Crisis Actors

Hey guys, this pic looks fake as fuck. Do you agree?

I need to build up my crisis actor folder, can you post some other examples for me to gank?

I have mutual friends who died in the attack you utter nonce.

I'm starting to thing you conspiracy nuts are plants to make every non mainstream viewpoints look bad.

reaching a bit there OP..
Sandy hook has good examples of actual crisis actors but I'm haven't got a 'crisis actors folder' because I'm not a faygit

I don't know about the authenticity of other attacks but the Manchester one was not fake, I know people that live nearby that heard the blast.

Of course, you'll probably call me a shill like the dumb clap cunt that you are.

Now you realize how the jews feel my nigga, congrats

Im mostly talking about the girl in the center there. Her face makes it look like she isnt in pain, and look at the expressions of the police officers -- their faces dont even suggest credibility. Also, look at the tearing on her pants on her legs. Clearly her right knee is meant to be some kind of "battle damage" while the hole higher on the thigh might be "stylistic" Compare that to her left leg -- the whole pant leg is torn off right at the top. Is that a style these days in Great Britain?

All of those pics featured in there look cherripicked at the very least, but that center one actually looks staged.

my girlfriend is jewish and hew grandfather claims to have survived the holocaust

I actually wasnt suggesting that the whole attack didnt happen. When it comes to the actions of the "religion of peace", there is no white nationalist conspiracy to frame them. What I was getting at was that these news media outlets have started to just "produce" imagery for the stories they report on if none exists.

Its ripped off so the paramedics could treat her wound you complete fucking neanderthal

funny that it was bad enough they had to cut her pants leg off, yet her leg is good enough to walk on. Amazing they didnt put her on a.... what is it you call them over there... "trolly" (stretcher)

funny it was so bad they had to cut her pants leg off, and yet it was minor enough to let her walk on it. Why would you cut the pant leg off instead of just enlarging the damage whole.

Of course they did, its standard procedure. They dont know how bad the injury is until they take a good look at it, and pulling your clothes off may do more damage so they cut them off.

Literally look at any paramedic vids on jewtube youll see the same thing.

I still dont think it made much sense, but I really wanted crisis actor pics/memes

Dopey cunt.

No tears on the crisis actors, just like Jo Cox.

hurrrrr my uncles nieces granddaughters hamsters cuckolds sons friends grandpas uncles bulldogs canary died in the attacks, kill yourself shill.

islamist detected.

>islamist detected.

islamist detected.

Youre just as bad as the Sandy Hook my dentists kid was killed at Sandy Hook shills.

Even if the event happened, you can bet the media uses actors when they dont have any good footage to use.

yea this can't be real
what are those dumb women cops even doing

So if there really are crisis actors for staged attacks, any haven't we had a leak yet? Surely at least one of these people would want to blow the lid off such an incredible conspiracy....

fucking LOL check out this obvious shill

how much do they pay you keyboardwarrior chumps? gas yourselves

>imblying they would need a false flag with crisis actors when allah akbars constantly do this shit on their own

Yea and my dad is santa claus too . Mossad/mi5or6 did it, kill yourself for lying or post proof

I specifically addressed that in one of my other responses. I dont think it was staged. Ctrl+F "white nationalist conspiracy" and find my response. I dont believe one exists. This is just the religion of peace striking again.

I was ready to just end this thread due to lack of activity... im not really sure why there is activity all of the sudden.

>I have mutual friends who died in the attack

So you're either 14 yourself or friends with 14 year old girls

Underage b& or a dangerous dog nonce

You clearly aren't a regular here yet you were the first comment and of course you just happen to know people that died. What a coincidence. Every kike on the internet "saw it happen" lmao

There are hoaxes for sure but this wasn't one of them i'd probably think so to but I know people who died in that attack


You okay there klaus?

I wasnt schilling to say the attack was fake in some "reverse psychology", I was trying to say the Mainstream News was staging pictures again. The religion of peace definitely struck again.

Maybe they did , to be honest I wouldn't care if it was fake because all it will do is stir up anti Muslim sentiments and that can only be a good thing


Damn it just hit me - something about your post & the subject.

I have been on Sup Forums for a long time shitposting but only just then did it hit me. I feel so sad about all of this. We got too nice, it was our goodness that destroyed us. We of European descent really are fucked arnt we? Soon there will literally be no place that we can call our own.
There really is no turning back without war or uprising is there?

Demography is destiny. We really screwed up this time.

>There really is no turning back without war or uprising is there?
No, there isn't.

>Demography is destiny. We really screwed up this time.
Yes, indeed.

If its a white shooter: then everything is fake, crisis actors, etc.

if it's a brown shooter/bomber then its real.

Im not sure I believe your serious

Heres your problem liberal schill: I dont consider arabs white, so when I created this thread, I was specifically implying that they were fabricating pictures on a non-white minority -- although, dont kid yourself, I think this happened.

I think that the white guy that killed people up in the portland Oregon area was real. I think Dylan Roof was real.
