I never knew Catholics were evil.
Woah! Is this real
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>Catholic teaching favors gun rights, capitalism and a strong defense
Wow, such an evil religion
wtf I love catholics now
I want to convert to catholicism but im not religious currently. Where do i start?
Turns out the Catholic Church was pretty based for like, 1800 years.
At a catholic church. I was raised catholic and went to a elementary and middle private catholic school.
Go to a church and ask to attend RCIA. (Roman Catholic Instruction for Adults.)
Im not understanding of simple concepts, im a little dumb that way. What exactly do I do, just go to a service?
Start reading up on Catholic doctrine and open your heart to God. The rest will follow
The irony is that the church did much the same.
The problem is that its not so black and white, the Chuch did a lot of shit and a lot of good.
Attending a "Mass" as a service is called is fine, but then you should reach out to the church or perhaps look at the weekly bulletin for information on how to attend RCIA. It should be included in the bulletin. Typically in every church there will be a bulletin (a small folded paper) that is printed en masse and handed out or sitting in the back. This is where the information for the specific church will be kept.
If the priest faces you when he does the mass, or if the congregants do not kneel, it is "novus ordo" and not valid.
Wtf I hate Catholics now
Look up some local catholic churches near by your area. Churches, at least over here, start at 4 pm on Saturday and around noon on Sunday. If you don't know for sure, there is usually a little house next to the church with like a pastor or some shit and ask them.
It doesn't cost anything if that's what you are asking lol. You just walk in, follow suite of what everyone else is doing. I assume you aren't baptized either, so the only thing you would do differently that everyone else in the church is when they renact the last supper of Jesus Christ. They turn the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus (Yes, catholic do believe it's actually the body and blood of Jesus when they eat and drink it). But because you aren't baptized, you won't have to do that, you will just right hand on your left shoulder and left hand on your right shoulder. Once you walk up to the priest or person handing out the body, they will say "bless you" or some shit like that (idk remember cuz it's been a while) and you just walk back to your pew and kneel.
I would stay after and ask the priest about Catholicism, ask for a book (should be free but who knows), and just read it.
Don't go up for communion at all.
Sometimes priests do do the blessing, but it's pointless since everyone gets blessed at the end of mass anyway.
Just stay in the pew and contemplate.
While somewhat correct, it's best he coverts according to the Catechism. as he learns, we can guide him, he will find a proper sacramental confession and will grow that way. we can't allow souls to be lost from the fear of invalidity. the process of conversion can be intense enough. reach out to the bishop for guidance. also goto..www.ecclesiadei.org for the latin directory. read the catechism and ask questions
>(((catholic church)))
learn how to underline or off yourself
Yeah, that's acceptable too.
Didn't know you had latin masses in america. Good to know some god fearing people are still around.
In reality, the Catholic Church is neither conservative nor liberal. The Church is simply the Church. It can sound conservative one minute and liberal the next. All good Catholics should be devoted to the Church as their primary ideological alignment, and their politics should flow naturally from this.
Catholics had people slaves for thousands of years and still want to enslave humanity. did you know their also a black pope. check out link on what many people of the past have said about them (this one is mostly focused on the Jesuit order) {history is replete of different groups trying to take over the world} ---> youtu.be
The "religious" people on here are so overly concerned with politics and appearances and other worldly things that their faith is little more than just another identity that they attach themselves to.
They are not supernatural minded at all. I doubt there are many people here who are genuine believers
PIGs are great. The PIG to the US Presidency is a must read for Sup Forums
the problem with the catholic curch is that it has been corrupted and infiltrated for long.
we need to fix it and cure the great schism.
Fear Us.
>The Crusades are something to be proud of
Well aren't they not? Brave men gave their lives to try and recover the Holy Land despite failing at every stop, especially the fourth time around. Deus Vult!
also they were fighting back after reconqouring scaly and france from the arabs
Not our fault for having elected someone named BERGoglio as pope.