what does this map represent?
What does this map represent?
% Belief in Christianity?
Google says "states that allow gay marriage"
But that doesn't make any sense considering the European map
Fuck you
percentage of fags
Seconding this, maybe obesity or poverty
Gonna go with religious belief since muslim michigan, the south and rossiya are all dark
I would guess % of fundamentalists.
We're the most atheistic in Europe so it's not religion.
HIV and/or homocide.
Bang, it's gotta be gun deaths. nigger states are all dark
there are no guns in russia
it must be number homicides per 100k
It's the murder rates
chance of being nuked
Its crime statistics. I think its homocides to be specific.
Birth rates
Agree with homicides. Murder in Europe starts at the Hajnal Line.
Homicides per 100k
Homicide rate?
>what is reverse image search
>UN statistics
yeah they basically lump every death of not natural cause in homicide
That was fun do another one
fukc you
Probably homicides or opiates.
>All the religion guesses despite Poland
I wonder what that map would look like without blacks.
gun ownership?
the USA part is niggers so gun crime
>there are no guns in russia
gun ownership in Russia is 10% or smth
so why are Russians niggers?
what is new hampshire doing right?
Communism targeted them the most heavily.
>Laugh at America for being such a shit country.
>mfw Belgium has the highest homicide rate of the EU.
Vermont and New Hamshire are two of the whitest states
>the dakotas
Montana has lots of Mestizos and Alaska has the Natives which are legitimately the dumbest, ugliest people on the planet who murder each other all the time over alcohol.
>implying Native Americans don't single handedly fuck those state's statistics up
Definitely murder rate