Fucking Rail Guns?!

So we have fucking Rail Guns in the US navy? Sick.
>how can t related back to politics
AsI understand it, were planning to have 3 ships with these guns on board, 1 is completed, 1 is awaiting commission, and 1 is under construction.
Once all three are complete, how will this effect the geopolitical landscape, particularly with China/North Korea?
Can we use this technology for space Travel?
>only reply to this thread if your country uses Rail Guns
>Not Welcome
Rest of the world

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>how will this effect the geopolitical landscape
not at all.
Missiles are still the future.

cheaper, easier to deploy, easier to use, can attack from multiple angles.

Missiles > Railguns

You mid understand hans, Rail guns can shoot down missles, including ballistic missles

Not that much really. Railguns largest benefit is that they're substantially cheaper than missiles for certain tasks.

Need to give the equivalent of a 155mm shell to something within ~400km of a shore? Use a railgun.

Need to attack a moving surface target like a ship in the same range? Railgun is perfectly acceptable with the right warhead, still cheaper than a AShM.

Need quick air defense or even taking out a surface target for things within LOS? Railgun is fine and does the job significantly better than the venerable Mark 45.

The utility of the railgun is their versatility more than anything else.

what for? a laser could do that cheaper and way faster.

Laser will be designated anti Missile Defense.
But Missile will always be the best Attack weapon.

Rail guns, you mean high velocity gun...

Rail guns change surface warfare because it is near impossible to shoot the projectile down in self defense. The advances in anti-missile technology is making missiles obsolete.

It wouldn't surprise me to see the US go back to building battleship-like ships armed with rail guns instead of conventional guns.

>what for? a laser could do that cheaper and way faster.

Defraction means that you need to make a significant leap in laser tech like what the USN is doing with FEL in order to make it viable, and even then it's meant to replace CIWS

>But Missile will always be the best Attack weapon.

Depends entirely on the target.

thats what carriers and their planes are for.

is easier, cheaper and more useful as the plane can loiter and attack multiple targets and also provide recon data.

a Missile is always the best option.

Missiles can be countered in various ways. A rail gun is a Solid piece of Issac newton coming at you. They are much harder to counter.

You dumb fucking niggers. Pic is the weapon of the future.

>Missiles can be countered in various ways
nope it literally can't.

>implying the russians or chinese could intercept balistic missiles with their backwards shit


>A rail gun is a Solid piece of Issac newton coming at you.
and has less Fire power than a Drone with multiple smartbombs.

>ow will this effect the geopolitical landscape, particularly with China/North Korea?
it wont , not particularly useful against anything they have , not more then ther stuff usa has mainly missiles .
at sea level solid rockets\ramjets\scramjets are way better then anything ballistic because the atmosphere is thick as fuck so prolonged acceleration > fast initial speed.
>Can we use this technology for space Travel?
no senpai if you mean the specifics of what they develop for ships .
if you mean railguns in general its not 'new technology' as the idea is 100+ years old and the best space use i see for it is a mass driver for a lunar base .

as for earth orbits i can see satellites with mass drivers and giant magnetotorquers shooting paylods\other satellites into higher orbits and then regaining the lost momentum using the magnetotorquer .

I read somewhere that they're looking to go back to Iron-clad esque ships
(The monitor-US civil war)

are you literally talking out of your refugees welcome ass?

>less fire power than a drone with smart bombs
You stupid nigger, these projectiles travel at Mach 7, that's 7 times the speed of sound

Damn, he's right

top kek

what for?
implying isis monkey could down a drone


Powerful new technology.
Yanks: We can't let this fall into enemy hands.
How can we protect this new superweapon?
I know!

>rope barrier.

>how will this effect the geopolitical landscape, particularly with China
Not much. You are using ISIS in the Philippines to threaten China interests in the South China Sea. Conventional warfare and naval battles are unlikely unless Taiwan is involved somehow. North Korea is a joke, you can roflstomp them anyways.

>cheaper to send million dollar plains that utilize thousands of dollars of fuel and hundreds of thousands worth of ordinance

>fire a projectile at Mach 7 speed that costs 25k
I'll take the latter

No you cunt, it's cheaper to use railguns

no its not
and they're not guided and are not as precise as a drone strike.

The age of the battleship is long dead. The closest you'll ever see is a cruiser with maybe two EM guns, and that'll be just for interim until capacitance technology matches current power generation capabilities (even a WWII DD can generate enough electrical power to use a railgun and power everything else without issue, it's the capacitors that matter).

>thats what carriers and their planes are for.

You're retarded. There, I said it. Hunk of tungsten wrapped in magnetic casing with guidance kit is always going to be cheaper than sending a carrier somewhere with the ancillary fleet, the auxillary aircraft to get the attack wing to target and fuel to say nothing of potential for loss of personnel. Even a $1 mil tomahawk is more expensive.

>generic shitposting the rest of the thread

Just kys, isn't it time for your call to prayer?

Countering missiles has been a thing for almost as long as missiles have been in existence. Jets have chaff and flares to handle radar and IR missiles and radar scattering coatings on jets have been a thing for the last 20 years. There are even systems for laser scattering to thwart laser guided missiles and bombs. Seriously stop talking out your ass.

Ways to counter a missle, Chaff, Flares, THADD, Iron Dome, YAL-1, Star wars, Phalanx CIWS.

Ways to counter a solid piece of metal traveling faster than sound. Nothing except a ridiculous amount of armor.

>not guided
They're working on that ATM actually
>not as precise as a drone strike
Did you watch the video I linked to you faggot?

currently rail guns need like a bus sized structure to shoot and power it. The bullets are extremely hard to make in mass production because they need to be 100% flawless, they would be cheap if we were competent enough to mass produce them. Its once of those things that using shit tier immigrant slave labor wont cut it.

Don't forget the nuclear reactor on board... and they don't fire warheads

ITT military try hards who the military industrial complex doesn't want.

Do you think we'll be seeing more ships looking like the zumwalt in the future?

Man, the zumwalt looks and sounds like the ben stein of naval vessels.

You're not wrong...

Drones are cheaper and better in every way.

Railguns are useless bullshit developed so Military Industrial Complex can waste more cash.

Germany is shit posting bigly today.

Yes - though that's unfortunate for aesthetics. Remember, stealth doesn't make anything invisible, it just lowers the range at which one can be detected.

Moving the VLS away from the center of the hull and pushing it to the sides is most definitely the future of ship design - it's better to have a hole in the exterior hull than it is to lose the entire bow when there's a sympathetic detonation of a VLS cell after taking a direct hit.

You can already see the hidden gun becoming mainstream in naval design. The tumblehome design is up in the air though as it was used purely to satisfy Congress' idiotic demands of WE NEED NAVAL FIRE SUPPORT WITH GUNS DAMNIT I SERVED IN WWII WHEN IT WAS USED AND WE NEED IT FOREVER IN THE SAME FORM!

I hope it still makes that awesome resonating sound in the final version.

Ahmed here is right though, missiles and drones are still better than this sci-fi shit.

Not to mention having kinetic rounds on ship is far better then having powder and explodable shells on board.

A solar powered railgun satellite....basically tungsten rods from space at mach 7. The sheer impact force will be fucking immense. Paired with current surveillance tech, the USA could theoretically fuck up anyone in the world, whenever they want, and deny all knowledge of it.

'Your shit just vanished in a fireball? Nope, no fucking idea bro, our forces are chilling at home'

>Laser will be designated anti Missile Defense
Holy shit Mehmet just when I thought you couldn't make Hermans look any worse. At least put on a trip, goat roper.

>make missiles harder to spot
>suddenly harder to intercept and railshits are fucking useless

So how much will you ask when you sell it to the saudis?

Laser > Railshit

it already gives better rresult and the US is buying more and more into Laser weapons.

Railgun is shit compared to lasers.

Laser = as fast as light
Railturd = only Mach 7

so which one is the better ICBM intercepter Lardo?

We'll be selling it to Saudia Arabia in 10 years.

A predator drone is $4mil, kitted out with its full arsenal, $6 mil...and some durka with a .50 cal could shoot it down.

Or a $25k projectile travelling faster than a muslim rapes german women.

A drone needs skilled pilots, a base to launch, refuelling, and can be lost to ground fire. Once a naval ship has the railgun installed, its powered from its regular reactor, and for the price of one single predator could fire 240 'Fuck you' rounds.

Yeah, I'll take the railgun tech thanks.

You know nothing,ahmed.
Missile electronics can be fried with simple radiowaves.No need for lazors and shit.

The primary advantage of the rail gun system has to do with where the firing energy comes from.

Unlike a missile, rocket, or even conventional bullet, the energy to fire a rail gun projectile is stored externally to the projectile.

Eventually, this makes the projectiles smaller, cheaper to build, and safer to handle. This means you can store, transport, and buy many more of them.

Now, because the firing energy is electrical in nature, you can carefully tune the firing energy on a per shot basis [unlike a giant pile of gun powder or solid rocket fuel].

If you look at the newest US Aircraft carrier, it has a new reactor design with a much higher electrical output. In fact, the ship design has something like an 80% electrical power reserve. The day that ship launches, it will only use a tiny fraction of the electrical capacity of its reactor. The thinking s that over the next 50 years of ship design life, they will continue sticking energy weapons (like railguns) onto that ship, and the electrical budget for all that future weapon work has been planned into the ship from day one.

Electricity fired weapons, like railguns, will be a huge part of US naval warfare because of the tremendous logistical advantages - faster firing, store more projectiles in a given physical space, the projectiles are inert when stored [e.g. an enemy cannot cause an explosion in your "weapons locker" if there are no explosive fuels inside of your weapons..]

You do realize there's not a guy on top of the mast using a spyglass to scan the horizon for incoming missiles, right?

Railguns can't track fast enough. does that contraption look gimballed to you?

Railguns and lasers are worthless geek toys that show how many dumb faggots are in the military. Missiles are the only weapon.

You know how easy it is to blind the sensors that ships use?

>and some durka with a .50 cal could shoot it down.
which didn't even happen once in the last 30 years

nah you're talking out of your anus.
like usual
go shit in a walmart dumb fuck.

you still need Recon and a drone in the air to see the targets, might as well mount a Smartbomb to it and drop it more precise than your Gaygun.

apparently not you 3rd worlder, otherwise the US wouldn't invest trillions into Laser technology.

yup they use drones for that.

A laser is highly dependent on weather conditions, the type of material it hits, and could potentially be countered by A FUCKING MIRROR.

How long would you need to hold the laser on a target to heat it up/vaporize it? Do we ask tanks to stay still for 30 seconds while the laser reaches maximum heat?

Lasers aren't like Star Wars, they don't go 'Pew Pew'. They would work well on soft targets, but anything with any type of armour would be a different story.

Then counter the various rounds a railgun could launch. Solid projectiles, soft target flechette style projectiles. Imagine 100k ball bearings hurtling towards you at mach 7. Not much will be left standing.

Once the yanks get the basic guns installed, and start fucking with various projectiles, this shit will get even more fun.

>drones are cheaper and better in every way
>railguns are useless bullshit
>denying EW this hard
>implying there isn't a massive logistics bubble surrounding drones

Drones have their purpose but you're a fool if you can't see how a kinetic weapon that has a low upkeep cost could be valuable.

This. The world is proper fucked, welcome to Babylon, bitches.
This is a game changer like the USS Monitor.

Short of an EMP its actually pretty hard.

This is very true. Though a capacitor bank taking a hit can detonate violently, it's not anywhere near as crippling as a standard gun magazine going (even the smaller 5" guns that are ubiquitous around the world can practically rip off a bow).


Billions at best. But the people who pay for things don't understand how lasers work. They just listen to a bunch of dumb geeks recite science fiction and promise that they can do the same.

They can't. Lasers are useless as a weapon in an atmosphere unless you're just trying to blind sensors and people.

>T. Kraut arms manufacturer
Missiles are millions of dollars a piece, but the railgun can shoot them down with a 25000 dollar projectile, have a range of 100 miles. We're not gonna buy your shitty missiles if we don't have to, find another job.

You just shine a light at the optics. That's why those russian tanks have the glowing eyes.

You mehmet have no idea how military works.
What they tell they are doing is obsolete tech.
Why do you think they talk about it?Even burgers are not that stupid to show their cards to the world.
Also we shot down a F117 so there is your 3rd world tech.

>just counts the cost of the projectile
>nothing else

You suffer from poor schooling.

Lasers are useless over distances. Variations in weather conditions, humidity, even shit like magnetic conditions can fuck up a laser. It might only be by millimetres, but consider the variation at the impact point, a millimetre difference can end up missing the target completely.

Then add in laser degredation, the further it fires, the weaker it gets. Its pure science fiction. Superheated air (lol plasma) could happen, but we are years away from anything viable in that department.

Because a enemy ship is going to get close enough to a US task group while at the same time firing missiles at it to shine a light at it?

Also railguns real playground is in space not in planetary conditions where atmosphere is a bitch.

Wut? Tracking doesn't matter. You can anticipate the trajectory and fire multiple rounds along the incoming mission's trajectory.

>You just shine a light at the optics

Which US Naval weapons systems are exclusively optically tracked?

I'll wait.

>Let's build the worlds biggest laser pointer
>"But what are we going to do with it?"
>Dunno, main thing is we build it!


The Laser technology is still in its beginning.
once they perfected it it will outperform all other systems, including Railturds.

if its serious shit you fags are going to send in a Carrier group or two anyway.
why bother with useless Railturds when you got all those Jets and Drones.

Laser is the Future, deal with it Railgun fanboy & homo

wow they lost 1 plane but bombed a couple thousend dudes with it the day before.
what an achievment. WOOOOOW. (not).

US Airforce is still the strongest in the World and that ain't gonna change.

Laser will still be the future wether you like it or not

The jokes on you I'm being retarded on purpose, and why would I type a paragraph of shit explaining things people already told them versus a sentence of things people already told them?

Rail guns are a better investment a missile may be a couple million but your investment literally blows up once its used. A rail gun may have a steep base price but will be far more usable and operational for years to come.

>We use them to launch things into space like raw materials
>extremely cheap
Besides the fuck ton of inertia, I don't see why not.

>posts pic of some shitty soviet era missile that can barely travel 200km and is slow as fuck which can be easily shot down

You put the light in the nosecone of the missile so it blinds sensors as it approaches.

Lasers would be good defensive weapons for large asteroid stations in space, but that's it.

This shit is why you krauts keep losing wars, you focus on the wrong tech. You tried to build super-tanks while the yanks developed nukes.

Will I take the advice of a cucked, 2 x world war loser on weapons systems, or the USA, who have taken destroying shit and killing people to a fine fucking art.

Stick to making cars and letting muslims in your country mate.

I just leave it here.

You have nothing to show.So..
1 stealth plane with 60's tech shot down, versus you cant even make infantry weapons any more because their barrel melts if you want to fire more than once in a minute.
Thats a clear win to the 3rd worlder.Just ask the burgers even they will admit it.

>Rail guns can shoot down missles

Anything can shoot down a missile, including other missiles.

Missiles are just a metal tube packed with explosive material. Breathing on them funny makes them blow up.

>size of missile vs size of shell for railgun

They are for bombardment you fag not 1v1's

OY bin that knife or else 5 years in Muslim Prison!!!

got stabbed by a muslim already today dickwad?

>1 plane gets shot down in lucky ciscumstances


Lmao you fucking retard.
the US could literally glass your shitty country in less than 3 minutes.

And not hit a goddamn thing because it can't fire rapidly.

>The Laser technology is still in its beginning.
>once they perfected it it will outperform all other systems, including Railturds.
That's not how technology works.

Yeah and when the system shorts it'll kill everyone touching a bulkhead.

Butthurt much?You have nothing to show so even 1 plane shot down is much more than you can do.

this is a very outdated concept you faggot

nowadays its about precision to minimize collateral damage.

A drone is already superior to Railturdguns.

Yeah because railgun projectiles are completely immune to weather conditions such as wind, humidity and especially shit like magnetic conditions

Also forget about that thing called friction that affects the railgun projectiles.

A laser's strength decreases significantly decreases over distance, and while lasers may be useful for taking out small aircraft/drones and missiles, the railgun can be useful for hitting targets on shore, other ships, and the railgun could be used on land. Neither system can fully replace the other as each has its own benefits, though thinking that lasers can accomplish anything is foolish. Especially when railguns improve to become more guided, and therefore for accurate.

Triplets confirm this entire post as true.

>why bother with useless Railturds when you got all those Jets and Drones.
Capability. Sure, the start up cost for one railgun is massive but it is much cheaper over the long run than upgrading avionics on aging airframes and building drones that will suffer combat losses. Drones aren't some magical solve all, they can still be affected by EW and require pilots and technicians to function.

With a railgun you gain the capability to destory targets with a relatively cheap method and add further protection to a carrier group.

we don't need to, we got the US and their entire arsenal to protect us.

if its near the ocean you niggers will send a Carrier group anyway what the fuck don't you understand about that?

Lasers excel in blinding enemy sensors,not damage dealing.

We need to construct a massive 10km long rail gun with metal pods and then put all our non whites into the pods and we launch them to back where they came from.

make the drones more stealthy and protect them better against EW.

literally cheaper and more effective.

Or use microwave wavelengths (MASER) as there is no in atmosphere loss.

You might want to ask Trump about that US and their entire arsenal to protect you.

German miltech is a joke, the last decent bit of kit you made was the Panther, 50+ years ago. Your current squad MG is based off the MG42, also 50+ years old. The only thing you fuckers can do well is make cannon barrels for tanks.

Yanks created the A10, the Apache, Abrams, the AR15, those Spooky Gunship death machines, Aircraft carriers that are floating cities, a missile that can hit a cave and cause a firestorm that sucks the air out of a cave network killing all the durkas inside.

Even inbred hicks in the USA keep inventing fucked up new rounds for shotguns that are monumentally dangerous.

If you want a car that'll last 20 years, buy German. If you want to utterly destroy your enemy in the most horrific and hilarious way, buy American.

'Hey, can we invent a gun that can fire 1million rounds per minute?'......yanks already made one.

I don't get it why doe it shoot Tungsten H into orbit to come down and destroy a city? A very fast strait line weapon, that could blow another ship in half yes. If another ship that close they would have already fired missiles.


>as there is no in atmosphere loss.

Are you fucking kidding? Diaelectric heating will rob 70% of the energy.

>If you want a car that'll last 20 years, buy German.
Thats a myth you know.At least since the Beetle.

>America built the worlds biggest laser pointer
>>"But what are we going to do?"
>>Dunno, main thing is we build it, but bigger!
Later that day...
>Germany: sirs, may I build missiles pl0x, my granpa literally invented them sirs
>Hans' 2 Stepdads Tom and Vlad: Oy vey, eat shit filthy antisemite
Will Germany ever recover?

EMP trumps railguns and missles.