Anyone that wants to have children has not suffered a lot


Why would you say that?

I have 3 sons and wake up feeling amazing. Life is good. Have kids, be normal. Don't lie to yourself about MGTOW being a choice, but a response to constant rejection due to social retardation, stunted career growth and limited resources to raise children properly. You're not a person women find suitable for marriage and fornication.

Easiest way to end the suffering is to swan dive off the nearest overpass into oncoming traffic.

You have to be very insensitive to want to have children. Anyone that has suffered a lot doesn't want to make another person go trough the same shit, only someone who hasn't suffered a lot would do such a stupid thing as make a person come into this shit world. People who want to have children are of this world, of the flesh, they're unevolved, uncivilized and unenlightened and they're not chosen by God.

I hate shit tier genetics and would not force anyone to endure my life.

>I have 3 sons
you're unevolved

>he doesn't want to produce white offspring for the upcoming race war

Not everyone's a weak coward like you

>hardcore child abuse for entire childhood
>self imposed isolation as a young adult
>two divorces one of them absolutely heart crushing
>10 years as an alcoholic

I used to believe what you are thinking OP. Then you grow up, and you learn to be less egocentric.

Children exist so that they can make the world a better place. It is your job to teach them that. In the process, you even get to learn what joy is again.

If you arent up to the job, fine, don't have kids. But don't go walking around thinking other people are assholes because they are further along than you.

>cuck privileged faggot from a country with a fertility rate of 1.9 has never had to work for anything in his life
>Iraq has undergone an invasion, occupation, and civil war and has a fertility rate of almost 5

Not everyone's unevolved like you.

Yeah all those niggers in Africa who have 12 kids when they can't even feed themselves are the true paragons of virtue.

you're an idiot

Fuck off you little nigger. My father was raised in a Greek orphanage without shoes, getting diddled by priests. He has four kids and a dozen houses owned outright. Kys loser. Derrrrr.

>another bitch boy that unironically thinks he's suffered in life
kys faggot

That's your response? That's what you are bringing to this conversation?

At least people can read your thread and see how shallow you actually are.

Grow up, son.

you're unevolved

And you're a faggot.

You are an idiot.

Says the genetic dead end.

You're unevolved, uncivilized and unenlightened, in other words of this world.

You couldn't think one millimeter outside of the box if your life depended on it.

I thought your go-to clever insult was "unevolved". What's the matter, cat got your tongue?

embrace the ancient wisdom of christianity, learn to accept the suffering of the world and embrace the path of responsibility, only then can you find blessedness and tranquility

I don't think I've suffered, however I'm a manlet, ugly, and low IQ. Tell me you would want to live as a dumb ugly manlet.

since you are not going to be a parent, would you suck a steamy dreamy log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole?


genetic loser


look at his flag hes a flaming homosexual

>be OP
>post an important issue worthy of discussion
>proceed to call each and every person who disagrees "unevolved" or an "idiot."

I think we can safely ignore OP without losing anything of value.

Nice, original responses. You realize that you're the one coming off stupid, typing like that?
If you're gonna troll, at least put some effort into it.

Proof in point: niggers have tons of kids. If I've learned one thing it's niggers are stupid. Problem is this:
>bring kids into world
>world is evil
>kids keep you occupied
>continue to be a consumerist slave to support kid
>evil prevails
>rinse repeat

Having a white kid or two won't change anything. They'll just have to deal with more shitskins and degeneracy in the future. Humanity is a lost cause at this point, just let it die. And no, I'm not Schlomo Shekelberg, just a disgruntled white male.

This. Only way I'd change my mind is if there was a global race war and white somehow won.

your goal should be to have white kids, otherwise you are a traitor to your entire lineage. if heaven is real, you will be as much of a failure there as you were here.

although its hard to find a decent white woman, you cant ever completely give up. stop being a pussy ass nigger bitch

Perhaps it is our suffering that makes us stronger. It is the discomforts in life that make pleasant moments valuable.

Challenges themselves can be painful, yet stealing them from someone cripples them because you have taken their opportunity to overcome and be better for it.

So I suppose denying your children a life would be the purest form of apathy. Your choosing non-existance to a life with struggle and pain tells me that you prefer death to life.

You have to learn the lesson of pain to appreciate why life is worth living.

Your mother should've aborted you. And if you truly believed any of this, you'd kill yourself. Kill yourself. Your taking resources away from my children.

Kill yourself, pussy.

Kill yourself, Nancy. I bet your father walked out on you and your whore mother.

>denying your children a life
Unless you're knocking up a virgin teenager the chances of your kid having birth defects or complications skyrockets the older a woman gets. Wonder why the Jews upped the age of consent? To fuck up future generations of children with mental and physical defects from late stage births. This is supported by science.
You first, faggot.


There's no endpoint you fucking infant. Also, kill yourself. More resources for MY kids.

unevolved people

Little Kike-boy is upset I'm not planning on spreading my Nordic genes so he can tax and rape my future white children? Too bad.
Your kids hate you deep down. I know if I had a father who visited Sup Forums I'd probably hate his faggot ass too. You're probably not even white.

I can't. I have people who depend on me. I have a dick and balls, too, faggot.

>Your kids hate you deep down
yeah probably, but I didn't make them to love me. I made them so that I could love THEM. Your children are more important than you. Everyone on this board needs to realize there are things more important than the self.

You're the one who brought up suicide you depressed faggot. You're probably just upset you're getting taxed up the wazoo and slaving your life away for some jew who skims your paycheck every two weeks. Your children are going to grow up in one of the most hostile, violent, and unstable time periods in human civilization.

Lol. You were definitely raised by a single mother. And I don't pity you, you fatherless nigger.

My parents are still together and doing well. Got any more presumptions, low IQ nigger?

Your wife, if you guys aren't divorced yet, probably WASN'T a virgin when you knocked her up, right? Talk about being a cuck faggot. Your children have the DNA of other men.

Ya, they locked you in a basement. Tens of millions of people starves to death in the previous century, you ignorant, crybaby faggot.



Spoken like a true virgin.

I've suffered more than my fair share. I want to have children so that I can give them the large family and happy childhood I never had.

i don't really want to have kids because i don't want to take the risk of being responsible for bringing a person into a world that doesn't really have much of a future in the long run

i have a good job and im married but i worry too much about things and i don't want to pass on my bullshit to anyone else

my dad was an idiot too and have problems feeling like a man sometimes which i fear would cause a potential kid to think i was an idiot as well

Good on you, user. Family gives a man purpose.

I have a son and another on th way.

I can't explain how good it feels to take care and nurture another human. If you don't want to have kids DONT, it's not for you and you won't be good at it.

It's not for everyone, it's hard work. It takes patience and a lot of planning. You can't just wake up everyday and spew a bunch of Sup Forumstier redpills.

you're unevolved and you haven't suffered a lot

You are right about that. I feel pretty in tune with my forefathers who's sole purpose was to propagate.

My wife calls me a fucking caveman too Must be something there...

fucking dumbass Swede. The world is being overtaken by a brown horde, we can't afford white males like you being pathetic depressed whiny faggots and willingly wasting away without reproducing.

You're a cuck is what you are.

Just kys already. My children need the resources you're wasting with your existence.


Actually you are an evolutionary dead end.

Basically this.

You need only 1 shitskin to blow at least 20 Whites. So there's no point in hell to argue about having kids.

Only a sheltered Westerner who hasn't suffered a lot could have the luxury to follow such a navel-gazing philosophy as existentialism.

this is what we have come to, petty squabbles

where is the peace my friends?