A Thread for LGBT folks that hold Sup Forums oriented values and reject the Marxist Jew depiction of our community
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Brown people's dicks are gross
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I want stalins cock in my ass.
How do I gay?
I want Stalin to fuck me all the way to the gulag
Why is Sup Forums non-white?
I'm gay and I would never touch some aids-ridden shitskin.
That's still white user.
im hispanic so I'm not really racist but I hate niggers and kikes
I hope you get HIV/AIDS
Maybe then you'll learn to stop sinning
But you would touch an aids-ridden white one
Get out fag leafs reeeeeeeeeeee
Reimu is a bitch.
Kill yourselves faggots.
Don't forget to sage.
Jesus you guys will never go away will you?
Like the Jew, you thoroughly enjoy trying to get into clubs you're not welcome in.
Fuck me Trump !!! Fuck me !!!!
Honey, with how most women are now a days, you have just as likely of a chance as I do, also I'm not a "fag", I'm a bisexual
"Sup Forums oriented values" include hating faggots like yourself
>I'm a bisexual
No, you're just a faggot, and no one cares if you happen to also fuck women.
self hating tranny right here
Thing is, LGBTQIAIPAC is a brainchild of Marxist ideology. You have to reject the label in it's entirety otherwise you'll be running around in circles
The culture that promotes it, yes
But living your day to day life without being a blue haired psycho is freedom, true freedom. I also believe the right to association or not, if you don't like gays, you have the right to disassociate and speak out against it. I'm not some Gay KGB asshole
I only play with foreskins :). Why do we have such amazing feeling G spots? Even aids is dead now. Nobody has any arguments against us anymore. Jews dont like us so it's not like they support us or prop us up. We aren't womany enough for them. And no politics have a strangle hold on any group(s). Also we can reproduce and all the new methods focus only on men :)
Common Filth did nothing wrong.
kill yourselves you degenerate useless faggots
Bump for you faggots.
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Women are terrible. Straight men are all cucks, the only real men are bisexuals and gays. They are the handsome men of this world, the rest is just Homer Simpson.
Real men stick it together!
Besides, gay sex is something every guy needs to try out.
Faggotry is white genocide. Go back to TRS with your based kikes, or at least have the decency to admit you have a problem and it should be countered with willpower.
Stop wearing womens clothing, makeup, and putting things in your ass. Problem solved.
Not all men are male.
Plz stop.
Do you look like a kpop idol?
post pics
Fuck off faggots.
>I'm not racist but I hate blacks
>Fuck off faggots.
hello kike
>Nobody has arguements against us anymore
Please view pic related
And this
I could fuck you if you look like this
>Faggotry is white genocide. Go back to TRS with your based kikes, or at least have the decency to admit you have a problem and it should be countered with willpower.
How high were you dropped as an infant?
>How high were you dropped as an infant?
fuck off, jews
he benefits of being gay far outwheight the cons.
Far less stressful, far less dangerous.
Women are for children. Boys are supposed to be in sexual relationship with each other until they are ready to live in servitude to the vagine. Shame on you for robbing them of this opportunity!
>hate gays, goyim!
no, shlomo
Didn't expect a reasonable response from a inane candy ass tripfag. Dropped.
>Didn't expect a reasonable response from a inane candy ass tripfag. Dropped.
fuck off then, you filthy kike
No kike you need to go back to the donald. Pol is a conservative christian board. No degenerate faggots allowed.
Work camp for you.
60 hours per week, moderate labor.
>No kike you need to go back to the donald. Pol is a conservative christian board. No degenerate faggots allowed.
Sup Forums is NOT christian you deranged christkike
Aw I wish I could've been in a cute relationship like that. But it's like I'm the only fag in Pennsylvania
Why are so many bottoms asian or blondes with blue eyes?
Question for you fags,
When was the first time you had gay sex? How old were you and how old was the guy?
you delusional faggot, you are nothing but a waste of space, please do us all a favor and kill yourself, or at least go back to plebbit where you belong
Because Asians are small and emasculate, and I'd say same for the blonde hair/blue eye combo since they're generally pastel colors
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unban me faggot
Eh, other fags weird me out. I don't like being out-gayed
This is either a mkultra-style controlled Jew shill trying to start multiculturalism here like it started with America, or a really good bait thread
I'll bite anyways
>First it's gays, then everyone should be included. You guys are abominations, just defunct animals who's mental faculties are just not retarded enough to keep you locked away from society, but you should be.
Fags aren't people tho
>This is either a mkultra-style controlled Jew shill trying to start multiculturalism here like it started with America, or a really good bait thread
>I'll bite anyways
>First it's gays, then everyone should be included. You guys are abominations, just defunct animals who's mental faculties are just not retarded enough to keep you locked away from society, but you should be.
>I'll bite anyways
redditors stand out a mile away
>Fags aren't people tho
no christkikes allowed, you dumbshit leviticus christjew
Why were u banned?
Most are closeted and shy
So I'm curious, what'd cause a fag or trap to leave the (((cultural marxist))) plantation? I understand why straight white and Asian men would, but I'm genuinely curious.
This is why the alt-right is degenerate. You let fags into your movement.
Are you the Norwegian user from /bant/?
You know, I think the funniest part about Sup Forums now, is that it's starting to behave like real life. People don't flood this thread with words that tell you to leave like normal. The other day a fucking kike made a post and no one called him a fucking rat. It was redditculous.
Please tell me you're just a nigger or some other good for nothing race.
I just hope you don't corrupt the next generation
Constantly depicted as overly promiscuous, pushing anti religious sentiments and supporting the importing of dangerous shitskins
what are you? a dirty christian?
>Please tell me you're just a nigger or some other good for nothing race.
>I just hope you don't corrupt the next generation
fuck off, jesus
plus i want to own guns, have low taxes, etc.
where's the discord link that disappeared someone post it again.
Even if you're not, doesn't change the fact that the act of you being allowed to exist on this board, is just a signal to every other race that they can join the party and be part of it. Basically if a gay can get in, everyone can get in. Don't you see? You're the lowest bar.
Sorry user, but it's true. I'm sure a few of my fellow Sup Forumslacks can back me on this
was posted in an earlier thread but it's very related for this one as well
skip to 1:15
How does one get over the guilt of being complicit in the downfall of our people by being a tranny? I should be gassed. I'm useless.
Well, now I've injected truth into this, I guess I'll stop supplying the few (You)'s you're getting.
> Basically if a gay can get in, everyone can get in. Don't you see? You're the lowest bar.
Sorry user, but it's true. I'm sure a few of my fellow Sup Forumslacks can back me on this
you're on the wrong website, you dirty christkike
>muh sekret club
>mike pence
pence was a mistake
>muh sekret club
why don't you shut the fuck up
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it is just a funny meme to piss off fags
make me namefag
You are straight up house niggers. Hard R.
Wake the fuck up. Sup Forums would literally LOVE to get a free shot at torturing you to death and yet your own deeply-ingrained hypocritical prejudices prevent you from really understanding this and changing your ways.
Might as well kill yourself.
try again faggot
>it is just a funny meme to piss off fags
>make me namefag
christkikes are the most unreasonable of all Sup Forums users
gays not welcome
autistic poo n loo hindushit tripfaggot not welcome either.
When will you end it you autistic hindushit?
Sup Forums is too busy fapping to 2D traps for any of that
Friendly reminder that this tripfaggot is an autistic pajeet that claims he will kill every christian/catholic that he can, he is an autistic hindushit that can't form a coherent post to save his life and rants like a schizophrenic
>gays not welcome
>autistic poo n loo hindushit tripfaggot not welcome either.
>When will you end it you autistic hindushit?
is that that guy who is too scared to reply directly to me?
dirty christjew fuck off
I'm white though............
Different ID sorry, I am OP
I don't think I can ever forgive you faggots for what you did to my country unless you completely turn on the Democrats and destroy the party.
>reject marxist jew
If you are a faggot you are marxist