Is farm life the ultimate human existence?
Is farm life the ultimate human existence?
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Farms and farmers smell like shit, that's why nobody likes them.
Not exactly. Aristocracy is the ultimate human existence. Not the degenerate forms we've had over the past few hundred years but a true traditional, spiritual, military/heroic aristocrat.
An agrarian life is probably the best recipe for contentment for the common people though
for germanic peoples yes
I think it is. Grow your own food, take care of your own land, provide for you family, get back in touch with the earth. YOU control where your food comes from, it is the ultimate form of physical independence from the powers that be.
A leaf finally gets it right for once.
t. Never met a farmer
I spent some time on my inlaws this past weekend and it made me feel alive with a primal happiness. Picked fruit, chilled with goats, shoveled shit.. It was great. What struck me most about it were how great the people were. Everybody grew shit and shared with people who grew different shit.
>Is farm life the ultimate human existence?
Yes. You're your own boss. You basically decide your own level of interaction with the neighbors. Kids aren't as likely to be degenerates. Lots of fresh air and sunshine. Basically off 5 months out of the year.
>YOU control where your food comes from
*As long as it's genetically modified seeds from Monsanto which yield no seeds because it's for your own safety
Absolutely. I haven't seen a farming thread in a while though, sadly.
Maybe with the proper equipment and attitude it is, but I grew up having to work the fields, and I fucking hated every moment of it. Mainly because my parents pushed me and my brothers as if we were fucking workhorses.
Nothing alienates someone from work as childhood labour with some nigger behind you who beats your ass if you don't do everything the way she imagined. I still have a subconscious aversion to hard work and that's why it's so hard for me to get /fit.
Lately I dream about building my own garden though. But I would do it my way.
how physically fit do you have to be to work o a farm?
how long would it take working on a farm to get physically fit?
Depends entirely on the farm, user. Start small and work your way up.
>Allergic to all things under the sun
Family farm is a meme at this point, most of the farming done and land owned by gigantic agri-corporations.
>away from niggers
>anywhere near niggers
no, it's just having all your shit in the open to get stolen
Outside industrial farming this shit has no place (not really in there either but anyway). If you have a smal farm it is way better to use old local crop variants for they often times are specifically for that region and taste better.
Mosantos shit is made last long and has to be able to be transported from one country to another and stil look good in the supermarket.
you soft neet faggots would break down after 3 days of manual labor
How? Genetics?
You are like most Ashkenazis here.
If you ever get someone pregnant then visit a farm with them. It is assmued by scientists that the lack of many microbes/bacteria causes all the allergies the humans in the western world are getting
>There will never be a Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons game in which you control an industrial farm and try to keep it in the good graces of the local community
Why during pregnancy? Do you mean really going to farm with your gf while the baby is still in the womb?
Yeah. As far as I heared the child is already buildings its immune system during pregnancy, but please don't ask for any sources. This was a few years ago and I would have to look everything up again. Maybe I will in a few month though for my own interest
Threads like these remind me how prole/blue collar this board actually is.
Farmers don't eat thier crops dumbass. They have gardens, hunting land, animals, chickens foraging etc...
You can't compete with monsanto, in mainstream crops. The hurdles you have to jump through to get labeled as "organic" which is the only way to compete are retarded.
Depends heavily on where you are, I was lucky enough to inherent a huge ranch in nebraska, but being some cucked farmer on like 50 acres just outside of town on land with virtually no wildlife would suck major ass.
It makes a whole heap of sense. All these allergies only effect the city folk, since they rarely see a tree that isn't growing from a hole in the footpath.
Mothers need to introduce their children to bacteria to form a healthy immune system.
i own about 6 acers of land in north qld i run chickens and goats (25chickens, 4 goats) and i work about 30 hours a week at work i find that being a normaly healthy person i can do all i need to around the property but one thing you will lack is knowlege everything i have done so far is from scratch like fencing and how to grow grass in the paddocks it takes a long time to start getting to grips with just how much there is owning land
It is fufilling in many ways but it doesn't suit most people. Farming is hard and demanding work which requires a lot of time and commitment, especially if you have livestock as well. Farming isn't just a job, it's an entire lifestyle and people just don't have it in them to live that way, not to mention the physical toll it eventually takes on the body or the cost of aquring and maintaining the land, animals, and equipment on any significant scale these days.
Any job which requires you to get your hands dirty and allows you to physically see the fruits of your labors can be similarly rewarding. It's still hard work and rough on the body but you can work more regular hours, don't require the start up funds, may be payed better, and you as you get older and frailer you aren't tied down to the job through your land so you can just persue less strenuous work while continuing to just practice your trade as a hobby for personal enjoyment.
>Become a farmer
>have a little field and some old af tools to work with
>put all your money into fertilizer and seeds
>spend your time to pamper your little plants like your own children
>wait for them to grow
After some time ...
>ready to harvest that hard earned goods
>half of it was eaten by niggers going around
>quarter got some fuckass disease
>The rest got fucked by rodents
Then look next to your field and see some rich farmer with hi-tech tractor and combine,harvesting a great mountain of crops on a mile long field
Yeah its like a PayToWin game.
Dont play it....
>You will never move to stardew valley and find a cute waifu
>baby is in the womb
Gas yourself, degenerate.
What you do is land investment and using your family and the EU.
The way to make bank if you have land in the USA is to grow 4-5 varieties in rotation. Due to differing macro nutrient needs you rotate for most of your property, then utilize timber for the rest.
>Sorghum-peanuts-corn(human eating)-corn again (livestock grade)-hay
Rinse and repeat, it's all based on stuff like nitrogen/oxygen /potassium/whatever rich soils.
We also grow timber, which is making so much fucking money compared to any other crop sold in the USA. Only because of the EU, UK, and China. Mainly Europe.
The reason this is, is because of the loophole in climate change ideology.
>Is farm life the ultimate human existence?
with slaves yes
or work 24\7 by yourself
>A tiller of the ground, body and soul; a worker on the land without respite. A ghost risen out of the past to point to the future; a man from the earliest days of cultivation, a settler in the wilds, nine hundred years old, and withal, a man of the day. –Knut Hamsun
Yes, let's all become aristocrats. What a good idea. Let the plebs do the work (read: Sup Forumsacks)
Being a farmer used to be a good idea. Industrial agricultre is a cul-de-sac because you need heaps of energy to produce food (about one calorie of energy for one calorie of food) and it forces small farmers into a ruinous competition.
If you are lucky and live somewhere where you can do sustainable agriculture, it's a good way to be self-sufficient and generate some income.
Fuck: ten calories of energy for one calorie I meant
That sounds dope as fuck.
no it is an unnatural subversion of nature
ugly up close
he is right though. you will Always have an elite in society who will govern. better to have an elite based on family dynasty, blood, honour, chivalry, militarism, faith,... than one based on Merchants, usury, international capitalism, humanism,....
you just need to maintain a fine balance, so you don't end up with a mass of serfs and a decadent elite supressing the mass for their own gain. and on the pther hand you need to get rid off illusions like "the people govern themselves" or democracy and other utopian nonsense.
t think the key will be to mend the gap with etnonationalism, corporatistic class cooperation,....
yea it's a beuatiful book, and the author was redpilled af.
>Generation to generation, breeding ever anew, and when you die the new stock goes on. That’s the meaning of eternal life. -Knut Hamsun
> 'Twas rarely he knew the day of the month--what need had he of that? He had no bills to be met on a certain date; the marks of his almanac were to show the time when each of the cows should bear. But he knew St Olaf's Day in the autumn, that by then his hay must be in, and he knew Candlemas in the spring, and that three weeks after then the bears came out of their winter quarters; all seed must be in the earth by then. He knew what was needful.
Farming is what humans are meant to do
Humans are meant to conquer the universe and cleanse it from the predator.
i should get around to reading this someday
yea you should.
>>The way to make bank if you have land in the USA
If you have land in the USA you already "made bank".
hahahaha nice one!
It's extremely comfy and rewarding, but a lot of hard work. It's a bit nerve-racking over here, in South Africa, with the pressure/threads from the government and the murders though. I was lucky enough to grow up on a farm in the Western Cape, which was about a 20/30 minute drive from the city (Cape Town) where the the beaches and mountains are right by the city. I'm done with the "farm life" though, it's not worth the risk in a nigger country.
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