"Subs so fast you'll freak"!!!
"Subs so fast you'll freak"!!!
Who is it?
that was an American paratrooper..
In Iran....
its really surreal to see humans in this state
he had nice thighs
The US Army has IRL synths?
The fuck Bethesda?
muslims want to turn all non muslims into dead rotting meat, they are a cult of death.
it was jewish fighter piolet who got shot down by syria
Wow, he lost his sides
is this the jew pilot that got rekt?
Israel now has 24hr representation on pol now, the goyim were growing to strong to their tricks. Must represent and report.
Gonna need context on this.
Im pretty sure thats the kike who was blasted in Syria by the government.
syria claims they shot down a other juden jet.
The Juden instantly did crawl out of the dark places in masses, uh boi you never saw so many jew flags in one post, and denied it.
looks like they reale shot the juden down.
But thats only speculation
Also that pic is fake as fuck, he had both legs and the upper half of his torso torn clean off and there's only two drops of blood on the ground? I'm shocked Sup Forums is actually falling for something this obviously staged.
** body partially cremated in the air**
G-goyim knows shut it down
fukken lol
That will be you sooner or later
[ x ] Socks knocked off
[ ] Socks without knocks
I thought only americucks died for israel?
I told her that she had put too much weight on the leg press.
He died protecting israel and his jew overlords' oil supplies
ov vey goyim
six gorrillion died for is real
I cant even remember what that was, I think it was one of the trucks of peace running over her legs.
don't you dare forget about the extra 6000000000 trillionzilion you antisemite
Is he okay?
that or a bomb. but the broken bones on the leg support your theory
fucking what?? When was the last para operation?
more likely
I doubt that broken bones support anything after that.
What was he doing near Damascus?
Don't you have a favela to be shot in?
He didn't fly so good
don't let your memes be dreams
And now, so have I.
Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
Were they able to save him?
Yeah. He's known as the 6 gorillian dollar man now.
they turned him into red mist you dumb kike
I can't imagine how bad that smells.
Ive smelled alive Jews in a herd and it was BO mixed with ass.
Oh well nothing of value was lost
it turned out to just be a sprained ankle
I wonder which country wears those ugly green uniforms....
mhhmmm.. must be a dead ruskie
Its just the rubber human suit those demons wear
Sweaty swarthy matted black hair Jew vagoo
It's a Syrian Air Force Pilot
his mig-23 malfunctioned and when he tried to save himself the thing blew up and tore him apart
>ov vey its nothing goyim
if it was a syrian he would be taller, only jews are that short
Any beauty kikes have was stolen from white people, they are a disgusting, gremlin like "people"
this is siryan pilot. MIG23.
The joos don't even fly over Syria to attack targets in Syria. They fly over lebanon and launch standoff missiles from a safe distance.
it was a Syrian Mig 21 Pilot you retards...
Is he OK?
why do parachutes dont work?
A redpilled Japanon!
But he doesn't have any diapers on, how could you know?
Yeah what actually happened here it looks like he got out ok? They get him with en explosive round while he was parachuting?
That makes me feel so uncomfortable.
Did he died?
Wtf I love Assad now
Yes he's just taking a breather.
german bundesnachrichtendienst linguistics department reporting in
it says "corpse of the pilot whose plane we brought down in Tel Dokua in the outskirts of Damascus" and the logo in the bottom left is "Army of the Lions of the East"*
*This amerilingual emergency assistance was partially financed by the European Union.
God's work
You're blowing things out of proportion
did someone steal his pants?