Sobbing schoolgirl removed from class and deported to country she had never set foot in

Classmates were left 'traumatised' after German police removed the 14-year-old without notice and deported her to Nepal with her parents

>A German-born schoolgirl sobbed as she was removed from class and deported to Nepal hours later - despite never having set foot in the country.

>Bivsi Rana was given no notice before police arrived at her class in Steinbart School Duisburg in North Rhine-Westphalia and told her she had to leave.

>The 14-year-old was put on a flight to south Asia hours laterwith her parents, who had travelled to Europe as asylum seekers from Nepal 15 years ago.

Oh no! That sucks.

Nepal - AKA Bigassbushyfuckingeyebrowistan

No shit. She's a female immigrant. That's more competition for local women. Asian too? Heh. She'd have actually have made a german man a happy lad with an obedient wife.

Meanwhile more Mustufuh's and Mouhmeds will be imported

>Cuckmany deports competent races like gooks but plays whistles at savages like niggers and muslims


ebin simply ebin my friend +1 upvotes, include me in teh screencaps

but you have to go back

Ofcourse Mutti would deport them. She gotta get good statistics till the elections and its much easier to deport peaceful intelligent people cause they dont fight back lol.

Thankfully somebody has finally done something about this wave of Nepalese terror that is rocking the west.

Thank you Germany. Thank you Merkel.

They single out the fucking Nepalese?


I think they do this on purpose.
Deport the peaceful migrants (because they wont resist) and put it on the news so people get emotionally triggered and become pro-immigration.
Meanwhile you don't deport any violent migrant.

they needed more sherpa's so Merkel could climb everest

they single out people that had their visas revoked 16 fucking years ago, they should have been deported 15 1/2 years ago

So does your country have no laws protecting people born on its soil? Because unless her parents were downright monstrous this sounds like the stupidest fucking thing to care about compared to the migrants you're letting in right now.

Nepalese are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. It's only to be expected that Merkel would deport a girl like this while inviting millions more violent Mahomedans into the country.

>deport the few decent east asians because they let themselves get deported and don't chimp out crying racism and buddhophobia
not gonna lie, would totally not care for non-enforcement of immigration laws for mongol eyed people

Good. Bloodright >>> soilright, fuck these anchor babies.

anchor babies are retarted her parents where here illegalie so what right does she have to live here?

yeah that might be true and if their werent utter human waste they could have easily applied for residence in germany

Yes. Clearly Nepalese are the problem.


Your country is the weird one, letting a pregnant woman stroll over and pop one out just to become a citizen - then sneak the rest of her family in too, usually. This isn't a common policy.

If she said she was Muslim, she could have stayed.


>So does your country have no laws protecting people born on its soil?
No there is no such a thing. Few dozen years ago you were German when you had german parents with germany blood thats it. Nowdays you could either apply for citizenship or have german parents. Luckly you dont get citizenship automatically if youre born on german soil.

Merkel doesn't want muslim cock to rape a Nepalese pussy when they could be raping German pussy.

>not recognizing Based Chinaman


There is no birth right citizenship in Germany. If you are born in Germany and don't have at least one German parent you aren't citizen.

You can become a citizen if you live here for 8 years, have a job and apply for citizenship.

Of course if you come from a shit-hole country you won't be deported cause its "inhumane", assuring that we only get the shittiest people available, while sending asians back home.

This and only this. Deportation is only for good immigrants

What the fuck, Germany YES!. Why are (((Die Grünen))) and (((Die Linke))) supporters not protesting against a well-integrated asian being deported but go ballistic once a tolerant muslim is to be sent back to the middle east? That girl was fluent in German and visited a Gymnasium. Fuck this country, I hope the race war comes soon.

>So does your country have no laws protecting people born on its soil?

Jus sanguinis > jus soli


good riddance fucking gooks

lado kha muzi rundii

But a German-born Muslim gets to stay no matter what and implying equal treatment would be just is racist.
Let that sink in.


This. Instead of going for the criminal lebanese clans that cause mayhem every single day and rule entire lawless city districts, they go for harmless schoolgirls, in order to be able to show how hard Mutti Merkle now cracks down on illegal immigrants. Absolutely pathetic and pure propaganda for the incoming elections.

Don't get me wrong though, that schoolgirl has to go back, too. Should have gone back many many years ago (nepal? are you fucking serious? They all have to go back.

I had nothing to do with it, but my deepest apologies! And even though I don't know any of the facts, I totally agree that politics should be dictated by crying people. Thanks for reminding us, matey! Now get back to getting stabbed!

Ah nepali solti?

Huh? How could she get deported? She was born on German soil, so she's a German citizen, right?
I hate our fucking citizenship laws so much.

A set up for the news.
They know who they should be deporting but push ahead with this kind of sorry situation for the backlash and to let them continue what they are doing (or not doing).
Sick bastards.


only in this timeline could reuniting a child with their parents be considered bad news

She should have never been in a school funded by US tax dollars.

Did they really fall for the "Asian" meme that the British MSM is shilling?
Do they refuse to acknowledge their problem is most likely middle eastern or north African?


If I want my kid to be american, can I get just book a trip to america with my pregnant wife, make her pop the child there and apply the kid for dual citizenship?

Germany doesn't have birthright citizenship. The only good thing to come from that shithole.

yeah far as I know, just make sure she will give birth while you are there

this is the dumbest law they have

They are just trolling the people who use "enforcing existing laws" arguments to get rid of muslims.

fuck gook girl we mudslime now

I think everyone is just overreacting a little bit.She can easily go to germany after completing her education and apply for citizenship.The only thing that will be hard is writing nepali language in this age.

Make more room for mudslims

Are you complaining that a nonwhite turd was removed from Europe?

yeah but that doesnt really happen, a mudslime will get deported just as fast as these napalese where so in about 16 years

make sure you have a welcoming party for our mädchen over there, gook boy

Dear Diary,
today the leaf wasn't a complete piece of shit and actually posted something that made me smile. Have I been drugged? I feel lucid and salient. Time will tell.

-Big Boy, 6/5

In the western world the more backward and violent the migrant is the better chances they get to stay in the host country and receive gibs.

However, the more the migrant is prone to assimilate and contribute, the more chances they get deported

Ex:catholic Poles in UK, mexicans in USA, Nepalese teenage girls in Germnay, etc.

After you was deported you cant come legaly back for 25 years

On point, Klaus.

>have fuckloads of durkas shitting up your country
>deport a chink
Good going, krautfucks

Oh noooo. That sucks.

>be german government
>your people are being overrun by shitskins muslims
>better deport the productive asians!

you people are fucking garbage tier at this point

actually, it would be great if only applied to whites

>not violent/prone to assimilate

Well that sucks than.She can go to other countries after completing her education.


>deports young female nepalese
>allows millions of young male middle east shitskins

Way to go krauts.

really? can u give a source, never heard that tbqhfam

probably only did when they made that law

implying poles can/do assimilate into any society

>implying it isn't part of an agenda


>asylum seekers from Nepal 15 years ago

How does that work? Do they reevaluate every X years your status based on some kind of proof?

We don't have that problem in my country. Jus polis and stuff.

Fucking this. Totally fucking correct. Fucking german government man. They should all be impaled vlad style and face a long, agonizing death.

Don't worry desu she won't have bully and other problems here like other countries do.But i think it will do some psychological scar after what she went through.

rare Germany NO thread?

>Not German
>Not European
>Be in Germany
>Not a tourist

Fuck off back to your country of origin.


the story is they applied 16 years ago it took them 1 year to be denied. then they didnt leave and went trought every court possible and got denied in every single one and now they get deportet

Roommates in college were dai

>No shit. She's a female immigrant. That's more competition for local women. Asian too? Heh. She'd have actually have made a german man a happy lad with an obedient wife.

Actually kinda ironic. There the military aged men who keep executing terror attacks who are encouraged to stay then the Asian lol I who is forced to leave.

>Deport the one Nepali teenager in Germany
>Leaving the 10,000 child molesters from west Asia

Ah mampakha solti


They have to go back

He's a spic what do you expect? Low iq and an inability to reach a logical conclusion based on his tribes behaviors.

Who gives a fuck about this ugly tranny


Chinaman from The Empire of Dust.

This is what government controlled migration looks like. Random, ineffective and bound to do nothing but increase state power.

lmao this gook is ugly as sin
they are doing her a favour

>wasp removed from garage and placed back on hive it had never set foot in
>rat removed from basement and placed back in wooded area it had never set foot in
>ants removed from woodpile and placed back on anthill it had never set foot in

Jesus Christ these fucking people

Her parents were being deported. Unless you want to leave her homeless in germany, Nepal would be the best place for her

Sadly this.

I haven't heard of any criminal Nepalese so far.

Okay, back to Europe you go then

Great, I'll be bringing about 100 million of my buddies and we're all armed to the teeth.

That's a chick?

So tiresome