Brit/pol/ - Send Mummy your energy edition


>London terrorist Khuram Butt appeared on Channel 4 documentary on Jihadis in London:

>British men Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane named as London Bridge terrorists:

>Actor Peter Sallis passes away peacefully at 89 surrounded by his family:

>Police arrest 12 muslim fucking cunts in morning raids:

>London attack: Theresa May says "enough is enough" after seven die

>Graphic footage from London terrorist attack

>One of the London attackers was reported to the authorities several times - nothing done

>"Man told not to be Islamophobic by man literally being forced to cower for his life during an Islamist terror attack."

Other urls found in this thread:

first for mummy

threadly reminder to kill yourself before it becomes worse

>wake up
>browse twitter
>see Corbyn on near 97 Blair support
>have a laugh

Is is really going to get anywhere near this level of support?


I actually can't wait to get sent to the gulag under deputy dear leader Abbott

Those changes are wrong, they had the same result last poll

If Corbyn got 40% of the vote he would out do Blair in 2005 who got 35% of the vote.
I saw Ashcroft saying that's very different to what he is getting

How do we replace May with Mogg?




Oh look at the time, all hands on deck at Tory Party HQ, right?

Hey you strapping young Conservative boys, tell me just how STRONG and STABLE Mummy May is, how great your uncosted manifesto is, and how it's very important that we institute mass censorship on the internet.

How cute, a pic of Corbyn

It's bollocks

post your twitter and tweet a screenshot of this post to prove it. I don't believe you

Friendly reminder Britain is a dead country.

Case in point

this. Been waiting for 3 years now. It doesnt get better.

My prediction for this election is the Tories will win a majority; but the big talking point – much like the EU referendum – will be that London is totally out of step with the rest of the country. I think with Corbyn being a London MP, popular amongst the young of which there’s many in London, and the fact Labour’s vote has held up in the capital consistently (see Sadiq Khan winning quite comfortably), we are going to see two election results; London’s and the rest of the UK’s.


Remember when this happened?

You'll get David Davis

The Jihadis Next Door [Documentary]

Would unironically support

even a high youth turnout could be functional irrelevant

based leaf

Isn't Ashcroft very often on point?

Wasn't in that thread but can vouch for a similar experience here.

Met a really cute 19 year old, thought she was quite innocent. Took her out once and she literally rang a dealer on our way to the second bar asking when she could pick up some coke for the weekend like it was nothing. Grilled her on it a little bit and she just said that everyone her age was doing it and couldn't believe I was so surprised. Worse thing was after all this she said her 17 yo sister was even worse than she was. We're totally fucked.

It's over for Labour even if they do get an extremely high youth turnout.

when she full on goes with her awkward stuttering she's pretty funny, shame she hasn't done that during this campaign


My gf got me a happy birthday message from the moggster back in April. His handwriting is terrible but amazing at the same time.

Try writing to him pretending to be student press

>Stephen Hawking announces he is voting Labour: 'The Tories would be a disaster'

How much are they paying him lads?

This kinda seems like it all comes from anecdotes?

disability benefits

In terms of pure numbers tho it would still be a huge improvement

>A Brit/pol/ exclusive interview with Mogg

One can only dream.

>inb4 Telegraph claim Russians hacked his text-to-speech software

Will are Dehenna be elected?

Anecdotes from an insider who talks to labour candidates and campaigners who see canvassing. In 2015 the same place saw the polls being off vs canvassing early too.

Cap this

Abbot is going to step down for health reasons very soon.


Pure numbers mean nothing in FPTP. In 2005 Labour got 35% and a majority of 39. This election could go 45-35 to the tories and it'd be a tory majority of 80+

Tories stopped his bennies. Said he was fit for work.


empire 2 soon


Fuck old people and anyone who doesn't live in London then.


is that in a fucking mosque?

That's why FPTP sucks

we had this last night

being thick as pig shit is not a health issue

Tears are already starting

That's it. Britain is dead. Gone. Never coming back. The ol' girl had a good run, but to try and reverse this would be futile necromancy. It takes a true patriot to admit this. God save the Queen.

>Said he was fit for work.
>best selling author
>research scientist
activated [X]
unactivated [ ]


>Fuck old people and anyone who doesn't live in London then.
probably exactly what Corbyn was thinking when he put forth the garden tax

Sounds credible

>Theresa May: "Fuck the poor and disabled, who needs them anyway?"
What was she thinking when she said this during the debate?

Isn`t that like, opening a window or something?
Fuck jihadis, if they come after me here, I`ll hide in the jungle and throw shit at them.


she's already been locked away from her WH appearance today for 'health reasons'

got a Sup Forums tab open already thanks

Are you the same user that informed us about the election the night before?

Seriously lads. Will a 22 year old tory take Blair's old seat

"I can't believe Welsh still exist"

Why did May say this?

That happened?

Yeah, it's archived somewhere.
Guy gave the exact date and time If I remember correctly.

She only wants newspeak, any other language would get in the way.



>Guy gave the exact date and time
the amount of predictions people give in this place..

Nah, if you read the thread you'll see it wasn't random.

>ywn fuck louise mensch

why live?

Something something stopped clock something a day

dumb frogposter

>Theresa May: "let's pay the communist party to endorse Corbyn to make him look like a communist by association"
I mean, come on... It's almost as if she forgot that quantum computers will be able to expose all of her encrypted emails within a few years.

dumb frogposter

Nige brought up an interesting topic here. Rural and seaside towns with police that don't have firearms are more vulnerable to attacks. Apparently stray rounds are an argument against arming the police.

Again, read the thread and you'll see it wasn't just a guess.

It was in the middle of a thread and came out of nowhere, it wasn't a guess. Just find the thread

Survation split their polls from online and phone, so the changes are related to whichever category it is

>He doesn't have the holy trinity open at all times


>This muzzie convert on Sky News right now

> Mensch will never claim your penis is a Russian hacking device

Wow, I didn't think people would be retarded enough to support May. Guess I was wrong.

dumb frogposter


YouGov polls are taken nation wide tho. Can't be happening. I want to believe.

72 hours until we become a socialist country.
How should I spend my time Britpol?


It's fine, Americans just seem to have some unstoppable attractive force on bullets, so as long as there aren't any around stray bullets shouldn't be a problem.
Having said that, I'd rather civilians be allowed to carry arms for self-defense. Lord knows foot patrols aren't coming back, and I hate the thought of having to wait 8 minutes while some fuckers are running around murdering people in the street before my eyes.

>webm related

Rank these leftists:

Owen Jones
Tony Blair
Diane Abbott
George Galloway
John Pilger

all rank shites

>Owen Jones


>Tony Blair

>Diane Abbott

>George Galloway

>John Pilger


Yes user, Brit/pol/ have a mole right at the very top of British government

Bury as much gold as you can in the field near your house so the Wealth Redistribution Bureau can't get it.
1000 years later some bummer with a metal detector will find it and battle the Antiquities Commission over TREASURE

Read the Labour uncut thing the other user just posted.

Several former Labour MPs who are out canvassing are saying the same, they are getting told that people in the north are not going to vote Labour whilst Corbyn is in charge.

No, the division will be educated and uneducated. Similar to brexit

Do not.