Why on earth are you against race mixing?
Asians have higher IQs, blacks are stronger, more sexually attractive, better endowed, etc.
Why wouldn't you want a child with the greatest chance of success finding a mate, and whom is more intelligent than you?
Whites are superior because they're a mix of neanderthal and homo sapien.
Race mixing also helps to eliminate genetic defects, and makes the population less prone to certain diseases, etc.
There isn't a single negative. The only reason you're against it is because you're insecure at the idea that women would find another race of men more attractive than you.
Face it, there are no negatives in mixing together, and doing so only increases our chances of achieving global prosperity.
Race mixing is good
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums has no argument
as expected
What the fuck did you expect?
I don't know, what did you expect?
>Blacks are more sexually attractive
If this is true :'D Then why do everyone want to date white girl's and everyone wants to have white features?
you moosefuckers are insane :D:D:D:D::DDDD
Because I'm white don't want to marry a fucking baboon. Black guys get white girls it's easy for them to act like they want to racemix. My options are Harambe, Rafiki, and King Kong.
>mix with blacks
Get their shitty IQ as well as a higher chance your kid succumbs to the degeneracy that is hood culture
>mix with Asians
Inherit their inferior physical attributes
>don't race mix
Get best of both worlds allowing your children to be part of the race that built Western Civilization
>t built Western Civilization
Yes Cletus, western civilization was all your doing
Why race mix when you could just neck yourselves???
Or suck the greassy shit out of some faggots ghonorrheic anus?
Get with the times cuck, shit has got thick and thingsaintwayyoouzetobe mane...
>Race mixing also helps to eliminate genetic defects, and makes the population less prone to certain diseases, etc.
still no arguments against this lmao
Sup Forums in charge of understanding basic biology
>blacks are stronger
This is such a dumb stereotype, and only people who never go to the gym believe it.
>sexually attractive
You like yourself some Mike Tyson in a skirt faggot?
Literally bullshit you spewing but gr8 b8.
>doesn't understand aesthetics
typical Cletus
Why are you responding to your own posts?
>Race mixing also helps to eliminate genetic defects, and makes the population less prone to certain diseases, etc.
>Race mixing also helps to eliminate genetic defects
like blue and green eyes, freckles, blonde, orange and brunette hair right?
>It took some dinky civilisation thousands of years to get these traits only for there ancestors to erase all that work
>like blue and green eyes, freckles, blonde, orange and brunette hair right?
sure is some important stuff lol
Tell me where do you live so i could come to your place and fuck you up cause there is just no other way of dealing with you scum
Sincerely hoping you get raped by a pack of animals AKA niggers
Over many thousand years the races developed genes that code for polypeptides that code proteins that interact with other proteins and compounds in the body. These interactions are often between fully compatible compounds, and efficiency is lost if these compounds are not fully compatible. Your parents both have thousand of interacting compounds that over thousands of years have been selected because they were present in that population. Race mixing breaks up these collections of alleles that work together to make compatible traits. Through the long periods of isolation that our ancestors went through, those with the best matched alleles were most reproductively successful and thus these alleles that don't work well with that race's genome were eliminated, but in other races that may not have been so. In my opinion there is not much more selfish and destructive when choosing a mate to knowingly pick someone with a high possibility of genetic incompatibility, possibly subjecting your future children to a life of genetic abnormalities and mixmatched genes.
LTA4H, or "leukotriene A4 hydrolase" is found on chromosome 17. An allele of this gene increases the risk of heart attack in Blacks by more than 250%, but only 16% in Whites and Asians. The gene boosts inflammation and uses it to fight infections generally absent in Blacks. 30 percent of Whites have this allele, yet they have evolved genes to counteract it. The 6% of Black Americans [Black Americans are roughly 20% or more Caucasian] who aquired it from interracial breeding haven't.
"Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race." This is most likely due to the reasons stated above. One example is that mixed race children rarely can find bone marrow donors because of their genetic abberancy.
Didn't expect this from 'straya
yes its the most important stuff. I bet you have none of that anyway pathetic cuck
why are you so mad?
impotent faggot
because i want my children to look like me.
whats wrong with that?
Sorry, phone was fucking up and had to repost.
You're a troll, a professional moron/gifted amateur.
Day of the rake when?
you're literally the product of criminals, is that not worse than being african?
Don't forget to respond to yourself again
The only solace I take in after having wasted time replying to you, is that the flag you fly under will forever be laughed at online and an everlasting memorial to failure, much like the gaze of Ozymandias over the desert sands he once ruled.
Because i can be mad, what are you gonna do about it?
My problem not yours you fucktard, i'd rather be mad than advocate for racemixing you imbecile
>talking shit to australia
fuck off kike
why don't you kikes like arab men?
yeah it is, its like saying so what to a chameleon who adapted and bred to do its signature technique and giving the brave and oppressed iguana a pat on the back for staying true to itself
>much like the gaze of Ozymandias over the desert sands he once ruled.
>aussie is too dumb for Shelley
Not surprising.
>the flag you fly under will forever be laughed at online and an everlasting memorial to failure
Yes, 3000 stormweenies laughing at my country online really make me so upset. Fortunately, unlike you, I have more to be proud of than my race and or nation, enjoy being a virgin and a failure though.
you didnt even refute the information user posted fag
Like lol whitey your civilisations dared to be different and breed an image most would call the peek of beauty. Where only hot fucking garbage now because society pushed to tell women to stop mating with alphas. Too a degree i'd say white genes that are strong are more wasted if they're used on some low test faggot. Atleast with a mixed they'll turn out somewhat better in some aspects
are you even white lol
Yes, I'm sure cherry picked info from a white supremacist site is really worth refuting
both sources are academic journals cited but ok ^_^
are you white
>white supremacist site
Nice bait
you realize that whites are not the only people against race mixing right?
Race mixing with Africans can cause some IQ differences, though Mulattos are Smarter than Africans.
>are you white
yes, what does it matter?
ALWAYS a leaf
Good Lord.
>Doesn't know about the ID system
I love it when shills shit up this board to bury actual important things mobile.twitter.com
you know he had an iq of like 70 right?
kind of like most of this board.
Truly the master race.
Hapas are cute tho faggot. And I'm pretty sure that they're smarter than Whites too.
>destroy your race, goy. it's a good thing!
race traitors are evil and will all be eradicated, including their disgusting subhuman offsprings
Back to your box, enough internet for today
okay tough guy
this you?
I'm sooooo scared
No Africans are wayy smarter than mullatos, especially west africans
>you know he had an iq of like 70 right?
Thats racist, not all black people are stupid. You are just giving the Nazi's here more reason to not race mix with blacks.
Disgusting bigotry.
Kike slide thread
Most Americans have Native DNA mixed. You can weed out the genetics by mixing with whites over and over until you create a Quadroon who looks and acts full white
I don't think race mixing should be shoved down anyone's throat.
But it shouldn't be banned either. It's a free choice.
Why thank you, user
hapas do not belong in white nations, or on earth at all for that matter
post a pic of yourself, I'm sure you're a real intimidating race warrior!
Hi yah!
you're right it shouldnt be banned, but anyone who doesnt have 100% white dna shouldnt be in europe or the americas at all tho
>being this new
Fuck off
>posting a pic of myself on Sup Forums
its because you're a scrawny fag whos never been in a fight don't worry I can tell already
100% is a recipe for demise lower it to something like 75% ~ 80%
>recipe for demise
in what way?
>implying allowing mongrels to integrate their dna into the european gene pool and degrade the white race isnt the real recipe for demise
do you not value the blood of your ancestors? or are you a subhuman?
100% certain you have spic or indian in you.
You're a fucking idiot.
america and Australia should just become mulato and multi-hell so the other ethnic nations can return to normal.
1. if it's 100% then most people will be very inbred
2. 3.immigration would come to a halt yes it's mostly bad but everything is good in moderation
4.this is how evolution works to find the ultimate being by changing dna
pic related
What part of Toronto are you from?
The Gay part?
The Asian part?
The Muslim part?
The gay, asian, muslim part?
Go fuck yourself LARPer
When the fuck is Toronto getting a great firewall put around it so the rest of Canada and the world doesn't have to hear your retarded drivel
Guarante this faggot lives in Toronto Russiabro. All the biggest faggots from Canada live there. Good luck and good hunting!
it's not too late to manifest destiny
you fucking idiot, were most whites inbred thirty years ago? that's never been a problem
>Race mixing is good
>two lines in and its already muh dick memes
Why the fuck are mods not doing their jobs?
Miscegenation is the chief of all sodomy's. It's really sad how satanic nearly ever church is.
>live in Toronto
Yeah definitely so much to be proud of
>more sexually attractive
The biggest problem with race mixing is outbreeding depression as a result of the breakdown of coadapted gene complexes that have evolved over time in divergent populations. Hybrid vigor, or heterosis, does occur, but only in the F1 generation. Subsequent generations are affected by outbreeding depression.
In the following link, you'll read that when two populations of boodies were to be reintroduced after like 10,000 years of separation, scientists feared outbreeding depression:
In the next link, you'll read that when two subspecies of lions were crossed, it produced retarded offspring:
More links about race mixing:
Think I cherrypicked scientific articles? Search 'coadapted gene complexes' on Google and see for yourself. The funny thing about this post is that the author admits race mixing creates hybrid vigor (already explained that that's a short term benefit). Yet populations have to be quite distant and genetically different to produce hybrid vigor. So is he admitting that race exists? Because if populations are genetically different enough to create hybrid with heterosis and outbreeding depression, then they should be classified as biological races, not social constructs.
No most of them are disgusting as are mongrels in general.
Yes it was the doing of our ancestors and we are a product of our ancestors
>Magnus Magnussen
>Bill Kazmaier
Those are the last two I remember.
Only two as well.
Health of the nation > personal fee fees
Because Sup Forums is filled with SJWs. The owners and mods hate Sup Forums and killed it. It could not be more obvious when moot tried to kill it with that cuck joke. The board never bans shitposters and has one of the lowest wait times to post in a deliberate effort to make the board shit.
Doesn't Australia have somewhat of a muslim refugee problem as well now, though?
He's quite obviously a nigger
Can't have kids go fuck yourself
See faggotry doesn't create mongrels but racemixing fucks the genetic health of the whole nation
Sage Leaf-nigger nonsense.
that's why posting the Laci Green blowjob pic gets you banned..
r a r e
Fucking samefagging retard doesn't know about IDs HAHAHAHAHA
we should still be allowed to have threads to talk about eugenics and the institution of marriage and things like that (although these are rare). it's mostly just racemixing propaganda that's the problem
faggotry degrades the moral fiber of a nation
Get over your little victimhood complex. You're hardly better.
Well then, user. You better produce as many white children as you can to counter the effects of race mixing.
Minimum 12 kids! Sup Forums is counting on you!