If America and the country your parents emigrated from went to war, which country would you side with?
First generation Americans
Why is a beautiful Aryan girl being a whore
If there are any responses to this question, they'll undoubtedly be lies
Although it's a highly pertinent question
My family has lived in this country since the early and mid 1700s The latest though was a Northern Irish protestant who came over in the late 1700s.
Only shit skins will have their parents that came from a different country here. Very few white people unless rich immigrate here.
not for you, roach.
you've never heard of carli banks?
She is Jewish.
Carli Banks.
Because God killed himself when we let the Jews run the west.
Mexico and/or Aztlan
not Ecuador
Pot calling the kettle black
as a born and bread texican-american, i would answer the call to santa anna and help reclaim the mexican empire. then sneak across the new border.
Pretty sure God won't let her get off that easy if she doesn't repent.
I'd side with the US because i wouldn't want to be cleansed in Napalm.
Can't wait to come back to the US, i consider it home more than any other place in the world.
My family has been in BC since before it joined Canada so I've been here a long time. If you were attacking England where they most likely came from id definitely not fight for Britain because they'd not win
Part of my family heritage does come from Switzerland in that case I'd side with Switzerland. No matter the outcome of the war it would be cool to participate in the first active war combat of the Swiss army in 200 years
If it's the USA versus some Eastern European country, the good goy US would definitely be fighting for the Jews so.
Second generation from U.K. (Anglo not paki) and I'd fight for the USA
Stop posting degeneracy on Sup Forums
America. France voted to die so I have no loyalty left to them
Rhodesia doesn't exist anymore so...
If Rhodesia were revived I'd fight for Rhodesia because the USA would DEFINITELY be fighting for the kike if it was against Rhodesia
very intresting dilemma you bringing up here
i seriously see no reason to immigrate and stay in the country that you will not fully embrace and ultimatelly make it yourown home
even worse for those who was born here and still wants to defend or even fight for country of his parents
ppl like this are trully selfowned - what is the point of staying here then? return to the country of your parents then, why torture yourself and everyone around you?
i've met many yugoslavs, whos parents fled 90's war, i must tell you, quite few of them concider yugoslav states as their own, but i wouldn't call them 100% loyal to sweden either - if anything else, i feel pity for them - people with NO roots
Monkey mad he has a cardboard passport.
America. Most important part of immigration is total assimilation, too bad that has been lost on people today.
Easy trick question, i move a country that's neither of them, wait out the war, and then move back to the winner, or stay where i am if i decide i like the place enough
I'd impregnate her and let her feed my children with those milk bags if you catch my drift....
all naturalized citizens have to swear to break off allegiance to where they came from anyway, so their kids if born in america have twice the duty to side with America.
also it's like asking if you want to side with the guy armed to the fucking teeth with the best weapons known to man or the tiny manlet nerd in a school fight. the fuck do you think man?
This is the life you can live if you become a chad
>an island in the Caribbean that shall go unnamed in case this is a data mining thread
USA. After we win and kill all the natives it could be a nice spot for a black american ethnonationalist state
>Britain wouldn't win against Canada
nevermind i read it wrong
yeah america would beat us
I always played with a similar thought. I live in a country with 8.4 M residents, of which currently 2.1 M are foreigners and in the last 25 years roughly 0.7 M have been naturalized.
I have no number, on how many children of naturalized citizen exist, but I quite often see tamils, yugos and other tier doing the compulsory military service.
I often ask myself, with whom they would side, in case of a conflict. Could I rely on their duty of defending the country if Switzerland would be attacked. Many of them are dual citizen, so they would have an easy way out.
But to give you a straight answer, I would need a better definition of 'going to war'. I would definitely not participate in those 'muh-freedom-by-shooting-brown-people-allover-the-world' wars you currently have.
>detected Alexander
You traitorous little bitch, your tea privilages are hereby revoked you fucking hooligan. Any and all chippies in the UK are under strict orders to shun you. Oh and you are added to a terror watch list so Theresa May can watch you wank
Don't worry, if anything bad happens there are enough of us in America alone to come back and clean things up.
Sounds like a typical Brit terror watchlist. Fill it with whites but don't put any Muslims on it
The question is against the US. You might lose to Canada if we got troops there are your soldiers even allowed to carry guns or do they have to throw chairs?
I'd personally execute any worst Koreans myself.
Because God made them whores for black men
Family immigrated during WWII from Germany on my mother's side. My father's side is french in origin, but not sure when they came to the US because my father is clueless about family history beyond that and most of his side is dead or out of contact.
Great grandfather stayed in Germany and died a Nazi. Today, I'd fight for the US over Germany and France, but I'd fight for a traditional Germany (Nazi Germany) if given the chance.
Both sides emigrated from England between 1630-1650. If there were a war against true Britons and us, it would be a tough decision. I know many in Europe think it unusual that we Americans who have managed to preserve the majority of our ethnic bloodline are proud to identify with the countries that birthed our ancestors, I consider Britain to be like grandma's house, and the US to be my parent's house after they've moved out. No one wants to fight grandma.
Now, if it were a war between the third-world colonizers of Britain and the U.S., well then I hope I'm still young and brave enough to rescue grandma from those who would defile her.
I have bad news for you about Aryan girls and whores...