It's official. Flint water crisis caused by fucking niggers

>An official with a publicly funded land bank in Flint, Michigan, blamed the city’s water crisis on “f*cking n*****s” who fail to pay their bills.

>Audio recordings made by an environmental activist appear to show Phil Stair, sales manager for the Genesee County Land Bank, using racial slurs and blaming poor residents for rising water costs, reported Truth Against The Machine.

>“Flint has the same problems as Detroit — f*cking n*****s don’t pay their bills,” Stair says on the recording, which was made May 26 during a conversation with environmental activist and independent journalist Chelsea Lyons.

>Stair was driving to a restaurant with Lyons and another person when the recordings were made, according to the blog.

>“I don’t want to call them n*****s, sh*t I just went to Myrtle Beach (with) 24 guys, and I was the only white guy,” Stair said. “I got friends — I mean, there’s trash and there’s people that do this sh*t. They just don’t pay their bills. Well, Detroit, didn’t collect on their bills, so they charged everybody else, but Flint, Flint had to pay their bill to Detroit.”

>Stair is a government employee through the land bank, which is described on its website as a “non-profit government organization.”

>He claimed the city, which is 56 percent black, was forced to begin using contaminated water from the Flint River after Detroit raised prices to account for its own unpaid water bills.

Other urls found in this thread:


No shekels today
>rawstory com/2017/06/flint-official-blames-water-crisis-on-fcking-ns-who-dont-pay-their-bills

Good call. Thanks for the correction. Use the archive link, everyone.

actually happenings have come and gone, it's just that no threads were made about it, or if they were no one responded.

It's almost like a coordinated attempt to keep Sup Forums from reacting to the news as it is happening.

We must bring back news/#HAPPENING threads.

Federal government prints money backed by nothing at will. We throw away half the food that's produced. Pedo kikes make trillions off pop songs and long videos of Seth Rogan pretending to do things.

Ya dewd. It's the slaves fault. If only they had a real job like the people who own sportyball teams.

Why the fuck aren't threads kept alive for weeks here like on 8ch? Oh, yeah, because they slide truth here and only Chump's sons and Kikesner are allowed to make threads on 8ch pol.

This is already slid cause I triggered snowflake kikes.

makes sense. will he get fired for telling the truth?


so is this legit?
I already know people will more upset he said nigger than the fact thousands of people are going to have a fucked water supply.
so is the guy right? was it niggers not paying bills?

I think you already know the answer to that.

Whether what people say is the truth or not doesn't matter

Naw dude our pasty shit Governor and Emergency Manager passed the bill where they would pay $50gorillion or whatever to build a NEW pipeline to Lake Huron instead of using Detroits, using the wretched scum Flint River in the meantime that they "forgot" to treat (insert GM/industrial land grab conspiracies)

Of course it was. They probably knew that it was going to get out so they got this guy all liquored up and took him for a ride in a car wired for audio recording just so they could paint anyone who learns the truth as a racist.

What a goddamn shame, his life is now over just because he dared to speak the truth and one single bad word.

This should surprise no one.

>Nig dogs run city
>Don't pay bills
>everything goes to shit as planned
>poison themselves
>Jewish media blames white people
>black people can now freely blame whitey and feel good

Fuggin pottery

Why are blacks so retarded?

honest question to you burgers: is it true that you cant drink your tap water?

lel this fucker will most certainly have to leave Flint, and honestly probably leave Michigan all together. I doubt he'll complain much though, you can't move many places worse than Flint

>City faces problem because of the black population
You don't say

for every 25 bl*ck with a $400 dollar bill in detroit theres a golf course or some rich fucks crumbling investment tower thats slipped through for years... if Flint would have just paid the 1.5% increase or whatever the crisis would not have happened ...for-profit governing at its worst

He's totally right though. It's true.

Depends on where you live. In a major city I wouldn't. Anywhere else you are probably fine.

Suburban and rural areas are no problem

I can drink it easily but other places not so much. I live in rural area with very clean groundwater though. certain cities I would probably be afraid.


Yes. I live in California. Tap water is clean.

they leave water on for fun...

>Having to pay for a basic human right

Thanks capitalism

Most of southern California (but above Orange County which recycles toilet water for drinking water) has some of the cleanest water in the entire nation, especially the Long Beach area.

>deadbeat lazy greedy entitled niggers

Sounds legit.

There are no basic human rights. Were this the wilderness, you would need to find water or die. You're not entitled to life just because you were given it. You must continue to earn it or die.

boston has good water. LA is fine. orlando's water tastes and smells like an alligators rotting asshole covered in swamp rot.

when you're right, you're right

>Bill Maher won't be fired or asked to resign
>this guy will probably have his house burned down
fucking niggers

No one is preventing you or them for that matter, from finding the nearest water source, drinking it and having water.

It is not a right to have water, bottled by someone at someone else's expense.


If a right is something to be provided by someone else, then it shouldn't be a right.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

This was fucking amazing. I can't remember if the national guard had to come bail out flint, detroit, or both with bottled water. The goddamn national guard had to go hand water to the darkies and didn't even need to leave home, fuck's sake.

The general response to this? Break, disable, or pour concrete into the access area to turn off your water. That was detroit's response, just keep them from turning off your water main, keep not paying, and everything will work out. Flint suddenly realized that nobody was going to bail them out either, so they started screaming how racism made them not pay bills, plan ahead, and made them pour heavy metals into their water.

I want you to look at a man who was once one of the most powerful people in Michigan:

When you let niggers elect their own, this shit happens. Read that goddamn article, then tell me if you are in any way shocked that everything in michigan has gone how it has.

whats even More Fucked is the Nestle deal.. pennies per million gallons being sold back to Flint residents, still being billed (at higher cost) for tap water they still cant drink. and made themselves and their kids retarded.

>comedian uses the word nigger in a joke
>nothing happens

you don't say

The comments really are a thing of beauty to this article.

>moop-de-do-didda that white man is keeping us down no wonder they didnt pay for dirty water muffugga bix nood

>>He claimed the city, which is 56 percent black, was forced to begin using contaminated water from the Flint River after Detroit raised prices to account for its own unpaid water bills.
But was he right, though?? That's what I want to know!
I've made threads on 8ch and I'm a complete nobody.

It's generally clean enough; in desert areas it often doesn't taste good but w/e. I would always buy a water filter rather than blindly trust though. And I do worry about stuff that isn't strictly toxic but which gets into it, like meds/birth control that people tossed down the toilet. That stuff is why I won't drink city water. Rural water, wells etc. though I don't worry so much about.

Yeah, NorCal Bay Area water is from the Yosemite area, clean mountain water, quite nice and pretty trustworthy.

White and Based

Is it just me or do southern black people have their shit together just a little bit more?

Michigan is the worst. Even in Oakland niggers manage themselves considerably better.

>At a May 2005 campaign rally, Kilpatrick's father, Bernard, adamantly argued that allegations that the Mayor had held a party at the Manoogian Mansion were a lie. He implied such statements were akin to "a lie" that Jewish people caused Germany's problems in the 1930s, leading to the Holocaust in Europe. Bernard later apologized.


In like 99% of the country, yes. It's perfectly fine, and quite clean. Might not taste great due to minerals, but it's fine to drink.

Flint is a special case of niggerism.

They pumped untreated river water through rusty 100+ year old leaded piping directly to their reservoir. Dumb fucks.

Also, we usually get local water quality reports via mail once every year that show the exact breakdown of minerals.

I have well water, and yes it's drinkable. Some minerals in it making it "hard" water, but nothing wrong.

City water isn't too bad either.

A coincidence, surely. The holocaust was probably in no way related, other than as a tradgedy that had left as strong of a mark on poor Bernard as had the false allegations about the party on the poor, innocent man of good, jewish character.

it's another "let's completely ignore what he said because he also said something politically incorrect" situation

City water taste like bleach and chemicals, I love my well water.

Not necessarily true. Some rural areas have issues with things like sulfur in their water.

The problem has nothing to do with lead in the water, it's lead in the pipes. They didn't adjust their treatment process with the river water, the pipes descaled and leeched lead into the water.

Paying bills has nothing to do with it.

mad people dot pay bills in michigan. 248 here, ive been looking on and off at detroit houses/properties for years. theres cheap! shit,but then you find out that youd have to pay twice again the price becauseof back taxes. JUST pay your bills FUCK

like a 4000 water bill, how many years to reah that point? people dont pay because its illegal for the city to cut the water

In most places, yes, you can. However I still prefer bottled water to tap.


You also have to live in the Nigger Headquarters of the US. That's why real estate there is worthless. You couldn't pay me to live in a Detroit house.

Agree. My city water stinks so bad of chlorine you can smell someone drawing a glass from the tap across the room.

>this fucking bot again
This nord motherfucker has been scanning Sup Forums for site links and he'll always spam a phishing site on first post with an excuse "its jew site bros, use this site instead"


What if I'm just a whippersnapper?

>people dont pay because its illegal for the city to cut the water
They should. We need to hold people accountable for their actions. If don't pay for something you don't get it.

that's a quick fucking response. nice bot you got there fucking shilling piece of shit.

Mohammed deepthroated big spirally pig cock and he enjoyed it

>underground pipework linking my home to a functioning water treatment facility is a basic human right

detroit is sprawling and you can be in detroit limits while essentially being in a different city. there are huge beautiful houses and great archetecture on firesale as well. theres also a lot of muh gentrification and it will only continue

>If a right is something to be provided by someone else, then it shouldn't be a right.
That's what's called a "positive" right.

The only positive right should be for an attorney, and only because in such a case the state is imposing upon you.

when is it NOT niggers not paying their bills. i feel a meme coming on

It looks like Democracy sometimes sucks when all the voters are retards.

I bet it would work fantastically for Asians. Good thing they have the CHICOM party to keep a boot on their throats--wouldn't want them to compete with America for real.

>own all the sources of water
>people begin to die of thirst
>some try to come to my property, kill them for violating the NAP
>otherwise, they have to sell themselves to sexual slavery for access to my water
Ancap paradise is the best.

yeah its the same shitty response here dont click on links you fucking idiots

>it will only continue
Something has to fucking start for it to continue.

NOTHING is happening in Detroit. Until the City government elects people who aren't Democrats (HAH!) or the State government grows a pair and just outright removes the City government and puts an ACTUAL manager in charge NOTHING will be done. Why?

See . The City Government, in their usual-for-Democrats greed, has pretty much said "No, we're never letting you fix this mess".

one of the country's largest bottled water brands, aquafina, is literally municipal city water from columbus ohio.

niggers don't pay their bills, and the whites in the area suffer
nigger lovers pretend that nigs are perfect & deserve their gibs, never caring one bit for whites that have to live with the animals

Let me guess, they're going to ignore the rest of the issue and the sole takeaway we're going to get is that saying nigger is a no no?

Do we know who dropped the ball on this?

Wait, what? How is a phishing site?

How are you supposed to do upkeep if there is no money for the maintenance because no one is paying their bills or taxes?

No shit. Fucking niggers on the city council and fucking niggers who just exist in Flint.

I've been in many parts of America and the one problem I've had with water was being in Bumfuck Nowhere, Missouri on a farm that had well water, and the only problem was that it smelled like sulfur rancid rotten eggs.
Our water is just fine, you only ever hear about the odd town or city, because it's newsworthy for a reason.

Despite his very rude words, is he wrong? Did he say anything that was factually untrue?

Yes and we will continue to ignore the problem

This won't be a fucking problem under UBI

Youre retarded

Fuck off Mike


>whites have an obligation to provide good for nothing niggers with clean water no matter how many there are

what is with the constant 'use this archive link goys'

No I'll just go to the real fucking site

>its jew site bros

I always found that ironic.

Like nigger, you are literally using a .is domain.

fuck off chink nigger

>it will only continue
Umm, no sweetie, white genocide is real and there will be no more white people in 2100, so no more racist gentrification! sorry hun

I can drink mine. However I'm white and live in a white area with millions of other whites who pay their fucking taxes.

simple, find the average life span (in months) of a nigger from detroit, subtract childhood months and divide by 4000. BINGO niggers not paying bills

Next "Sup Forums users you recognize" thread, you're gonna get a shit load of (you)s

Depriving of ad revenue for clickbait removes the incentive to shill on Sup Forums.

Water is yellow like that in an area of south florida, high density ghetto. I used to drink water there for about half a year (used to run down there for work) one day I decided to fill a bottle for the road and its fucking tinted yellow/brown. Couldnt tell from running it through a faucet or fountain, but put it in a clear container and sure its nasty water. Ft lauderdale FL ghetto. Tfw when a racist statement turns out to be true.

Depends on the nigger population of your location.

Niggers ruin everything

Nothing new

Yes, because you should give clicks to MSM and similar. Fuck them.

it's a bot m8


Yes, the city government of Flint.

tl;dr is that the City Government, being made up of Democrats, was getting kickbacks from unions. Unions from out of state said "Hey, if you switch your water supply to us we'll give you bigger kickbacks". The State government said "Don't fucking do it, it will cause a HUGE mess". So, of course, the City government did it and the lead pipes* got fucked. Now, Democrats have been chimping out ever since about how Rick Snyder is LITERARY HITLER for both telling the City government not to and for being a White man.

*The Scale that formed on the inside of the lead pipes had made them safe; by switching suppliers they got more acidic water which ate the scale, releasing scale and lead into the water.

You're not supposed to. The system is setup to 1) Keep Democrats in power and 2) Extract as much profit from the taxpayers and anyone stupid enough to buy property in Detroit and place it in the pockets of the City Government.

Allow me to tell you a tale of Coleman Young: Back in the 50s, cops raided an illegal bar. This place was run by Blacks. They arrested a few Blacks. The Blacks in Detroit chimped the fuck out. Then MLK got shot so they rioted again. Then the Blacks felt like rioting again. Then the Whites said "Hey, let's elect a Black Man, maybe that'll fix things". Enter Coleman Young. Young spent the majority of his time as mayor on vacation in Fiji and Hawaii (On Taxpayer's dime). He filled the city government with toadies and profit-extracting goons. His most notable contribution to Detroit was threatening to cut the funding and pensions of any precinct that even so much as looked at a Black man. What happened? Blacks went ape. Kids would get assaulted on the way home from school, Blacks would just sit outside your house waiting for dad to leave for work, old folks were murdered in the streets.

So all the Whites and any Black with an IQ above yam left.

can someone explain this truck driver