What is Trumps problem with this guy?

What is Trumps problem with this guy?

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I have not done yet excuse me

he's a stinking mudslime monkey.

hes muslim

fuck off you bastard motherless orphan british nigger lover

He is a Muslim mayor in a city with a Muslim minority, therefore under-representing the vast majority of the people in said city

We don't like muslims you british cuck. You deserve this shit.

What's next? Jew mayor?

He's a fucking muzzie running London and also a terrorist apologist.


Blacks love him as well

This man rules the capital of the Anglo race

Trump hates moderate sjw muslims more than fundamentalist Saudi ones i bet, it's an alpha bullying a beta thing, it's always 'i can take on this fag' with him, like he did with Macron he deeeeeply wants to give Sadiq that hard hard handshake.

He said, "get used to" terrorism as a fact of Western life

That gives ME a problem with him

He dindu nuffin
And wondu nuffin

>moderate sjw muslims



What was the sarin attentat in Tokyo underground?

he just hates foreign-looking people, so he's gonna hate that guy, even though he's a born briton

Part & Parcel
Part & Parcel
Part & Parcel

Make one with "london is saftest town in whole world"

Can I get a source? Page # if it's really from his book. This is unbelievable but BIG if true.

so do you live in sandjak or serbian kosovo

He is an apologist for terrorists.

Doesn't take terrorism seriously enough.

He claims that Islam isn't part of the problem when it comes to terrorism. As an ex muslim I know he's full of shit


He's a filthy muzzie invader and he should die.

Crazy Jap death cult. Not even memeing

He's a Dune Coon asswipe that's why.

Not Islamic?

Also that was in 1995 and Japan's (not just Tokyo's last attack). 12 people died

Tokyo area = 30M people
London area = 12M people

More people died in the last couple of months in London than in 20 years in Tokyo

Expand that to Seoul, Taipei, Shanghai, Hong Kong, etc.

That's why Sadiq Khan's "terrorist attacks are part and parcel of living in a big rich modern city these days :^)" is fucking bullshit and should be called out hardcore

Same with Trudeau's "the answer to terrorism is multiculturalism." What a turn on its head, the CAUSE of terrorism is multiculturalism. Government lying to the people as always, qu'elle surprise.

He was born at St. George's Hospital.

He is a gook, retard.

well said you have two leafs on your flag.

On top of what said, you're implying the nips were told to just "get over it" like the bongs are now. This is why you need to get Lebensraum'd again, you subhuman.

>terrorism is just part and parcel of living in a big city

If you're in Islamabad, sure. Of course, that's the future of london, isn't it? New Islamabad.

>watch out they're bombing the four seasons today m8 just part and parcel

Titanic was from the glory days of Britain, with our empire and imperialistic intentions, along with conservative, uncucked ideals
We are a shadow of our former selves
Please nuke us

Khan should resign. Islamic terrorism is common place in London ever since he became mayor.

Trump is jelly.
He will never be mayor of London.

Nukes are expensive, and you're already dying. I'm sorry brit bro, but you're on your own.\


Khan is going for PM seat, and trust me he'll get it.