I been to synagogue yesterday to listen to lecture of an Israeli girl that just moved to my city few months ago...

I been to synagogue yesterday to listen to lecture of an Israeli girl that just moved to my city few months ago. You want more pictures?


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sure thing
this imageboard is dedicated to jewish topics

Thanks man xD

Bone. Fucking.Dry

Cool Jewish dance:

You guys need to try it someday

>jews moving back into Poland

Theres a saying in Poland that poles should build a statue of Hitler to honor his cleaning up of the jews.

Get the Fuck out and go to isreal you dirty fucking kike.

I am not a Jew, though.

I already met Jews from most of countries in Europe and also from the USA in this local community in my city, but Israelis are very rare desu. This girl's name is Danielle and she moved here with her husband and child. Very nice people. They live here almost a year already. Danielle still struggles with Polish language, which is heard in this lecture that i posted but she is making progress quite fast.

how do those little hats stay on your head


Jews view Jesus as the evilest false Prophet
Muzzies view him as the perfect man

Why do we let jews in so easily senpaitachi?

The right guy literally looks like an ugly vampire

They are having fun here xD

How long until this guy is on this board? His questions on the jewish question is shining from his person.

What's it with the Dalai Lama?

Dalai Lama visited my city lately

Because we dont base our immigration laws on theological issues


No, we just let in all the Untermenschen we can find and break the constitution while doing so. Laugh off mass murder, gang rapes and terrorism and shun everyone who says he doesn't like that as a Nazi.


I didnt say our way is correct.

>the teeth on that guy
like living stereotype. Why did they even moved here?

There's obviously a Sionist agenda behind any Jews moving to Poland.

Danielle's grandparents are from Poland (white), but she looks exotic because her mom fucked a mizrahi or Arab, probably xD


That's photo from Israel too

Lol this company was discharged for "dedovshina"

>There's obviously a Sionist agenda behind any Jews moving to Poland.

Zionists want all people of Jewish heritage to migrate from around the world to Israel, not the other way round.

Nice try shlomo


I am not a Jew, and what i said is true.

Jews need to leave poland

They got disbanded for hazing? really? how bad was it

Jews show up with money to trick the goyem,once the jews get comfortable in poland the will be advocating for african and muslim refugee's.

Cmon. Jews in pre-war Poland were counted in millions. Today they are counted in thousands. There is nobody to leave anymore.

I'm a Pole, and contrary to popular belief I don't hate Jews... they actually make great movies.

But jews will bribe politicians to accept african refugee's.
Whatever jews are in poland should be forced to leave so they cant promote cultural marxism in poland.

lol is there dedovshina in israel? I thought its only a russian thing

Jews will finance niggers and muslims to poland.
Kick the jews out.

A lot of Russians live in Israel. I myself know three Russian Jews personally who live in my city.

they want to rule the world

But Isrealis hate you. How does that make you feel?

yeah but the general stereotype is that israelis value the life of each soldier and individual in their nation as long as he/she is jewish.
Unlike russians/soviets who dont give a fuck about human life and hence something like dedovshina could evolve...at least that is my understanding

Most of Polish Jews died in the Holocaust, including most of Jews who had some feelings for Poland. Those who survived were counted in thousands. Most of them migrated out of Poland or assimilated in Polish society. Today they are grandpas, people who are going to die soon. Israel consists in majority of exotic Jews who immigrated from Arab states. Askhenazim are mostly Russian, and Russians don't love Poles. Polish Jews in Israel are a tiny minority and average age of them is 70 y.o.

I am not an expert on Israel, especially if we talk about army. But i noticed somebody with Israeli flag in the thread, so maybe he will answer.

and how does that address what I said? You're subhuman to Israelis.

Why would you care about some remote country in the desert and what opinion it has about you?

Jewish community in Poland is against accepting refugees


Pretty bad, beating the shit out of newcommers till they pass out, making them take grease "baths", breaking bones stuff Like that.
Every army has hazing, here we used to have it pretty bad till not too long ago to toughen up. Even I got hazed a little. It has nothing to do with Russians, everyone does it.


>It has nothing to do with Russians, everyone does it.

I didn't say that it had anything in common with Russians. I only said that there is a lot of Jews from former Soviet Union in Israel because i wasn't sure if this guy knew about it

why are these jew rats allowed in Poland?!

Poland exists since X century and Jews live in Poland since X century. You just asked very stupid question. If Germans didnt kill Jews in Poland, Yiddish would be second official language in the country, and some of my neighbours would be Jewish

Great movies making fun of poles or completly ignoring their heroic stance during and after WW2.

You're a good shabbos goy

The Hollywood movie "Zookeeper's wife" had premiere few weeks ago. It is a movie about Poles who risked their lives to hide Jews from nazis. Territory of Poland was the only one where Germans decreeded that any form of helping Jews would be punished with death.


What's there to discuss? I can't even automatically translate her lecture in english in YT.