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oy vey

Based on the last sentence this might have been sent by based Mel Gibson

what an incredibly rude display of blatant antisemitism, never have i seen such filth

>harun abdulrazak

idk this is pretty dumb even by Sup Forums standards...

he isn't wrong, though.

Doesn't the mouthbreather who sent that to him realize what a degenerate he sounds like/is?

Jesus, I'm cringing hard.

>gets a shitpost in his inbox
>caps it and tweets it for sympathy
you faggots can stop calling him intelligent any time now

I wonder if he knows it is sarcasm. So hard to tell in email.

RIP my inbox

How the fuck did this nigger managed to convince Sup Forums retards he was smart in the first place? nigger literally spent the ENTIRE election going after staged SJW actors and low hanging fruit only to shit on Trump at the last moment.

What a fucking gassable.

yeah direct hate speech advocating for the genocide of a race is le irony right? Let's ironically gas jews out of irony of course, even though all actions suggest otherwise.

Something seems fishy about this one. I think a jew sent that e-mail.

Hey rabbi

nobody remembers the israeli teenager who was sending antisemitic mail

nice try rabbi

>Stormfag sends hatemail
>Blame Sup Forums

I think you mean counter-semitism


Is he right?

Like everything about Shapiro's life, it's probably a staged act and he sent the mail himself.

That kike wouldn't be caught in public without rehearsing his script and practicing infront of a mirror.

>proud courageous aryans hiding behind muslim names

What kind of an autistic retard sends this shit

>it is le ironi xD
Back to r/the_donald

He revels in his victimhood, just like a leftist.

"A native of Los Angeles, California, Shapiro graduated Yeshiva University High School of Los Angeles at age 16, after skipping two grades.[1] He graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, Los Angeles at age 20, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science in 2004 and graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2007.[2] He subsequently practiced law at Goodwin Procter LLP. Today he runs an independent legal consultancy firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting, in Los Angeles.[3]

He has written seven books, the first of which was 2004's Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth, which he started writing when he was 17 years old.[4] He currently writes a column for Creators Syndicate and is editor-in-chief at The Daily Wire. He is the co-founder and former editor-in-chief of the media watchdog group TruthRevolt.[5]"

and he is 33

so why dont you neck yourself fatass.

victimhood? he is clearly laughing at it goy.

based Harun

Top kek 10/10 would email again

>hate speech


Implying Muslims don't hate Jews.

>Harun abdulrazak
Quintessential white

Highly doubt that, leftists are cowards, if it`s not an underage leftist, it`s a summer Sup Forumstard larping as one of spencer gyno tits.
Stormfags would not even bother opening his twitter to see what the fuck the guy is talking about, much less writing a whole email on poor grammar.
If they ever investigate this, they will end up finding it was jew anyway, it`s the same thing everytime.
When a white is found out doing something stupid, like the GIF that almost killed that dude, they end up outting themselves out of empathy, which is somehow stupid anyway.

>Oy rabbi, watcha doin'?
He sent this email himself.

The only thing exposed here is this manlet kikes nose.

>I don't like it, so it's fake.

How long are you guys going to be using this? It's getting really predictable. I hate the fag, but it's totally believable that someone legitimately sent him this e-mail. Nothing about it seems false.

Kek i love you faggots,fucking based,fuck this kike faggot 1488,death to all kikes.And no, this is not satire but also its not hate speech,i dont hate kikes,but they are parasites and along with gypsys and other shitskins they must be exterminated.
Its the only logical conclusion.


NEVER believe what (((they))) say. It's all part of the (((script))).

I lost all respect for Ben during the campaign
He acted like he didn't know who spurdo is and acted all SCHOCKED by the happy merchant meme WHEN HE POSTED THEM HIMSELF

Isn't this the same faggot who tried to frame Trump campaign manager for attacking a women??

Whatcha doing Rabbi?!

Now that's some counter semitism

just another kike, can never be trusted

Are you a noigger faggot!?There is no hate speech only truth that kikes and niggers cant handle....

>I hope all jews die
explain to me how this doesn't qualify as hate speech.

sorry you get triggered by english


neck yourself brainlet

Hey Rabbi!

>pol starts winning the culture war
>pol does something retarded so that we start losing the culture war


its too well structured and has capitalized letters in the right places. its like an ironic post or something.


it looks so over the top it seems to be entirely satirical or slappy semitism

>this was Sup Forums

You're retarded, lad.

Well, you hope they die, everybody dies anyway, so in hoping you are hating them for some reason?
I wish jews were jews all the time, and never pretend they are white, nor ever be allowed to act as such and be pointed it out all the time, you should be able to say "you`re not white, you`re a jew" each time they try to act publicly.

good for you?...

>clicking out of my inbox
Shut it down

Sounds very Islamic.

I beg your pardon, I don`t got your meaning.

based harun

>Sup Forums exposed
the name of the sender is harun abdulrazak. That be a sand nigger.

thats very hateful.
as a MAGApede it is my duty to disavow such hate speech.

Wait a minute... some of you guys are actually anti-semetic?? I thought this board was satire.

I love this expression. It's too perfect.

>Sup Forums is one person

Isn't this the same Ben Shapiro who hates Trump? The same Ben Shapiro whose cunt girlfriend Michelle Fields accused people of assaulting her when she tried to push her way up to Trump?

>his followers on twitter think it's an actual muslim who sent the message

>harun abdulrazak

>harun abdulrazak
Damn look at that evil White supremacist


The damage caused by all that 'hate speech': Ben had to do one extra click with his mouse when clearing out junk mail. Awful. How will he recover?

Seriously, kys

I mean that is what it says but that is pure Sup Forums.

"Gorillion" and "groid" gave it away.

wtf i love hajis now

Sup Forums says the exact same shit since '06.
If they stopped, too bad for them.

Speech isn't split is some imaginary pieces you brainlet. There's no love speech, no work speech, no cripple speech, no lazy speech, no aroused speech, no virtue speech, no intrigued speech, no i fucked up this morning and now wear 2 different socks speech and NO hate speech.
Speech encompasses everything within itself. Its absolute and there's no segmentation other than "this i like" and "this i don't like".
Therefore hate speech is nothing but Orwellian newspeak for wrong-thing.

Kinda funny that ameritard of all people doesn't understand this.

Shapiro reminds me of Greg Giraldo. Witty articulate with a high IQ.

Shapiro is a principled guy with unshakable values. He is one of the few people alive I actually admire.

Hey, Verkhovensky, you could`ve said "Hate speech" is a figure of speech, and can have a broader meaning then what people try to imply.
But I get your meaning, it`s very smart of you to explain that way.

Hate speech is not a real thing you gigantic pansy.

Greg Giraldo, the comediant who died of so much meds and dust?

future president of the USA.
He is the jew that the USA deserves.

>non-white name
>addresses whites in the third person
>hopes the "whole world wakes up" not just the West
Sup Forums confirmed

major cringe.

if you are going to send hate at least make it clever/funny.

This is just reposting le epic Nazi maymays

This is proof jews love anti-semitism and use it to their advantage at all times.

I see nothing wrong with this email

that's a huge insult even to stormfags

>major cringe.
If you're going to come to Sup Forums from reddit, don't.

>how dare he call that kike out on acting like a kike
Go suck Jew balls on Rebbit or FB.

People on this side of the fence are very used to insults. There's probably nothing that could be a "huge insult" anymore.


Do you know where you are, faggot?

>co-founder and former editor-in-chief of the media watchdog group TruthRevolt

Kikes grading kikes.

>i would left

is this newest dank meme?

Hi /r the Donald

Well at least hes larping as a muzzie !

Why blame Sup Forums? It's clearly some muzzie shitter.

fuck off, kike



Someone should tweet back "Ben stop showing us your erotic fanfiction"

So much for Shapiro's superior debate skills. He didn't even attempt to present a counter argument.

>"""culture war"""

Wars are fought with warships and artillery. "Culture war" is something you made up to feel self-important.

When a bunch of 14 year olds spam Sup Forums memes in online video games, that's called "cancer"

>caps and tweets a shitpost
you can stop posting about yourself any time, little jew boy

That might be impressive if daddy didn't use his industry connections to get him writing jobs while he was still in high school