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>it's real
Holy shit
Stuff like this is why I don't understand the doubters. Donald Trump isn't perfect, but stuff like this. Wonderful.
>get your city bombed
>get called pathetic by the strongest leader in the world
He has to be absolutely devastated. Sad!
Truly he is /ourguy/
Good job. Fuck that paki
>There will be 8 years of this
Thanks, Donald
Well these people are desperately trying to avoid a war. It makes sense they'd say "no reason to be alarmed".
i'm no trumpeter, but good on him for calling out that mudslime
Love it. Americans did the right thing on November 8
>there are people on this board right now who don't think Trump is /ourguy/
Trump took his statement out of context. He did the same during the comey hearing and got btfo in real time. He's a fucking kike.
Trump throwing the bantz.
they have to go back
he's the best
sandnigger btfo
Trump should stop tweeting. Just ignore the media, don't give them ammunition. They will twist every word he says into their own narrative.
I agree, I get really annoyed by Spencer and others that are still crying like a bitch over the Syria thing. It's like they've been betrayed by a girlfriend or something.
That's what he wants.
Trump himself said that Twitter is his best method for communicating with people since the media is going to put a negative spin on anything he says - it seems he's 100% correct.
Dammit, I wasn't on pol this weekend. But what's the context of this?
If I look at it raw, it just gives me "what the hell is this guy doing" thoughts.
This is the reason why Trump won- every other leader is afraid to say shit like this.
Seriously, them attacking him just makes them look like masochistic psychopaths. Even leftards are eventually gonna get enough of this shit
It also keeps the really stupid lefties busy.
More than a few times, they, and #fakenews like CNN were going ape shit over Tweets, while Trump was out there doing things that they only found out afterwards.
It's a good way to keep the idiots distracted.
the more they do it, the more it exposes them
>He has to be absolutely devastated. Sad!
Doubtful. He is a delusional sand nigger
ur a colossal homo
>Sell fucking 400BN worth of weapons to Wahhabist SA that funds ISIS
>Cry about terrorism
Thanks taco nigger
Didn't we just have a shooting in Orlando? What a pathetic excuse of a president.
He keeps cool for sake of appearances, but I doubt he doesn't feel devastated inside
No but he is giving them actual ammunition that they can use to discredit him. Just ignore the damn media. 60% of his own words are used for the negative media coverage. Had he not tweeted all of this stuff like wiretaps, tapes, illegal voters, contradictions, etc would have not existed.
Then don't give them ammunition.
He should hold a speech instead of impulsively tweeting.
>Who gives a shit about Saudi sandniggers killing Yemeni sandniggers?
Good question user
topkek go back to Sup Forums turd
>this is literally the only redeeming quality drumpf has to me, and my God do I love him for it
Those weapons are designated American, how will ISIS use them? He is basically selling them shit they don't even know how to use for quick shekels. At this point the Arab military is like a monkey with a rolex
>Be from Malta
>What a shithole
>he should give a speech
Very few people will actually see a speech compared to a tweet
Khan is trying to disguise the fact that the war is well under way.
Except SA funds terrorism at government level. Spreads Wahhabism through schools in middle east / far east. They also (together with Qatar) funded building mosques which are breeding spots of rad-isl terror due to their nature of being wahhabist funded.
>He should hold a speech instead of impulsively tweeting.
no, the tweets are a direct line of communication between the president and the people. it's not possible for the media to selectively edit it or play only certain soundbites out of context like they do with speeches and rallies.
I find it amusing too.
as real as it gets
learn your history chump
The Saudi Royals hate Muslim scum. In private they drink, watch porn and eat pork like the rest of us. They just put on a show to please their retarded citizens.
Because when they don't those retarded Muslims burn their fucking country to the ground.
The Saudi Royals would love nothing more than if somehow Trump can free them from the Muslim menace that is their own populace. They fucking hate them.
10/10 poast m9
>edit - captcha: bridges*
Emir Sadiq sweating curry bricks
Ever heard of the saying 'Give them enough rope for them to hang themselvs with?" People can read tweets, the media are nothing more than stating opinions at this point, they are not a medium anymore. Now you start treating them like you would a constant bitching friend
you know what's devastated? The city and victims of his incompetence.
not an argument
>dem mainstream talking points
you people are like the bureaucratic insects in Rick n Morty. I hate to quote fantasy like a liberal like that, but jesus christ I cant wait till all of you are rounded up and shot in the head.
The tweets hurt his approval ratings.
Thanks Don.
>Implying that the mudshit didn't WANT to get 'his' city bombed
Tokyo has 40 million people and he said the thread of terrorism
>mfw Trump is actually right
>Satan will destroy London, confirmed.
London can burn in hell
Damn good flick that was
>The tweets hurt his approval ratings.
why do you trust the stats from same organizations that claimed he had a 1 - 2% change of winning the election?
Pick a fight with a mayor whose city just got terrorized. Real smart, Donald. Way to garner sympathy.
Last time a ME nation invaded another, they got shit on by a desert storm.
It's a goddamn shame, isn't it?
Its funny because that movie was directed by a muslim
As a londoner fearing for my life, may god bless this man, may he annex the UK and drive out the islamic threat, please for the love of god
How well do saudi royals keep their degeneracy under wraps while visiting the West? It'd be funny af to spread pictures of the house of saud drinking and having orgies to some local wahabbis
Dead lord I love this man.
Go back to fasting, muhamad
If he really had a pair of balls he would be shitting on the parties that got us into this mess.
end yourself, ahmed.
What a fucking pathetic message.
Ameridumbfuck should be ashamed of their clown president
Best documentary I've seen in years.
Just wait til obama is indicted for illegal surveillance
The Saudi Royals could fuck your wife right now and feed your unborn children to the pigs and no one would as much as reprimand them on it.
SA Royalty is a disease.
I really wish Sup Forums would just ruin the huffpost, destroy it's revunue and end it as a news source
Not particularly well, at least not in London.
There have been a bunch of incidents, beating up prostitutes, killing their secret gay lovers. Some gets in the papers, most get swept under the rug probably under Section D notices to stop papers publishing.
Someone could make a lot of money blackmailing the 5000 princes with some hidden cam and bitcoin address
Emperor for life, heretic
dry up and blow away faggot
t. newfag burger that does not understand sarcasm or happenings in Yemen
Not very well. They are caught all the time with their private planes choke full of drugs.
Just google "saudi prince drugs"
Not to mention, whenever their crimes reach the public eye they fuck off back to Saudi under diplomatic immunity.
All 5000 princes have diplomatic immunity
You're fundamentally scared of conflict user.
someone link the tweet.
>please attack
>Curbstomp a Muslim leader who sympathies and enables Jihad attacks against native Whites
Reclaiming London from jihadists starts at the top
Who gives a fuck about the media, nobody watches them anyway. Let them cry and masturbate in a corner about how they have the truth. Only 60+ aged people watch that garbage and they'll all soon be dead when they find out their socialist pensions aren't actually there and they saved NOTHING. They'll come to their children for handouts and we'll whisper "no".
>Try and elevate discourse to a philosophical level
>Instead, every retard just apes your catchphrase whenever they're BTFO.
Blown the fuck out.
isn't it based in S. Africa? don't worry, those women will get their own justice soon enough, Sup Forums doesn't even need to lift a finger.
>p-please goyim, stop winning
Hang yourself
Literally a year ago.