Did Pill Cosby really do it?

Do you believe Bill "Pill" Cosby is really guilty?

Have you taken the Hey Hey Hey pill yet user?

I find it harder to believe that there are niggers who don't rape desu

Give me a rundown on the Hey Hey Hey pill, please.

Nah. Odds are he told a bunch of women he'd make them famous if they banged, then he just skipped out on them. It would explain why some of the women in the lawsuit claim he raped them multiple times over the years. If some guy was raping you, would you keep going back to his house and accepting drinks from him?

seems like a lot of trouble for his accusers to go through and a lot of coordination just to shake down some irrelevant old moon cricket who is known most recently for fudge pops

He told black people to pull their pants up and stop robbing people. They had no choice but to pull him down.

Well, he is black. That's pretty damning evidence that he's guilty of something.


Yes but not all may have been rape. quaaludes were used recreationally, like u may have some drinks b4 sex. Sandy Kane claims to have had consensual drug sex with him. However I believe the ppl who said he gave them a pill and said it was something else

>A multitude of alleged victims come forth
>Many after the statute of limitations so lack of monetary gain
>Apparent modus operandi of perpetrator - drug a young white then rape while unconscious
>Corroboration from friends and family at time of assault
>Story broke without the existence of a nationwide manhunt to bring down America's affable black father figure
>Hs's a nigger
Yeah he did it.

No the accusations are bullshit by cunt women wanting to cash in on his name since he is old now and his estate won't go to them (rather his wife and kids will get it).

They want a piece of the Cosby pie decades after fucking him since they are old post wall bags who are worthless.

>he doesn't like a cold cosby

massive hit job by the MSM

>A multitude of alleged victims come forth
Evidence is what is required to prove something happened not just alleged victims.
>Many after the statute of limitations so lack of monetary gain
The statue of limitations apply to charging criminals he cannot be thrown in prison due to them but he can be sued and forced to pay out his alleged victims.
>Apparent modus operandi of perpetrator - drug a young white then rape while unconscious
He would not need to do that since he could fuck them without needing to drug them due to his power.
>Corroboration from friends and family at time of assault
Prove it
>Story broke without the existence of a nationwide manhunt to bring down America's affable black father figure
All you need is a group against him not an entire nation.

Star having to drug women to sleep with them? Only women would believe this.

^Found the nigger

>>cold cosby

Is that like being enriched?

The Rape Cosby Show

>^Found the nigger
Not an argument

Will you take the Cosby Pill?

Did he do what? Offer women free drugs and then his famous cock to them?

I think a lot of famous people did that in the 80's.

I think most of the accusers wanted attention or money.

So....obviously he fucking did it

Doesn't seem like Cosby's into guys, unless possibly, any man came forward on these accusations.