I thought Muslims were evil? How could they show so much love?

I thought Muslims were evil? How could they show so much love?

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>10: 3,150,000

Meanwhile back at the morgue

Get fucked liberal

Get fucked


ignore the islam animal
deal with the traitor enablers first

According to the Quran, it's recommended to lie to gain trust of the land you're invading. It's okay to do that, because in the end, it'll lead to more Muslims.

Good enough answer for ya?

Maybe the guys fleeing from terrorism are not the terrorist but actual refugees, that would explain why most terrorists in europe were born here. Nah, that makes too much sense.

Oh sorry, wrong site... Ehh fuck all people with brown skin!!11!oneeleven!1??

It's from the fake CNN report.
Nice bait thread, bro

Hey, who lost two consecutive wars here, friendo?

Yeah, thought so. Leave the philosophy to the big boys.


South Korea

And maybe a few others. These are the only countries that matter.

At last I finally see

>american education

Do you say that when you see your muslim doctor?

>German brainwashing.

I don't think I've ever heard anybody who could be taken seriously say that ALL Muslims are terrorists, or evil.

Everybody knows that some of them are wonderful people.
Doesn't mean there is not a significant enough threat that we need to send them all back.

Well, for as shit as our education is, at least it's not marxist propaganda. Also, we have the ability to opt out of it and teach our children how we want. I was homeschooled, for example.


My ACT scores say otherwise, faggola.

Funny to hear that from an americuck

I have reason to believe that these protests were real:


I'm no fan of CNN but it looks like they didn't fabricate this one.

Same, homeschooled for nine years and now have a 4.53 GPA.

mudslime protesting mudslime so they don't get deported. so much love

fuck off liberal

you live in germany
no right to be snappy, cuck

Fuck, I wish my GPA was like that. It's alright, just not that.

Math really fucked me. Algebra is a fucking whore.

says the nigger that voted for a cunt who literally wants her country to be overran by niggers and mudslime. And not any nigger but african niggers

>marxist propaganda
See, you guys actually belive that shit. You talk way out of your range.


fake news, saged

Yea, we should just shoot at the people at our border or send them from one country to another, that will definitly work. Let me remind you that this whole crisis started because you idiots got rid of Hussein, Mubarak, Gadaffi, Ben Ali, (Assad).



Okay, if it's not a state funded propaganda machine that's a remnant of how Nazi Germany did things, why do kids get taken away from their parents when the parents don't want their kids in public school? If it wasn't propaganda, if it was so great, you wouldn't need to force parents to put their kids in it.

In other words, just like in Nazi Germany, in today's Germany children do not belong to parents, children belong to the state. Fucking disgusting. Germany isn't a democracy, and other than racism towards non whites (they have plenty of racism towards native Germans, though), they're no different than Nazi Germany.

I'm not fucking joking right now. I'm not doing the Sup Forums thing. Your country is absolute shit and I'm glad it's dying.

>pic related, it's you

im sure like 99% of everyone on pol knows that already

semi rare?

good post hombre

So snopes argument for it being fake is CNN said it was real, and that a "source close to cnn" said this is often how protests are done?

Thank goodness people won't buy that nonsense.

Dr. StrangeLove, or How I Learned To Love The BOMB!

uh no. this whole situation started because Germany went full SJW and forced all countries in the EU to have open borders and accept all the sand niggers their white women pussy can handle.

poland ain't having a problem. Norway just cut welfare to sand niggers. the only problem is your shitty country deciding it wants niggers to rape them. grow some ball and kick them out. a dead nigger in the dessert will become sand anyways

Wut is "turnto love"? Is that when a Muslim fucks a goat or something?

Because they were paid.

Literally no academic parents want to homeschool their kids. Only retarded people would want to do that. To actually belive german schools teach kids some marxist agenda is borderline retarded. If anything the exact opposite is the case.

Is coke legal down there?

Gadaffi even warned us about this. You are just uneducated. Do you think arabs in the middle east / north africa watch german news? Also who do you think established the dublin regulation which southern europeans at one point started to ignore?

Coca-Cola? Yes
Cocaine? No
Coca, the plant where you can derive and manufacture cocaine from? Totally and very easy to find and cheap, super accessible.

You can find Coca leaves in every supermarket.

You get arrested if you get caught making cocaine, probably because the government doesn't likes competition.

Snopes is owned by a Dem couple couple, from California, who were very close to Hillary. Liberal, biased, bullshit.

they don't need to watch german news. they just need to know germany will give them tons of welfare and housing.

Well, you can't just buy coca leaves in America. Maybe in Bolivia, where the shit grows in cracks in the sidewalk, but not here.

Okay, but you still haven't answered the fucking question, kraut. Why does the government have to force people to put their kids in the schools? Also, if you're really this ignorant of your school system, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe don't visit Sup Forums?

>Only retarded people would want to do that.

>John Adams
>John Quincy Adams
>Grover Cleveland
>James Garfield
>William Henry Harrison
>Andrew Jackson
>Thomas Jefferson
>Abraham Lincoln
>James Madison
>Theodore Roosevelt
>John Tyler
>George Washington
>Woodrow Wilson
>Winston Churchill
>Henry Clay
>Ben Franklin
>Alexander Hamilton
>Daniel Webster
>Stonewall Jackson
>Robert E. Lee
>Douglass MacArthur
>Albert Einstein
>Alexander Graham Bell
>Thomas Edison
>The Wright Brothers

Those are just a handful of history's best and brightest. All homeschooled. The reason public school fails is because there are some people that are just too smart for it. Not in the conventional ways, a lot of the time, in their own way. The Wright Brothers were able to hone their interest in aviation throughout the years.

Schooling shouldn't be uniform. That doesn't produce great societies.

Bump for love

That's exactly what you're supposed to do. Some ranchers along the border to Mexico, started poisoning barrels of water that the border patrol (compelled by their humanitarianism) placed on their properties for illegals.

Needless to say, it sent a message to everyone who would cross illegally.

Dude, I'm not sure what you think we HAVE to do, but we don't want your vile, poisonous, rapey neighbors in America. You can have all of them.

Because education is important and there are too many stupid parents that would ruin their childrens lives.
There are also private schools & schools that are aligned to promote espacially smart people, its not just all the same.

Poising people that flee from a war that you are kind of responsible for. Let me guess, you were homeschooled too?

I doubt that those people are really Muslim at all, but paid actors. Any real Muslim that held a sign condemning the acts of divine justice, would most likely be excommunicated- ... I mean EXTERMINATED.

''americuck'' from a E N R I C H E D-german ?
i must be biting hard

Thank you for that. I was expelled from school at a very young age for fighting, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. The stress that lethargic teachers place on children is damn near criminal. Especially in the poor communities that I grew up in. Mostly nig-nogs. I found my love for learning, in the quiet reccess of my home. It gives me a sense of accomplishment that is for me alone to have.

>there are too many stupid parents
Avoidance of all personal responsibilities is ideal, eh kraut? Sick in my stomach from my German roots

#PretendToCareAboutLondonSoWeCanStillGetFreeGovernmentBenifits #ItWontBeLongBeforeWeOutNumberThemAndTheCountryIsOurs is what they really mean

Snopes said that is fake news.
ha take that nazis.

Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love. Islam attacks Europe. Muslims tell Europe to show more love.

>all personal responsibilities


>education of offspring


You just said that sending your kids to school is basically just giving up all your responsibility.
Of course you have to educate your children outside of school too, thats what i was saying you idiot.


Do you not see how fucked you government is? Your people are being scrubbed everyday by liberal bullshit. It's the media. It's the teachers that spread this tolerance and acceptance bullshit. It's the "you can't be racist towards white people" rhetoric. Dude... Grow a fuckin' pair and be active in your community.

2million plus muslims in london
handful of paid actors do the first anti-extremism protest ever


All black people are not crooks or gang members. Actually 99% are really kind and wonderful. But that doesn't mean I wanna live in a city full of them.

How am I responsible for any of that mess? I personally had nothing to Do with it. As a matter of fact, the war would have never advanced this far, because there is a stockpile of MOABs sitting at an airstrip that I would have put to good use. I don't think that would have stopped the invasion though. I believe they are fulfilling the promise they made when the Islamic brotherhood drew their blueprint to collapse western society from the inside.



>Never mind London

Looks like a totally spontaneous grass roots muslim uprising against terrorism, and not at all like 9 random brown people CNN paid to stand there with signs handed to them only moments before.

You just imply that everyone who does not want to kill all brown people is a cuck that wants the white race to be gone. That is part of the problem.
If you would actually track every single refugee at the border and if they behave in a harmful way send them back and once their home country is "save" send them back too there would be no problem. And everyone ive ever talked to agrees with that and thats actually the policies of Merkels party. The execution of that just failed.

Germany is not California.

Make no mistake, I feel your pain. I know that your people are not callous, or brutal. We are civilized! This is a civilized age! But, you cannot let these shitskins use their children as a shield to come into the country. Their own people will not help them. This shit is most obviously a soft invasion. They are using our compassion and love against us. It is evil to the very core.

>Protest signs
>8.5 x 11 Black White
CNN isnt even trying anymore senpai

Everyone is always looking to tear each other down on here. As if intellectual superiority weighs in over being civil and communicating. There is a lot that I don't know. I have no idea what it is like in Germany right now, but I know how it will be in the future if you people cannot protect your country, children, citizens, culture, pride...

Have you ever heard of "clean food"? LoL

Well, if you go after what Sup Forums says & belive that most refugees behave like animals no german city would be save anymore. The reality looks different. Refugees usually dont cause problems, as it is with basically all people of the first generation that come here. Were the turks that came here to work & build up this country a problem? No... Their offspring? Yes!
As i already said, as long as you send these people back at one point, there is no real problem. But for that you have to establish strong leaders in the middle east & north africa again. We have to stop fucking with Assad first of all.
To genocide all muslims in europe is not something something that will happen. Even if you would want that its just not realistic.

No, it is way worse. California nust has Mexicans, but they at least integrate into our society. It's not "Kill all Brown people"... Why do liberals always turn this argument into bigotry? Nvm. The point is, their ideology tells them to kill your people. Their religion, is a religion of destruction. It cannot be altered; it cannot be revised; it cannot be contended, under pain of death. It is just wrong. You are letting an evil cult into your country. They slaughter and fuck their own children. Good luck guy.

Hahaha, oh the fucking irony.
Germans aren't even worth the air they breath anymore.

Fucking useless people.

You can literally watch a video of them staging it. Snopes is full of shit

Reminder the owner of snopes is a literal cuck. He's dating a former prostitute who still has her webpages up. There are videos of her deepthroating black cocks. No one should take this man seriously


Complete staged bullshit. Fuck off shill.

>It cannot be altered; it cannot be revised; it cannot be contended
it can, and will not be erdadicated

Have you red the old testament? Its fucking barbaric too. Look up Mossadeghs/Mustafa Kemals policies. You actually can reform those countries.


>Have you red the old testament? Its fucking barbaric too.

Now wait a minute, don't derail the conversation, "what about X" is not a defense in favor of islam, you should know that.

Why haven't 1.6 billion muslims killed isis, then? It's only 50k, right?


How is that fake news?

you sand niggers need to leave, SAGE

The conversation is about wether or not its possible to reform Islam. And since we were able to reform christanity its likely that reforming islam is possible too.

>there's like 5 of them

>The conversation is about wether or not its possible to reform Islam. And since we were able to reform christanity its likely that reforming islam is possible too.

That is not a valid point, they are two different products with similar roots, just because one can be reformed is not proof the other one can.


I am not sure what you guys are asking for. They are disavowing terrorism. Why should they be held responsible for what people who've interpreted their holy book in a different way do? You do realize Christian terrorists exist, right? We don't use them to define Christianity. We don't expect the mostly peaceful Christian people to feel culpable. The most you can ask is that they disavow.

I never said its proof. Is said its likely. You say its impossible or unlikely? Whats that based on?
As you can see at the example of Iran (Mossadegh)/Turkey (Mustafa Kemal) as i already said, its most likely possible. You have no point.

>said this is often how protests are done?
I like how people use this as a defense. This is NOT how they should be done, that's part of why people call CNN and shit Fake News. OBSERVE, DO NOT INTERFERE, AND REPORT.

>And since we were able to reform christanity its likely that reforming islam is possible too.
You know nothing about how Christianity 'reformed' or why if you think any of it applies to Islam.

When did you 'reform' Christianity you unbearable arse?
What does 'reform' mean
And what shade of brown are you

There's only one thing worse than urragh! Germans
German poos

read>Who is Martin Luther?
also read

Lets see, lets start with the incredibly simple example that the highest example of virtue for both is held to be the religion's founders. Jesus was a non-violent philosopher who allowed himself to be executed and specifically told his followers to not defend him when he was to be captured. Mohammed was a pedophile warlord who killed old ladies who said mean things about him and died because he killed a jewish lady's husband, raped her and made her a slave and then stupidly let her near his kitchens.

Both men are 'perfect' according to their respective religions and led perfect lives in accordance with God.

How is your post in English?

You do not seem to understand reformation. Its basically calling all the bad shit in your holy book outdated & all the good shit in your holy book your new agenda. Is that inconsistent? Fuck yes. Did christians care? Fuck no. Will muslims care? Fuck no.

>Did christians care? Fuck no.
Again, you understand literally nothing about the Reformation or why it happened. Martin Luther wanted everyone to be able to read the bible for themselves and to have a personal walk with God that wasn't dictated by the mandates and overseeing and politics of the Church, which had become largely corrupt as an institution. This resulted in people breaking off, making up their own minds and starting to follow what the Bible said more closely, which had a dumbing down of the aggressive violence in Christianity. In response the Catholic Church also had to mellow out to stay competitive. Both groups say they are following Christ's word more accurately than ever before.

Islam already went through this process. The Ottoman Empire was too Secular and not Islamic enough, so it became crippled by those seeking greater Jihad in the name of Allah and splintered into the dozens of violent states we have today. Iran used to be fairly Western, but it wasn't considered Islamic enough, in following the religion more closely it became what you see today. Saudi Arabia, and the Islamic State are following their book more closely, and have the expected results of that.

You never reform a religion by throwing out all the core tenants, it much always be packaged as a purer or more accurate teaching. If you are not doing that, you should change your religion entirely, because you obviously don't believe in what its selling to begin with.

"That's right, goy. Turn to love and don't defend yourself!"
