you sick faggot. Circumcision is the American way

Good goys.

I know man no girl says anything bad about my foreskin. They like it cause it is easier to handle.

Tell them the STI statistic is wrong and they shouldnt be making cosmetic decisions about their kid's fucking genitals

Mfw you get killed by a terrorist


No, because they are right.

Deal with it, molerat dick.

He's from Peru.

Reduces STIs?

You aren't supposed to have risky sex in the first place.

>"Cause it looks gross with foreskin lol"
"His body, your choice?"
>and it reduces STIs by like 80%
UTIs are rare as it is.
Even if you're a filthy pig incapable of keeping yourself clean, statistically you have to mutilate over 200 dicks to "save" one from UTI.
Oh yeah, and we have antibiotics, too.
Plenty of less invasive alternatives.
Plus the surgery itself is relatively dangerous.

Compare it to female genital mutilation

Tell them you support female circumcision for the same reasons. Act smug over their resulting hypocritical "buts". Steer the emphasis on not giving the boy a choice as a sound adult before you decide to mutilate them.

Point out how legitimately weird it is to cut off part of your sons cock. I'm cut but when I think about the thought process that goes into it I get shivers. It's just too fucking weird man.

Although it is a long video, you will not be disappointed. (watch on 2x speed)

Why do you care about the aesthetics of a child's penis?

>looks gross
ahahahahahahahahahahah, ok mushroom dick

If you really care you would study it and get your arguments down. Make a best case for circumcision and make one against. Make it so if you do argue against, you won't use any straw men arguments.

Nice quads, leaf.


It literally makes no sense to do it when it's not necessary from a medical point

>It reduces STIs

You know what else does? Not fucking women with a 'past'. Loose women and gay men spread STIs. The presence of a foreskin doesn't make a damn bit of difference if you choose women wisely. Also, throw on a fucking condom.

None of this justifies cutting up your kid's dick, even if it is true.

Not gonna get involved in this but I have to say, 'molerat dick' is the funniest thing I've read all day.

stupid goy don't be antisemitic
the doctor needs his ration of foreskins

Show them a pic of a healthy pink natural dick, next to a dried out keratinized snip job.

Penn and Teller's Bullshit did a show on it.

Parents shouldn't be given the right to make the decision
They used to say poodles were better off having their tails snipped too. No one does that anymore
Some people abuse what little power they have. Cutting newborn infants genitals is an example

My dick isn't dry but okay.

>live in .at
>docking dogs or importing docked dogs is punishable and lands you up to 5 years of jail
>mutilating your healthy babyboy because of a sky-monster is literally a-ok and explicitly allowed by law
>dogs are better protected than boys

please nuke us


Whoo boy, it's this shit again

Seriously though, it will only be eliminated one (non) snip at a time.

For Goys, in this day and age, it's just like Valentine's day. A marketing ploy. A thing you've been sold. A multibillion dollar industry based upon your very conformity to it.

It's the Jewish way you're just saying that because ur mutilated

If you cut off your leg it'll never get broken

I didn't know it was legally protected in Austria. At least there it's uncommon.

of course it is.
first for (((them))), and since 2015 for mudslimes.
couple of weeks ago four roaches were acquitted in a trial because on the the boys they were mutilated in one of their apartments had to be rushed into the hospital.

they weren't tried because of the mutilation, but because of the following complications.

first they were sentenced to fines (couple 100 €), but later acquitted, because
a.) it's allowed practice for religiots
b.) a doctor did it (albeit a roach which had no permission in .at)
c.) and the boys were mutilated with the permission of the parents

over 700k muzzies and rising, ain't that uncommon anymore.
plus the urology-surgeons being scalpel-happy snipping up 2yr olds because FUCK YOU.

>because one of the boys they were mutilating

show them this picture

any med anons on need a question answered ?

Always love the "it prevents infection and diseases" argument. Literally every part of the skin has evolved to prevent as many infections and diseases as possible but I'm sure that part on one of the most sensitive and vulnerable areas is there specifically to facilitate as many diseases as possible. Suer m8.

it looks gross like wtf?

why dont they cut the womans vagina lips off that hang out of her pussy then? thats gross.

they are emotional, irrational and intellectually dishonest, they almost deserve to die

I ain't clicking that

Not related to politics or news. Take it to /bant/

>why dont they cut the womans vagina lips off that hang out of her pussy then? thats gross.
it looks so clean:
without a mother .com E84A302 (NSFW, obviously)

This claim comes from a study that showed that circumscision on africans who literally dont know what showering means living in a shihole disease infested african shithole results in a reduction in STI transmission.


Not fucking cool

Whites who defend cutting their dicks to follow a Jewish tradition are irredeemable.

People who have STDs are either faggots, niggers or drug addicts. All you have to do is not to fuck them.

Enjoy your mutilated Jewish cock faggot burgers


>it reduces STIs by like 80%


Why do Americans want think about how attractive a child penis is? It is plastic surgery for baby to have sexy dick

its not cosmetic its a pact with God. I understand you irreligious cannot understand it and just view it as a jewish trick but it means something for some people

One question to Americans with cut dicks by the way: were you mutilated in the Jewish way (at the 7th day after birth with a pastor sucking blood out of your wound) or the Muslim way (as a child)?

what's horrifying is the fact that you guys would rather mutilate a part of your body (that keeps your glans sensitive, well lubricated and in good health, for smegma is antibactical) because you're too filthy to pull your foreskin and clean your dick daily.

what's next, burgers, you gonna cut off your asscheeks so you don't have to wipe your ass after you take a shit?

Often it's happening on the same day or the day after being born.

>being in favor of a literal semitic cattle brand

Dumb faggots, proud of their captivity.

>Is there any way to convince them not to snip their kids?

only slaves get snipped before age of consent

>Make a best case for circumcision

easier to keep track of the slave caste

>and make one against.
your dick could fall off but thats kind of OK since a huge number of "men" end up wanting to cut their dick off anyway

how can we convince you to stop advocating for a useless thing that is less clean, looks gross, and does nothing for you. Literally the dumbest thing betas want, I like the sleek look.

This, you have to be real brainwashed by the kikes to believe genital mutilation is beneficial.

the only people it fucks with are autistic and hippies.

I got cut at 28. I Had a huge complex and was super sensitive down there (always horney).

>genital mutilation
if it still works and looks better its not mutilation.

>looks gross
How the fuck does it look gross, you brainwashed cuck? It's what a dick is supposed to look like.

It does a thing for you: you can experience full sexual pleasure because the skin is able to "slip" around your cock when you fuck a girl, and your glans is not desensitised.

>still works
define "still works".
>looks better
why do you care how babydicks look like?

Ask them how they feel abot female genital mutalation.

>easier to keep track of the slave caste

You realize Jews cut their Dick too right?

This basically. Also I dont want my son to become a degenerate, and since I don't even have any experience with it I dont want to have to explain how to clean his dick.

It doesn't; you don't experience as much sexual pleasure after mutilated, which is the primary function of a dick.

It also doesn't look better at all.

>looks better
>having beauty standards on dicks
Also it's less sensible, more prone to infections, ironically requires more cleaning since its "sponge-like" texture and constant excretion of fluids, what a bargain.

did i mention it makes you look like a jew?

>It's what a dick is supposed to look like.

Thats the same thing as saying women without makeup are more beautiful.

>It does a thing for you: you can experience full sexual pleasure because the skin is able to "slip" around your cock when you fuck a girl, and your glans is not desensitised

Sounds degenerate as fuck.

When we're in the middle of gassing kikes, niggers, and bongistanis we're not gonna have time to clean our dicks.

>and since I don't even have any experience with it I dont want to have to explain how to clean his dick.
So what you are saying is that you are literally dumber than every other mammal on this planet
again, why do you care what babydicks look like?
now I know you're just a bad troll, 2/10.

Ask them if they would cut off their kids eyelids. The most comparible part of the body when it comes to your penis head.
Degeneracy starts with penis mutilation. The brain gets wired differently because of pre-pubescent sexual stimuli.

And point out the Papal decrees demanding jews stop circumcising their Christian slaves. Call them non-christian monsters for abusing children like that.
Also demand sources for their false claims of lowering stds. Just compare the US to any European state. You filthy yanks are disease ridden monsters.

To be fair, a 9/10 brit is a 4/10 normal human

I'm for it too. No daughter of mine is going to be a filthy whore.

>It's what a dick is supposed to look like.
yeah and women not shaving is natural. Its called grooming and civilization did a good job with it. If yuo want a saggy dick that looks like a muddy wet plastic bag and smells like ass thats your business but please leave the 99% of us alone who have no problem with it.
Ive never had an issue with sex or having feeling. How quick do you need to cum anyways?

>Thats the same thing as saying women without makeup are more beautiful.

Beyond the fact that no woman without make up "looks gross" only for this reason, I just don't see how a cut cock looks better than an uncut one. My guess is that you've watched to many shows ran by Jews where people pretend that foreskins are "gross" (guess what, this never occurred to anyone in Europe, South America, Southern Africa or Asia, in fact nowhere except in semitic countries and US).

>sexual pleasure after mutilated, which is the primary function
>sexual pleasure
>not reproduction
the problem with europe everyone

It causes irreversible psychological damage.

Read Wilhelm Reich and what he wrote about circumcision and "armoring".

>Also it's less sensible, more prone to infections, ironically requires more cleaning since its "sponge-like" texture and constant excretion of fluids, what a bargain.

There is something horrifically wrong with your dick if it is "sponge like" and/or "constantly secreting fluids".
This isn't even an issue of cut/uncut, this is something you need to go to a doctor for. No penis can be described by EITHER of those phrases unless there is something very very very wrong with it.

>define "still works".
it still works. I can fuck and masturbate and have babies

>why do you care how babydicks look like?
the baby grows up dumbass.

I let my cutfag friends know they're retards and that those stats about reducing stds are mostly bullshit and only apply if you're a literal faggot

>white brit 9/10
Obvious lie.

>on't experience as much sexual pleasure
I experience enough trust me. You dont need every last inch of skin to get off, unless you want all women you fuck to be disgusted and disappointed i would stick with circumcision.

>. If yuo want a saggy dick that looks like a muddy wet plastic bag and smells like ass thats your business but please leave the 99% of us alone who have no problem with it.

It looks exactly the same as an uncut dick except that there is skin around your glans (which you can retract if you want to).

It looks and is much healthier than your rigid, scarred cut cock which pulled skin around your scar, likely to bleed after any sudden movement. Uncut dicks are also probably bigger than cut ones if you got mutilated during childhood.

The Jews have done a good job brainwashing you.

I have a 10yr old cousin who is getting the snip because he cant keep his dick clean and the foreskin is melding back into the head. His parents couldn't be fucked keeping on his case because he is to be frank, absolutely retarded. This is one of those rare cases where circumcision is acceptable, albeit a bit of a cop out.

Then let them agree to the pact themselves when they want to.

yet you want a saggy cock, sorry if i like girls to be happy with it and not disgusted lmfao
im a faggot yet your white knighting for foreskin.

>So what you are saying is that you are literally dumber than every other mammal on this planet
I don't see how the knowledge of how to clean your smegma disqualifies having an engineering degree.

Also, you said that because its what people are supposed to look like that automatically makes it more attractive. That is the exact same as saying a girl is more beautiful without makeup because its what she's supposed to look like, which obviously isn't true, thus your logic is clearly flawed.

You un-cut fags will never be able to convince white men in general that its better to have your foreskin.

No woman looks at a circumcised dick like its radioactive.

I'd be embarrassed as fuck any time a girl saw me naked if i wasnt circumcised

Keep hating, weirdos

The guy says anyone should cut a part of his dick because "it looks better" and then says I'm shallow. Brainwashed Jewish piece of shit.

Stop with the antisemitism, please. You look really tired, get some sleep.

>slicing an organ off an infant

Proud father of two uncuts, feelsgoodman.jpg.

Why not get your kid's head hair lasered off? It's cleaner in the long run, you'll save money on haircuts, he'll keep cool in summer and in winter he can wear a hat without getting hat hair. Lasering your kid's head is a win/win.

>leaving salvation up to them
I bet you're a baptist/athiest fuck too

degenerate proddie retard
I bet you think the world is 3,000 years old as well

>mutilated genitalea
>calls other people weirdos
this would be tragic if it weren't so hilarious

>unless you want all women you fuck to be disgusted and disappointed i would stick with circumcision

Literally not happens faggot. Here, no one has a cut dick except Jews and shitskins. I fuck tons of women, get blowjobs, handjobs etc. The only thing women think of when they see my cock is how huge it is.

Circumcision is something you should just keep quiet about and feel sorry for the bastard kid.

You aren't going to change their minds if they already think it's somehow good.

I never cleaned under let alone pulled my forskin back until i was like 14. It was completely healthy

No me and all my friends have cut dicks. I never saw an uncut dick until I started watching porn. They look weird, dirty, and gross to us.