Why or why not do you smoke weed, Sup Forums? pic related, strain is dawgfather

Why or why not do you smoke weed, Sup Forums? pic related, strain is dawgfather

I'm just not a fan, I don't need it for my crippling terminal autism so I just don't smoke it

Weed actually makes you behave less autistic believe it or not. Same with psychedelics. You become too self aware to be autistic.

yeah but i also think there's an aspect where you can control your autism to a certain degree.

I almost never smoke except if someone offers me some during a party; on average, maybe once or twice a year.

If it's not frequent, there are no consequences but smoking pot everyday damages your brain and turns you into a lazy, worthless degenerate.

MK-ULTRA was a CIA research program to see how various narcotics and other substances effected extant mind control techniques and technologies (propaganda, social proof, social engineering, etc)

It was found that marijuana had a destructive effect on mind control, allowing the subject to "Break Free" from the propaganda more easily.

This is one of the reasons why they keep it illegal.

I enjoy it but switching jobs keeps me from it. I'm free to with my current job but that could change whenever. I want legalization so that's not an issue but for now I smoke very rarely for that reason.

God forbid a motherfucker show up to work sober all week but burn one on a Friday night.

Because it helps calm my anxiety and ADD. It doesnt damage my internal organs as much as alcohol, which I still enjoy drinking.
Plus it makes video games and movies x5 better.
And sex better.
And driving better.
And music better.
And swimming at the lake/beach better.
And food better.
And above all else it helps relieve stress.

Autism is a result of MK Ultra

Smoking weed made me right wing.

I used to smoke it every day. I quit last week because I realised how utterly fucking degenerate it is.

your weed looks shit
anyway i smoke only because i am unable to relax on my own and i dont like alcohol. it brings my psychotic feels down
yeah i agree stoner culture is degenerate and i don't like it either but just smoking is cool by me

If you drink alcohol and think weed is degenerate then you are fucking retarded.

if you take pharmaceuticals and moralise about illegal drugs then you are suicidal

I used to smoke a lot, now I can't cause it gives me psychosis, weed turned me into schizo.

You'll be back you fucking faggot

No, it makes me dumb and sleepy and lazy.
I used to smoke a lot but it got old very fast

nah mate i've had that one before, its called cheese

fucking americans don't know strains for shit mate, bet u aint even had peng before

I want one now, not gonna lie. Oh well, exercising lessens the cravings.

Sort yourself out while you can.

Why is it either 420 blaze it erryday or literally the devils lettuce that will ruin your life.

Can't you fags just smoke it like once or twice a month or something.

I'm just gonna strap one up

put about 4 times whats in the photo in it

wanna toke?

How do you explain Joe Rogan?
I don't disagree that almost all chronic smokers are lazy worthless scumbags but that fucker has more energy and motivation than anyone

These days i smoke when i feel really bad, as in physically. Indica is great at alleviating pain and sense of being uncomfortable when you're hit with one of those viruses. I don't do this often, only when i'm in EXTREME bodiy discomfort.

"Recreational" use is degenerate as fuck, makes you a unengaged, unfocused retard.

>but user i toke up regurarly and a chef at Wendy's with $600k salary

as if i don't know that habitual stoners routinely embellish their circumstances to appear like less of a fucking loser

I enjoy being challenged like this. I do want a toke, too. Not lying to myself about anything.

I'm a schizophrenic. Any of that shit and I go mental




I meant to quote you

KEK demands that you get fucked up right now. Start again tomorrow m8

Not smoking, although I tried it a couple times.
I have friends that smoke heavily and it resulted in their intellect being sub-nigger tier. So no, thank you, but no.

>be Estonian
>be poor
>have weed addiction
>want to score
>5 hours of searching later...
>20 euros for 1 gram please
i should just fucking go straight to fentanyl cheesus

Why not quit it

I smoke weed before having anal sex with my boyfriend because it relaxes my butt and makes it even more fun. Poppers don't work for me.

Waste of money, makes you stupid, gives me panic attacks.

Alcohol all the way.

Used to smoke a bunch during my last year of high school, but it made me lazy and hungry all the time and my grades dropped and I ballooned up to 255 pounds. Once I quit I started going back to the gym and stopped eating and I'm back in shape now. I know that it isn't bad for your physical health but if you try to deny that it has negative effects on your mental health you're just a lazy degenerate stoner in denial.

This is not politics. Can you newfag replying without sage kill yourselves already?

This. Weed makes boring things interesting, and interesting things fascinating.

Really? Weed is a major bluepill to me, makes me a lot more complacent. If I smoked way more often I bet I'd either be a moderate or liberal.

>Can't you fags just smoke it like once or twice a month or something.

Yes, but people who do this have no reason to talk about it.

This is like being shocked that people discuss car crashes that kill dozens of people but not all of those times where people completed their journeys in perfect safety after obeying all traffic laws. If nothing extreme happens then there is nothing to discuss.

what's worse, the stress of fighting your desire or indulging?

personally i think if you still want to take a drug you haven't really conquered your addiction to it.

When can have it there in front of you and not want to use it then you have it beaten.

I smoked every day for years, the 3 days I've been without weed is the longest in that time. Going out on Saturday so doing MD, Coke and weed but on the Sunday I'll finish the rest of the bag.
I don't mind only smoking on weekends like a normie but every day feels too degenerate and increases my anxiety too much

I dont smoke weed
Have none left, smoked it all

>Weed makes boring things interesting, and interesting things fascinating.

Great, so you're fascinated by boring shit.

A better idea is to find things that are *actually fascinating* and focus on those.

hey dum dum, people tweak strains slightly then rebrand them all the time

For my fucking back
Also its great

Literally you smoke once a day (a bowl) and it retains its positive effects. Only after you've done your chores. Do your chores! Then have a treat.

Remember not to smoke before bed because you'll lose out on REM sleep cycles

Quit cause I wanna get a job that isn't in the service industry..also nice not being a degenerate anymore. Finally living for the Lord at last.

You need to be comfortable saying "it will be there if I want it next year"
"only on the weekends'' isn't enough


your lord is a degenerate blood thirsty psychopath

That's weird, I'm schizophrenic and it helps
It makes me not give a fuck about my paranoia and voices

Trust me on this: if you smoke enough it doesn't exactly help.

The more you smoke, the more you feel paranoid/anxious, especially if you're high literally the whole day you're awake.

The thing is, it totally helps you take a different perspective on things. For me, it helped me really poke my head through the weeds and get away from liberal/hippie Marxist echo chambers.

The big problem is that it causes dependency in a psychological form. Believe me when I say this: I have become levels of less-social that I wasn't aware I could be. It really sucks to see myself get so sucked out of social groups and such.

Weed just isn't a social drug. If you really enjoy the ostracizing yourself, go for it. I promise you though, if you do it often enough, you'll always elect to "just chill and take it easy" instead of being social and that much closer to normal.

strainfags, kys.
Those nugs could be any namefag weed in the universe, stop trying to brag about how much you know about le cool weed.

Weed gives me paranoia.

>Why or why not do you smoke weed, Sup Forums? pic related, strain is dawgfather

It's brain-killing shit promoted by kikes, grown by spics, and sold to libfags by niggers.

You're clearly dealing with vocal minorities on both sides of the issue if you're lead to this idea.

I smoke it because I'm old and have outgrown reality. It helps me to be nihilistic to growing Liberal cancer.

Definitely the stress of fighting. Insomnia and irritability are a fucking cunt. I have a glass of wine at night before bed, yeah I know that's classic drug-seeking behaviour and I'm only replacing one drug with another but it's only so I can sleep for the first week or two.

It feels really good though, love smoking a packed one, that doesn't mean I haven't beaten it though right?

I'm on exercise and cranberry juice to fuck

I use to smoke not anymore. Weed just made me horny and I would fuck my girlfriend all the time and when she wasnt there, I was lazy. I would think that I was an artist and was trying to be in a band and at the same time go to school to take classes in music. It was a waste of time.

I would rather drink beer.

I have dogs. And I don't have a pet sitter.

When pot changed from good old Mexican dope (which you actually *could* smoke a 3 finger bad in 2 days between 2 people) to the prevalence of "exotics", I started having panic attacks.
So that's reason #2 (made moot by reason #1).
Otherwise, I probably would.

ps. "New and improved" never is.

I DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PROMOTED BY (((HOLLYWOOD))) I ALSO - oops caps still on from when I was yelling about niggers.

>also nice not being a degenerate anymore
> Finally living for the Lord at last

Because I get random UA's at my job.

nah mate, you're fucking retarded mate. Dawgfather OG is legit and not even fucking related to Cheese. Your cheese isn't even cheese btw it's UK Cheese. You don't know shit.


He's active. This should be obvious.

Marijuana is a bronchodilator. It actually makes exercise a bit more comfortable. The only problem is that indica strains serve as heavy muscle relaxers - which tends to make you pursue relaxation over exercise.

Weed isn't degenerate, you are if you smoke it every day



Yeah that's what I'm saying user.

I hate all you new smokers and your faggoty names that you all use. I bet you don't even know the genetics of your super """"new"""" strain

kys dawg

so you like smoking more pesticide than thc. got it.

Yeah, right...

Filthy little chav

you've never had a tolerance and have no idea what you're talking about if you think you just keep getting more and more paranoid the more you smoke. it doesn't take long to reach a saturation point in your bloodstream

Anyone who smokes the entire day will have such a tolerance within a week or two that the paranoia just doesn't happen anymore

I suffer from crippling social anxiety and the months when I cant smoke for whatever reason it is nearly impossible for me to talk to or even be around people without sweating through 3 shirts.

Personally when I can smoke I make a point to launch my tolerance as high as I possibly can. That way I can smoke for my anxiety and not get high and stare off into nowhere

Sorry fa m, I thought you were saying weed is degenerate. For me it has been the opposite. Just last week when I was high I had left a message for my sober self, that I should break the cycle of my lazy behaviour.

Smoke purp faggots

>routinely embellish their circumstances to appear like less of a fucking loser

Are you 15? Every adult does this. i.e. housing crisis, credit crisis, jewelry, shoes, clothes, posting useless shit on facebook

For idiots like you who open their mouths about shit they don't know about: Dawgfather OG is from AlphaKronik, one of the top breeders. Just fuck off about shit you don't know about.

10 Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but” by what comes out of it. 12 Then the disciples came to Him and said, “Are You aware that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”…

This man speaks the truth

Body is like Solomon's temple. Would you desecrate something sacred with a poisonous plant? Fuck that graffiti reefer

Yeah I do, it's one of the best things Earth has given to us. If I wasn't such an atheist I would say this was a gift from God, it blows me away such a plant exists. Pot helps me deal with my unending depression, social anxiety, insomnia, and spells of blind rage. Is pot actually curing me? No probably not, it's more likely just covering up my issues, and at this point in my life that is good enough for me.

Smoking everyday its a sign of dependance. People who smoke everyday become retard paranoids. I smoke maybe once or twice a year. Sometimes socially sometimes by myself to go deep in my thoughts.
If you are smoking everyday is the equivalent as being an alcoholic degenerate and you need to man up and control yourself.

Lmao I bet that shit tastes like fertilizer.

i stopped six months ago after smoking almost everyday for probably 4 years. I wouldn't come outside, if I did, only to get it or smoke it with somebody else, I only played vidya and watched shit. Didn't give a fuck about school and other responsibilities. I couldn't take it anymore when I turned 20. Combined with some personal troubles, it gave me anxieties, paranoia, claustro/agoraphobia, social phobia etc. I feel much better now. I also started living mroe healthily. The people I started with (when I was 16yo) ended up on worse like ecstasy and metmphetamine (every drug is filled with that shit in my old town, probably even the weed) and I'm glad i got it over me. If I'm going to have children, I'll let them try it but will advocate against it


there is something to be said about pot really sapping motivation to really do anything for most people, myself included.

If you can discipline yourself to be active and workout and such whilst smoking it can be a really awesome thing however

weed makes you fucking lazy and it clouds your mind. Sure it feels awesome and you think your opening another dimension in your brain but it's just a retarded excuse. Once a week on your day off is fine but it's degenerate to do it like an addiction. Sure it eases the pain but you need that edge these days to compete. - Former pot head, smoked every day for years as a teen.

Dude, it's so small

Kek, yea it did taste a bit funky

i say; fuck off with all that crap about its medicinal
qualities just get stoned and enjoy it.
just get super high

you realize that 99% of "purple" strains is just the grower tossing the plant into the freezer for the last 24hrs before they harvest it right?

getting Jewed every time you try to do anything is what saps my motivation not weed

weed helps me cope with the sick kosher system we live under

>you think your opening another dimension in your brain
Fucking kill yourself hahahaha just fucking slit ur fucking wrists fag lmao

I get high every day, getting high right now. I'm full 14/88

Weed is degenerate.

KYS low lives.

yeah it's temperature related, not all strains do it though

I do, after work just to chill, play video games, and make me sleepy

>I'm black and I love the KKK

where do you fags come up with this crap?

i agree with you
30 years since first toke
theres really nothing about it that is good for you
despite all the "studies" its a shit plant, animals dont even eat it. but its fun to party with.

FMRI scans show there to be some basis to this

then they had psychological issues to start with. It is impossible to keep getting higher/paranoid if you smoke every day. Like at a certain point your body just cant absorb any more of the psychoactive compounds at which point any higher or more paranoid you get from smoking is due to your preexisting mental state and not the pot