Other urls found in this thread:

why even trust the nsa, why even trust obamas nsa?

>The top-secret National Security Agency document, which was provided anonymously to The Intercept and independently authenticated


>Wikileaks posts specific false-flag cyberwarfare techniques of the CIA and the NSA where they use foreign codes to hide their traces


So it was someone unknown using CIA's marble then.

Or you could just say it was the mossad.

It took them this long to fabricate some evidence? I thought they would bring it out much sooner than this.

but but but Russia dindu nuffin

This isn't evidence. It's click bait from a literally who website.

>was provided anonymously
> does not show the underlying “raw” intelligence

it's literally nothing


Was this given by the cunt who was just arrested as some kind of dead mans switch? Otherwise it implies the NSA is filled with leakers

>he doesn't know Greenwald, /ourguy/ Snowden ally and /ourguy/ Assange colleague, runs the Intercept

oh wow look everyone

it's absolutely nothing


No one gives a fuck autist

CBS News confirms report is real:

>CBS News


Greenwald's been full cuck recently. Really disappointing, big fan of his work w/ Snowden.


people should actually read the report.

it p much just corroborated Obama's Russian election report he released in DEC/JAN.
There is nothing new


For the idiots who haven't been following along:

The Intercept have been the most skeptical outlet on the left when it comes to the idea of Russian interference in the 2016 election. They've asserted repeatedly that the evidence released to date was not sufficient. Now they've got solid info and they've released it.

>somebody doesn't toe the nationalist/populist/Trumpist line, so they're a cuck

yeah Greenwald does what he wants which makes him top tier compared to fake news hacks

Literally a lifelong progressive. Kill yourself. Intercept has been on the muh Russia train for months. Only thing they've done in a year that was any good was the FBI leaks.

Retard Greenwald didn't even write this article

Zero credibility

Has somebody a tl;dr . To much text, need an autist

Post one proof of the cyber-forensics and I'll tell you how it can be faked

I have no idea what you're trying to say or prove here.

>The report indicates that Russian hacking may have penetrated further into U.S. voting systems than was previously understood. It states unequivocally in its summary statement that it was Russian military intelligence, specifically the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, that conducted the cyber attacks described in the document:

>Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate actors … executed cyber espionage operations against a named U.S. company in August 2016, evidently to obtain information on elections-related software and hardware solutions. … The actors likely used data obtained from that operation to … launch a voter registration-themed spear-phishing campaign targeting U.S. local government organizations.

>The NSA analysis does not draw conclusions about whether the interference had any effect on the election’s outcome and concedes that much remains unknown about the extent of the hackers’ accomplishments. However, the report raises the possibility that Russian hacking may have breached at least some elements of the voting system, with disconcertingly uncertain results.

>which was provided anonymously to The Intercept and independently authenticated

>Greenwald is the left's biggest critic of Russia allegations
>gets shit on from leftists for being pro-Russia
>muh Russian train

Defending your ignorance is only making it worse for you.

>everything anonymously sourced is fake
>I am five years old and have no idea how journalism works

This is supposedly the document that "Reality Leigh Winner" leaked and got herself raided for, btw.

>"The agency received the tip from the news outlet that received the document on June 1 saying that it may have received and published classified information. The court document said that the reporting was published by the news outlet May 5, the same day of The Intercept’s report.

After launching an investigation, they found that Winner was one of six people who had access to the document in question on her computer. When investigating those six people, authorities found out that Winner had email contact with the news outlet on March 30 and then again March 31 from her personal GMail account."

Let's archive that
>heavy com/news/2017/06/reality-leigh-winner-leak-classified-information-nsa-top-secret-fbi

Correct. And dumb bitch is going to rot for leaking it too. Good times.

>The NSA analysis does not draw conclusions about whether the interference had any effect on the election’s outcome and concedes that much remains unknown about the extent of the hackers’ accomplishments. However, the report raises the possibility that Russian hacking may have breached at least some elements of the voting system, with disconcertingly uncertain results.
so, yeah, it's basically nothing groundbreaking.

That dumb broad is going to jail for a long long time and will forever be looked at as a disgrace to her country...all because she leaked info that does not draw conclusions one way or the other. If you're gonna go down at least let it be for something useful or big top kek

unrelated to trump

>leaks work in favor of /yourguy/
>whistleblowers are great!

>leaks reveal information you don't like
>dumb bitch should rot in jail

All I know about the intercept is that the guy in this video is calling non muzzies animals, and he is an editor of this news site.

I like how you are not answering my questions. I'll repeat, is there any cyber-forensic proof that leads to Russia?

Russia doesn't exist. CIA invented Russia. CIA is Russia.

>just asking questions

Go read the article.

>no proofs whatsoever for 7 months now
>still making a riot

(((US))) propaganda sure is garbage

>making things up makes them real

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8.8/8

>pic very fucking related

I wanna hear a "no" from you faggot

Why trust Putin?

Gay bears are trustworthy

It's already well known that phishing was the mothod used. That's exactly how Podesta's emails got out. This document focuses on the how of whoever did this.

It doesn't cover the identification of who did it and how that conclusion was made. It's something, because it shows that it was done on a wider scale than what was commonly known before, but nothing exactly new.

Sure, Russia would never interfere in another country's elections. Never!

Responsibility like..locking her up?
lol you mongs are unhinged

You forgot to archive it

>wired com/2017/05/nsa-director-confirms-russia-hacked-french-election-infrastructure
>qz com/978011/russias-intervention-in-emmanuel-macrons-election-campaign-was-a-foreign-policy-screw-up-of-astronomic-proportions

>run the most disgusting, vile candidate possible
>lose handily
>muh russian hackers
You can't make this shit up.

he helped my guy win the election

It's nothing you dingus.
Not even CNN, the network she loved is talking about it because it contains nothing of importance. She ruined her career for this and will get 20+ years in prison.

I guess there's nothing else to say then.. thank you leftist brainwashing propaganda machine for making people retarded and trigger happy.

surely this will spell the end for drumpf

click here to find out how hillary can still win

France has already come out and said that it wasn't the russians though. The election passed and their candidate won, so they dropped the propaganda story.
Didn't you know?

>high confidence
>no evidence
>really super serious this time
>we're totally not desperately bailing water out of our leaky boat

Truly pathetic.

Macron won, Russia failed, but they still attempted to influence the election.

Attempted murder is still attempted murder if the victim lives.

Makes sense.

why shouldnt we?
cold war is over
soviet union collapsed, tunneled underground, and since taken root in brussels

Getting desperate...

putin does whats good for putin. why is this such a big deal? it's been going on since the beginning of time.

From the article. One of the first paragraphs.
"While the document provides a rare window into the NSA’s understanding of the mechanics of Russian hacking, it does not show the underlying “raw” intelligence on which the analysis is based. A U.S. intelligence officer who declined to be identified cautioned against drawing too big a conclusion from the document because a single analysis is not necessarily definitive."

How long before they give up on finding any proof to remove the outsider and just make some shit up?

>Independently authenticated

So they have not one, but two people that need be imprisoned or worse.

NO, there were no traces leading back to the russian government. France has already gone public with that after the election.
This whole Russia bullshit is just propaganda, pure fucking propaganda. It's impossible to influence an election without nobody catching you because most of the machines are hooked up in an offline system.

My fucking government stated aswell a few weeks back that "we have to be careful or Russia will influence our election aswell next year".
It's just useful propaganda to trick the casuals about the "russian boogeyman".

Trust us when we say you are not a banana republic then.

Why trust a thieving bully who murders political opponents?

Make peace with him, but never trust him, and never let him walk all over you.

what you're not understanding is Russia trying to influence and election is not illegal.

So long as trump didn't direct Russia's political wrongdoing, there is literally no crime Trump can be charged with.
Him simply being the beneficiary is not a crime, pal.

You can influence an election in many ways besides hacking voting machines.

pic related

If something were to be hacked, you couldn't prove twas russia

Yep, just watch, if anyone besides the liberal kike wins an election in Europe from this point on you'll have months of "Russia hacked the election" stories.

I hate the left and the MSM propaganda agencies so, so much, if it wasn't for my family needing me...

>liberal kike
>every other choice is a populist mong or a pro-russia leftist

Youre a fucking moron peddling this stupid fucking russian bullshit. You and the rest of the minority of the US need to neck yourselves in a fucking gas chamber you limp wrist-ed faglord.

Shut up achmed don't you have about a million plus problems you need to worry about?

But hacking is the main topic here. Russia """HACKED""" in order to influence.
Are you just ignoring shit or are you playing stupid?

It's literally all make believe. They say it's true so it's true. Fuck off with this shit.

>Email news from personal account

That spycraft though

Lol the subversive communists and Jews still can't trick the goyim into attacking it's former home base.

What are you saying they hacked? Are you saying that the only thing they could have done with a computer to influence the election is to hack voting machines?

Some people have been getting tired

you're never going to, these people are deaf blind and ignorant when it comes to this, I can admit that I am not the biggest trump fan, but this bullshit has to stop, I don't think there has ever been a longer running bullshit investigation of a president in my life time, and its so obviously bullshit, the left needs to regroup, and seriously rethink their tactics because this shit is retarded.

This should be a big deal:
- Filling the next best swamp with Goldman Sachs, Burger Kings and Exxon cons
- doing family first
- not separating business from presidency
- selling out to Arab money
- trying to sell american start-ups to asian investors
- hallucinating about israel-palestinian peace
- hallucinating about defeating ISIS in 30 days
- stripping 20mio+ americans off welfare to give tax presents to the rich
- make education unaffordable for poor people
- let a turkish gollum's security beat up americans on their own soil
- attacking every news outlet but Fox
- bipolar twitter ranting at 3am
- Trying to undermine rule of law in the US
- locking her u-

But it isn't. So it's Putin.

>ignores that IC reports about russian interference surfaced months before the election


14/88, those digits carry the truth.

Then Mexico, Israel and Saudi influenced the election, however, What's the matter?

>provided anonymously

thus Twas CIA


In this scenario, yes. Hacking random companies is not election related at all, hacking local government posts might or might not be election related either and even if it was, nobody knows how that would affect actual results.
Which is exactly what the NSA report states.

Don't take me wrong. I know that foreign government ALWAYS hacks us all. China hacks USA on a daily basis and so does USA to China.
But these are false claim to push a narrative, it's a useful propaganda tool because people believe the "scary big red bear to the east" story.
It has gotten so far however, that they can't just drop the story. Because they need that to push the "muh evil Trump"-card until next election.

Oh well look what just popped up in my inbox.
NSA trapped her.

Why so bitter Hans?

>according to a highly classified intelligence report obtained by The Intercept
>highly classified intelligence report
>obtained by The Intercept
>The Intercept
so now that putin rekt the stories about russia by asking "have you all lost your mind" the shills are pushing new fake stories huh?

also pic related

>the intercept is one person

Its like you should read the website more. They are really big on the whistleblower/anti govt thing but other than that there is no common theme.

There are literally "trump is a stupid head" opinion pieces mixed in with leak reporting and eye opening things like
>hey guys the same corps bashing trump for getting out of the paris accord are the ones who lobbied against it privately.
>hey guys, lets read this NSA doc on targeting US sysadmins and programmers at home just in case they need info on them later
then follow up with useless shit like
>we have a harrowing tale of an iraq roadside bomber and we get to hear a story about the US is the great devil and he's totally the good guy.

Keep in mind the bulk of their staff went from screaming about obama and drones to zero criticism of hiliary clinton the second it looked like trump would make it past the primary.