Apologize to CNN right now, goys.
Apologize to CNN right now, goys.
I call bullshit.
Lying cunts
>demostraitors throught the cordon to show their signs. Cnn along with other smedia SIMPLY filmed them doing so
Tell me what's a LIE in that sentence. They just filmed it as any other media. The demostration by muslim citizens was legit and from their hearts.
No they where hired by a separate entity and corordinated with CNN to fit their media narrative.
It's lawyer speak to protect their asses
The fact the white police officers stepped out of the shot and "Asian" ones stepped in doesn't raise any concerns for you? That or the photocopied sign
Pink trousers are trendy nowdays, everybody have them.
White officier was racist and should be punished for his behave.
>they thought it was worthy reply to cernovich to prove they are not fake news
Ok so you're a shill.
I am sorry CNN. I can no longer watch your fake news.
There was less 'demonstrators' than there were victims.
People from different countries see foreign people as with same facial features, you can't say that's the same girl, that's saying you think all muslim little girls looks the same, or asian all looks the same, but you all whites looks the same too. You are being racist and should apologize to the victims of Assad's attacks.
>durr whats a devils advocate
if you can't btfo this guy how the fuck do you expect to be able to convince normies you idiot?
>you can't say that's the same girl
Same clothes, hair and nose.
Same girl.
fuck off, shill
I see three different girls.
Clothes aren't unique in this world, those clothes are bought my many people in the same place to dress their daughters with them. You are being racist and a poor people hater
fuck off shill faggot
>neck yourself, shill
buy a gun, go to your workplace and kill everyone and then yourself, shariablue shill
Russian goverment has hackers under payroll able to do that kind of hacking activity.
t. shill
You're retarded.
don't reproduce, shill
Literally the same clothing you retard.
Maybe because it's London?
Why is Sup Forums so deluded?
Hahaha, you idiots. You are so brainwashed against the american media you can't even consider any other possibility other than the worst possible thing they can do (fabricate news)
WEW never go full retard. I'd fire you if I was shareblue
Archive photo to display a related actual news, It's like using drawings or stadistic graphics.
Russian Intelligence used hacking tactics before, they are just showing this is as a possible case of their culpability as any other previous attacks.
People should have paid family leave, they are just showing that it also may hurt women in the process.
maybe that girl is just really unlucky?
Too bad for you there is proof:
Like a muslim really feels sad about ANY terror attack
Journalists must protect their sources, literally a PRIVILEGE
>The protection of sources, sometimes also referred to as the confidentiality of sources or in the U.S. as the reporter's privilege, is a right accorded to journalists under the laws of many countries, as well as under international law.
Not an argument
Russian can pay different layers of hacking/spionage/trolling internet force to influence elections everywhere. Being a number of 1,000 all together is plausible.
Capitalism provides same clothes being sold at many places. That clothes can be bought by diferent mothers for their daughters.
But you aren't.
don't forget about your other thread, shill:
>a person familiar with his thinking says
>this is a source
fuck off, shill
Sources are sources and must be protected.
>a person familiar with his thinking says
>The demostration by muslim citizens was legit and from their hearts.
Could be anymore less of a faggot?
Weren't they being handed them signs tho?
I trust no protest with professionally made signs
>Journalists must protect their sources, literally a PRIVILEGE
the earth is flat, source: PROTECTED. JUST TRUST ME GOYIM.
The truth doesn't fear discussion.
>protest with professionally made signs
cnn will enjoy the view from the lamp post
why doesn't cnn allow comments?
makes u think, doesn't it?
Hi unpaid CNN intern.
How much they paying you?
Interested - because I'm looking for a decent pay stay at home job.
this shill thread was on page 7 before you bumped it
use sage, newfriend
Im serious though, how much they paying you?
why didnt CNN just film the protestors where they were supposedly protesting instead of having the police let them through the cordon?
>why didnt CNN just film the protestors where they were supposedly protesting instead of having the police let them through the cordon?
the goyim are still capable of thinking for themselves. quick! dumb down the education system even more! SHUT IT DOWN!
>set up film crew to broadcast specific location
>police just happen to let """""protesters""""" through
>film crew accidentally captures the """""protesters""""" during their casual broadcast about the bridge attack
What's so hard to believe?
lárgate negro