What's it called if you're left wing economically but right wing when it comes to social policies?

What's it called if you're left wing economically but right wing when it comes to social policies?

Its called the new Britain mate. And me and you are going to build it


National Socialism. Hooray, welcome to the club.


A spic

national communist
national bolshevist
national socialist

It depends on what you mean by left economics, really.

Opposite of a rational human, i.e. retarded monkey




An idiot

freedom hater?


Literally hitler.

populist, national socialist if you're more radical.

half right

Hello NatSoc brother, we are here to welcome you with open arms

National socialist aka natsoc aka nazi

A hollow righty
Communist dictator

It means you've just started your journey, user. The next step is to approach economics from a moral stance, since as a lefty you appeal to emotions more. Socialism is theft. Just because you vote on it, doesn't make it right. 3 people in a room, 2 of them have 5 dollars and 1 has 100. The 2 people vote to beat up the other guy and steal from him because he has more money. That's socialism.

Leftist economics value equality of outcome over equality of opportunity.

Once you understand how leftist economics are morally wrong, now you can move on to why they're also inefficient. Capitalism breeds innovation and talent, start from there. Good luck user.

Congradulations, you all fell victim to the Marxist trap. Enjoy your political discourse when it solidifies as socialism versus socialism. Wonderful!

aka retard aka faggot

if you think your country is socially conservative, then the UK is going to be fucked even faster than predicted.

National socialism is about the natural order of things. It is not anti property like communism

It's called "fiscally ignorant".

Take socialized/socialised medicine out of the equation - ignore that for just a moment. What exactly are you referring to as being a lefty in economics? Redistribution of wealth for food, shelter, or clothing? The debate always boils down to "Should people be motivated to do these things through altruistic motives, or should government just step in and forcibly make it happen?"

Let's say you own a successful business. If the government were to give you a tax break by allowing you to donate funds to an initiative to provide homes, food, clothing to the needy, then you "motivate" those greedy job creators into being altruistic philanthropic institutions of good.

If you simply tax them at 30-40% of all their earnings and setup an outrageous schedule of loop holes that they try to take advantage of at every single opportunity, then they become greedy cunts ala Scrooge McDuck.

So, there's a "right way" and a "wrong way" to institute a system of compassion and clemency. Now let's talk about health care.

Herd Immunity works like this:
Everyone is similar in ethnicity, practicing prevention, and stays in their general area without too much travel/exposure outside of their immediate community.

If you have tort reform, meaning "no such thing as personal injury law suits", then insurance rates will instantly go down as settle payouts are no longer a worry. A no-fault compensatory fund, held up by (you guessed it!) taxes can actually flourish and work well. This is because you have citizenry "buy in" through cooperation.

Now, take this system and import a few million non-citizens that have access to this system without paying into it. It will go into default, and become a system of abuse and control by the political class. As long as the citizenry maintains a certain level of homogeneity, it can work. As soon as you introduce incompatible variables into the equation, it becomes too unstable to subsist.

Congratulations, you don't know how to spell.

Well fuck me, I guess I'm a socialist now

>Conservatives decrease corporation tax
>Conservatives freeze welfare for years
>Record immigration continues under Conservatives
>Conservatives have ushered in more pro lgbt rights laws than any government in decades

>He thinks Britain is left economically and right socially


Starlings could be labeled a national as well...

Nazi* damp auto correct

retarded subhuman

Ethno socialist



A Muslim.


Rational Socialism

>implying that's a bad thing


I said 'Enjoy', Nigel.
>pic related

Shoo, kikebertarian jew shill. Your ideology doesnt work, while nationalism socialism does. Welcome aboard OP.

>national socialism
>the ideology that combated communism (institutional judaism) harder than any other ever
>considered extreme far right, as opposed to the marxist socialism (communism lite) that is on the left
>deemed absolutely unacceptable and radical by the jews, yet marxist socialism (every other form of socialism that has been done since ww2) is deemed progressive and good
>"the jews want you to be national socialist! dont do it, goy!"


Your a silly jew. Using jew words

I dont even care about economics anymore.

Wishful Thinking.