Can you believe this is what your average home in the UK looks like?

Can you believe this is what your average home in the UK looks like?


Europoors BTFO

but what about
>muh stone houses

This is what your average home in Germany looks like

Goddammit guy from Oregon that used to post on Sup Forums

Too big, only three immigrants.

Yes the UK is full of Soviet era apartments and furniture senpai.

The cuck's out working?

Rekt and checked.

Hey is that a Union Jack? I thought being prideful of your country was illegal in the U.K.

Yours looked like this before the migrant crisis, dear burger.

its because no one is building affordable housing here. firstly the councils usually give the housing they build to immigrants before the locals since you can turn up to the council offices, demand a house and they have to give it to you if you have no other place to go (locals are told to stay with their relatives). secondly any new homes built by the private sector are always "luxury" apartments built for the two rich English people who don't live in a yacht in the Bahamas. 3 everything is built in London which means that just because its the capital city its gonna cost an extra £200,000.

no one in the UK is building affordable housing for the people who need it most.





belongs in /bantz/

I thought it was like this:

Based Pole. Krauts on suicide watch!

But user, this is an American woman who gets blacked on the picture right here.