How does he get away with it? Nobody ACTUALLY believes he's black, right?
How does he get away with it? Nobody ACTUALLY believes he's black, right?
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He got a black mom or dad but he got more white then black if that makes sense
if you tell niggers da wite man be opressin dem n shiet they will make you an honorary nigger. im not joking either.
no he has a white mom and has never met his dad but claims that his father is black
technically i think not having a father makes him blacker than most folks anyway so its cool
I want him to get doxxed and have the whole world see who his dad is.
>never met his father
this is incorrect, he grew up with his biological father who is white as fuck. this cracker is just LARPing being black, and it's working
Now here's the deal, user...
Get him to call someone a nigger and see how fast they arent 'with' it anymore.
Do you not see his nog nose? I've seen paler mixed people
His brother has the same nose.
The negroid virus is spreading. It's like Jewish mothers giving birth to full jews but in reverse. In another two generations everyone in the us will be as black as Sean Kang.
I question the character of people who smile out of one side of their face. It's like he doesn't believe his own bullshit.
Is his brother a piece of shit too. Part hopes he's the complete opposite
So, we'll all be white but in denial of our whiteness?
His boss Chink Wigger does
Lol I wonder how his dad feels about this? He claims his mom cheated on his dad with a light skinned black man. But his dad is a white guy who looks very similar to him minua the stupid hair
What exactly is this? A court file? From when and for what case? I need more hard evidence on him being white.
His mother and his probable biological father are white. He has this fantasy where his mom slept with a light skinned mulatto and had him.
One could bring up whether the fact that being less than 1/4th part black qualifies him to be the head of an African American organization is not remarked upon
If blacks/BLM call him out officially they'd simultaneously admit to the fact that they were infiltrated by a white, therefore making them even more of a laughing stock (in their opinion)
I say: lynch Talcum X publicly to make a point
You're a liar, Chaim.
Same exact picture but with white people hair
Go be an insecure mulatto elsewhere
He claims his white ass mom cheated on his white ass dad, with an unknown Egyptian pharaoh.
Both of his parents are white. His das left though, and then his mom became a coal burner, because of that he wishes he was black because that's what his mom likes
That nigga white
Sham Kang
Talcum X
Martin Luther Cream
Someone should get a piece of his DNA and prove he's not black.
(Source: Spank)
anyone live in ATL?
554 Centennial Ln NW
Atlanta, GA 30313-2408
Is X Degeneracy?
It's amazing that he's cowed the regressive left into believing him.
fuckin' talcum x
>thinks he's actually got black blood
he looks like a wetback if anything
I thought black people didn't wear Patagonia?
niggers can't actually lead so they need whitey as the puppetmaster
He just has black facial features like that shitty moustache and goatee which is enough to fool black people into thinking he's black.
The conventional wisdom is his white dad got cucked, his mom had an affair
>be Sup Forums
>call everyone except Shaun King black.
he hasn't done shit, its just current climate of the political left, they can't question your gender, sexual preference or even race now, they are all forced to believe, or at least pay lip service to the idea that all of humanity are utterly fluid in nature.
this has caused untold problems and sufferings, but its the marxist experiment in action, and they'll be damned to change course now.
Shaun isn't some great manipulator, he's just smart enough to know that no one will likely ever call him on his bullhshit due to the times.
That's about how dumb niggers are.
>My ancestor :)
He basically established BLM so if he gets exposed as white & discredited, it makes BLM appear more ridiculous than it already does. I doubt blacks will disavow him until Soros loses interest in BLM, stops funding it and it morphs into something else.
I swear he learned how to do that thing where your push our your nostrils 24/7
Fuck off holy nigger
I vote we kidnap him and take a DNA swab.
554 Centennial Ln NW
Atlanta, GA 30313-2408
his garbage probably has his DNA in it.
>He got a black mom or dad
No he doesn't. People just feel bad for him because he's borderline retarded.
He threw his own mother under the bus by calling her a promiscuous ho, black people never talk about their own moms like that ever.
i sucked enough Black cocks to confidently say Shaun King is in fact Black.
Could you imagine being such a cuck you invent an imaginary scenario where your (happily married) mother fucks a nigger in an attempt to justify your racial-inferiority complex? It's borderline pitiable. 60 years ago Talcom X would be the lead candidate for electroshock therapy.
Fuck picking through garbage. If you want an uncontaminated DNA sample you have to go straight to the source.
>conventional wisdom
His entire family called him out on that bullshit and he was the spitting image of his father when he was younger.
I wonder if it hurts constantly flaring your nostrils like that
This is the most insecure smile imaginable
deray isnt even smiling, shaun can sense the doubt
Shaun King, the only person Sup Forums agrees is white
I dont think it matters how well someone would preform and someone on Sup Forums would always think theyre black, but be a dipshit like Mr.Kang and youre white for life.
it makes more sense when you leave right now, underaged retard.
Wayne king...heh