Hi my name is Arash I was wondering what you thought on my people and if you think I pass off as being White. I have blue eyes. My bloodline is 'pure' Iranian stock, that means im an original European. Hope you can accept this and accept me as ur bro

No youre not white, Iranians, Tajiks, Pashto Hazara are all shitskins. Youre as white as Turks roaches are to white now fuck off kus khur

Muslims therefore not white

Iranians are closer to Indians than they are to Europeans

JonTron is white.

Our culture is ancient indo-aryan, you are talking out of your ass, look up Zoroastrianism and learn a few things about where YOU come from you fake Europeans, probably mexicans

Gotta say that I love Persian shias.

Ethnic Persians aren't white, but at least they're not Arabs.


Blue eyes? Yes you're Aryan

No hick faggot, we're Aryans too

Yes, Persians are.

Too bad they got Arabized

Persians are Aryan

Does zoroastrianism still exist?

Yes but is practiced by less than 1% of Persians lol


Originally yes, but it's become quite diluted because of the Arab and Turk invasions.

Pretty much.

Caucasian but not White. Which is why the Kikes want us to attack you so much

Actually Shi'i Islam makes them alpha imo

>post from UK
>OP says name Arash
>subject is Middle Eastern

How many fucking shitskins are in Britain?
What the fuck has happened to that country?
Why don't shitskins stay in their own shit world?

I'm not European, I'm African-American

this is what they looked like before any arab or turk influence.

Is a nail gun a fucking delicious Naked Chicken Chulpa?

not true. that myth has as much validity as the 'spaniards are all half-moor' or 'slavs are half-mongol' meme. the proto-indo-iranians were europid in appearance, but the time period in which their descendants became swarthy was long before the arab invasions. the people responsible for the Achaemenid Empire are the same people as the Iranians of today.

We call them parsis here in India, they mostly live in Mumbai

>Filthy Persians

Pick one