What does he mean by this?
Is he suggesting that if the terrorists had access to guns there would be less deaths?
Other urls found in this thread:
It takes a modicum of intelligence to get what he was saying.
I think he's saying if your cops (or even civilians) had guns they would be able to actually defend themselves.
Can you spell it out for me?
Ban assault trucks.
being soft on muslim immigration is more dangerous than guns in free access
Yeah, probably. And let's not forget that his tweets are the real problem this weekend.
Cops were there in under 8 minutes. Are you suggesting that if the attackers had guns some guy standing outside of a pub on a Saturday night would have shot all 3 before they could get more than 7?
Trump is so based as Prez. MAGA!
After every shooting in the US, the media screams about gun control 24/7. They act as if killing the 2nd will end all violent crime. Trump is pointing out that they only push their pet issue when it's convient. You can take guns out of the equation and lots of people will still die.
For you, Ahmed.
He means that the gun grabbers always, always make every tragedy about MUH EVIL GUNS, but can't this time because no guns were used.
Trump is the first pro 2nd president in 30 years.
He means he doesn't have an inkling of human empathy and prefers to capitalize on tragedies for political gain. If possible he likes to do it while the families are still grieving. He would probably teabag the victims' mothers if given the chance.
OP is a faggot and a retard, as always.
none of this would have happened if georgina had a gun
Trump isn't a Lefty or a gun grabber though
Reagan wasnt pro-gun.
He passed the NFA that banned further production of Class III fully automatic weapons.
He was a California Republican, aka Democrat Lite.
I never said they were any better
Violence will continue no matter what weapon is utilized because of systemic societal issues; therefore, removing guns, cars, knives, etc won't solve the issue, it will only limit the liberties of law abiding citizens
>Reddit spacing
Kill yourself queermo
But no one says that banning guns will prevent literally all violence ever just reduce it which it did in this case. I guess he's making a strawman then
But it serves to reduce violence which is real argument
The point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making is you have autism if you can't understand the point he's making
cops had guns and an innocent bystander even got shot accidentally, lack of arms was not a factor here
The arguments of R_D
He means you are a moron.
You sure as shit empathize with dumbs.
Any thinking brain would support personal defense out of common sense.
He calls out noguns fags who shit their pants when a shooting happens, but stay silent when people die without guns.
I'm a stupid-fuck liberal and therefore don't understand the point you're making.
>But it serves to reduce violence
terrorists will always find ways to terrorize
next you will ban free speech because its violence against women
Who is staying silent exactly? If you wanted to bring guns into the debate then this incident shows how gun control prevents more violence as thankfully only the police were armed
>couldn't even follow the comment chain correctly
Maybe Reddit layout is better for you
Maybe everyone should have the right to own mustard gas also I mean they will still find a way to terorize right!
Only a Brit could twist their reality to fit this historical narrative autism...
You all were just attacked, WITHOUT GUNS; your cops RAN AWAY (without guns), and you still support gun control.
You all deserve to be Islamed.
>next you will ban free speech
Welll, the UK does have a murder rate 500% lower than the US, so I think your media might be onto something m9. May I remind you that there are multiple sub-Saharan countries that have lower murder rates than the US.
kill yourself shill rat
Non-argument of (You)
One of the cops tackled one of the attackers and got stabbed, and another took one on with his baton. Both survived. Would not be the case had they had guns. Ever seen a gun attack with a 7:48 death to injury ratio?
Oh yeah because a terrorist is going to get a gun legally.
>only the police were armed
No they weren't you fucking retard.
US has much more niggers. That's why they have so many gun related deaths.
You need to actually make a point for me to make a counter argument
Are you fucking retarded, OP? Sage.
>after 8 minutes all three attackers were shot dead
>police arnt armed
Nah m9. London has MORE black people percentage-wise than the US, and they still have a vastly lower murder rate (1.6/100,000 vs 4.5/100,000). And London has a population bigger than 80% of US states.
i know ur president isnt informing himself before capitalizing on tragedy for his own gain but can you not follow his example
is this the united caliphate guy who posts anti gun threads daily?
>Is he suggesting that if the terrorists had access to guns there would be less deaths?
He's saying that if British people had access to guns like the US, there would be almost no terrorism.
When was the last time there was a terrorist attack where civilians were allowed to have guns?
The Muhammad Drawing contest where Achmed got btfo in Texas?
Literally every single gun attack with a high death:injury ratio has occurred in areas where people are not allowed to bring guns.
>Protecting gun rights
Read a book nigga
The left in the US deflect from terrorism, violence, and crime in general by blaming it on the existence of guns. Instead of examining the real causes which are the bad guys themselves.
the police man who had to fend them off with a baton sure would have enjoyed a hand gun.
silly goy, guns are obviously the devil of the earth!
Are you actually comparing a city to U.S. states? Are you retarded?
even if that is what he is saying, what the fuck is he sticking his fat nose into our fucking business for? Is he trying to sell guns? Every police officer in London and westminster is armed !!!!
>If everyone was armed terrorists would be too scared to attack
Is this what you actually believe? Why doesn't this logic follow on the countless mass shootings that happen in the US?
Germany, France, Belgium
>8 minutes
So they had to send for guns.
Niggers + guns = deaths
Niggers + no guns = less deaths
No nigger + guns = even less deaths
in gun-free zones, where it is illegal for a regular law-abiding citizen to have a gun.
Mustard gas is not designed to take out one target.
Statistics are just alternative facts m80
>Why doesn't this logic follow on the countless mass shootings that happen in the US?
>Doesn't realize most shootings in the US are black on black crime with illegally obtained weapons
u wut m8? are you really going to criticize without knowing the statistics?
You're missing the point.
Whenever there's a terror attack in the US that involves guns the liberals always bring up the usage of weapons as a basis for deleting the 2nd amendment.
>the liberals use the event as a political means to remove the 2nd amendment
Trump has done a similar thing by highlighting the liberals can't use their tired old argument of banning weapons for political good goy points by using this latest event.
>He's Shitposting to an international audience of billions.
>like in the US
So Germany, France, and Belgium have stand your ground laws?
When did that happen?
>What does he mean by this?
You really are a stupid piece of shit. Did you know that? Honestly, go find something sharp and do the world a favor.
The logic of the gun lobby extended to terrorist incidents where bombs are used like in manchester is that "If everyone had bombs they could have prevented it"
8 minutes for police to receive the first call till they arrived on scene and killed all three terrorists. Are you saying if the people standing outside a pub on a Saturday night were armed against 3 terrorists with weapons it would have been better?
>implying any freedom loving american cares about people killing themselves and niggers murdering eachother
>thats what 90% of the actual "gun violence is"
why dont you educate yourself
>even if that is what he is saying, what the fuck is he sticking his fat nose into our fucking business for? Is he trying to sell guns? Every police officer in London and westminster is armed !!!!
Faggot, stop lying:
"The vast majority of officers are instead issued with other items for personal defence, such as speedcuffs, extendable 'ASP' batons, and incapacitant sprays such as PAVA or CS spray."
The vast majority are NOT armed.
>Why doesn't this logic follow on the countless mass shootings that happen in the US?
It literally does. Mass shootings almost always happen inside schools or universities, which are required by federal and often state law to bar the bringing-in of firearms.
>>If everyone was armed terrorists would be too scared to attack
>Is this what you actually believe? Why doesn't this logic follow on the countless mass shootings that happen in the US?
If you were paying attention, faggot, you would notice that they almost always happen in gun-free zones.
Germany, France, and Belgium don't have stand your ground laws. I already knew the answer.
Quit being butthurt because England is bending over for the BBC of Islam.
>Sandnigger attacks 50 people
>stabs and kills 7, injures more, hundreds running away.
>police arrive in 8 minutes to beat him with metal rods
>Sandnigger attacks 50 people
>Fires some bullets like a crazed savage, maybe hitting a few
>gets shot 50 times or more instantly
Really makes you think
Why do R_D get so triggered? It's almost like they can't handle alternative opinions without their mods deleting every non pro Trump post
That Texas incident was the cops shooting the terrorists you retard. May I remind you of the Pulse Nightclub attack, where one person managed to kill 50+ people in a state that has concealed carry? Not to mention the San Bernadino attack. RETARD ALERT, RETARD ALERT!
They happen in gun-free zones, which just goes to show the efficacy of not allowing guns.
No m8 Ollie after a couple pints would have headshoted all three before they go to their guns
If there were no ilegally carried weapons in the incident? Yes.
Pulse nightclub was a gun-free zone you idiot
>muh R_D boogyman
When was the last time someone on Sup Forums was banned for having an opinion?
why are you so interested in what Britain does? Keep your nose out eh? Not your country not your business
>tfw the UK has 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people, while the US only has 466 per 100,000
>tfw after the labour party banned guns in 1997 the number of recorded attacks soared by 77%, more than 2 attacks every minute
>tfw kitchen knives are being used in as many as half of all stabbings in the UK, causing a group of doctors to call a ban on SHARP OBJECTS
This what is unironically saying
Reddit fags think shadowbanning is a thing here so when they don't see posts supporting Hillary they assume that means they're all suppressed lolol.
So you're admitting that gun control works, good on you for accepting what so many of our burger friends fail to do!
>That Texas incident was the cops shooting the terrorists you retard.
>Curtis Culwell Center attack
>Only Cops drew guns
lol okay
>Pulse Nightclub attack
Weapons are banned in Bars and Gays are liberal and don't carry guns
>San Bernadino attack
California has the strictest gun laws in the country.
Those last two played directly into what I was saying and the Texas incident, if you were 100% correct which you weren't, doesn't dismiss what I said. Are you even trying? Is this for the (you)s?
He's saying that liberals don't actually care about gun laws, they only use it as a distraction to avoid discussing muslims
Clubs do not allow firearms to be brought inside, it's heaven for a killing spree.
>not being able to read
I'm saying that on Reddit opposing views are deleted and it's almost like trump supporters here can't handle alternative opinions hence should go back
he' suggesting the problem are the terrorists, not whatever they use to inflict damage
Name one terrorist incident in the USA that was stopped before anyone but the terrorists got injured?
>would it have been better if britcucks had the capacity to adequately defend themselves
Dunno, ask Paris how no guns is working out for them.
>I'm saying that on Reddit
But we aren't on reddit you fucking idiot.
>confusing disagreement for being triggered
wtf is wrong with you britbong? Too used to Parliament requiring everyone to agree?
>So you're admitting that gun control works, good on you for accepting what so many of our burger friends fail to do!
>gun control works
>evidence directly to the contrary
dont any of you brits understand that people that illegally obtain guns will go to places where guns are BANNED to shoot law abiding citizens who DID NOT bring guns into the area?
how can brits be so stupid?
Don't you have to run and hide like cowards while romanians bash kebab and save your sorry skin?