>be UK
>no guns
>3 terrorists manage to kill 7 people with knives
>get shot dead 8 minutes later by cops

>be US
>everyone has guns
>1 guy manages to kill dozens in minutes
>cops can't get anywhere near him because he's armed and dangerous
>shit lasts for hours

So, guns are good, right?

Name one mass shooting that didn't happen in a gun free zone.


Is America a gun free zone?

What's the point in having gun free zones? Just seems like it'll attract people wishing to kill as many people as possible.

Uhhhhh how could you shoot up a gun free zone if guns aren't allowed idiot?

Name one mass shooting that didn't happen in America.

I don't know. Ask the guy who just did.

Nice argument, have a pin.


port arthur, 35 dead

By getting a weapon illegally ?

You retards don't have guns because your precious monarch won't let you. We have no monarchs here BITCH

His post was scarasm m8

>be UK
>import trillions of muslims
>part and parcel and whatnot

i'm a french fag, I can't see sarcasm online

Bataclan? Fucking retard

Port Athur for starters dickhead.

*Arthur. Fuck you.


Active Shooter protocol in the US is to immediately siege the site and stop the threat. Hostage situation is different.

Remind me how many headshots he got in how many seconds without wasting any bullets?

i get it, i dont care whether we have guns or not but the fact is that guns are in america RIGHT NOW

they are in circulation within the country RIGHT NOW

if we banned guns literally overnight it wouldnt do a goddamn fucking thing because the guns are in peoples homes, stores and in the country in general RIGHT FUCKING NOW, they wouldnt disappear overnight EVEN IF WE PASSED A LAW BANNING GUNS THIS INSTANT you goddamn retards

Why don't you just cut off every citizen's arms and then you won't even have to worry about knife crime and vans.
It's the exact same logic, depriving the general public of something because it has the potential to be used badly.