ugh where is this?

Lmao that black guy/ugly chick looks like gay Blade

evergreen state college dumbass

of course. I thought that this whole bowel "movement" of theirs was happening at more than one college?

the please commit suicide squad

Can you imagine the tension in that house from walking on all those eggshells?

I would probably burst out laughing. Where's R2Dindu? No access ramp in their frat house? Definitely not cool.


Is this one of those anime screen shots?

I am so happy I get to be in a timeline where there are actual gangs like in The Warriors

One accidental misgendering results in another and eventually they all take each other out like gay dominos.

Their manifold theories and postulates and opinions are so founded on unsound logic that they've decreased their entropy to crumbling point. If you're going to propose new ways of thinking, at least have the courtesy to give them a solid framework.

I laughed audibly at this one

I would love to fight these gay cunts even with the bats. Brb sucking on the Redhead chicks titties after I take the bat off her and jam it up her arse.

Warriorrssssssssss come out and plaaaay-aaayyyyy

Wtf don't you people have guns? I wish I could carry a gun and have a bunch of lunatic fucks attack me with baseball bats

That's 1000000% a tranny.

It's a very liberal campus.

Needs Kathy Griffin photoshopped into the front

I can't help but feel like this may be some sort of massive social experiment for some reason. Occam's Razor tells me otherwise, but I just can't shake the feeling.

>uses male and/or female pronouns
>It's super effective!!!

The Warriors of Tumblr.
> the near future, a charismatic leader summons the street gangs of Evergreen college in a bid to take it over. When xis is killed, The Whiteys are falsely blamed and now must fight their way home while every other gang is hunting them down.

I agree


>Was going to be a prison, but instead, became a school.

You tell me. The name has significance.
t. greener

Jesus christ im a skinny 140 lbs and i could take any of them one on one even with the bat

That fag nigga with a bat looks like some urban JRPG boss

I remember reading that the green haired thing thinks its gender is a robot. Does anyone have her twitter with the weird robo-sexual claims?


that green hair thing is disgusting

>beats the dindu force
>boss music plays

God I wish I lived there.
>own full SCA combat armor
>Viking style round shield
>SCA ratan swords (pretty much a solid peace of 3 3/4 ft ratan with a guard and pommel
>SCA fighting spear

>that's not lipstick