
Every able bodied male in the West do at least 2 years of hard military service.

It'll teach you all not to be parasitic NEETs.

We need to meme Conscription back into existence.

Other urls found in this thread:'_Military_Training_Camp

Or maybe you should quit your stupid job so you stop feeding niggers and terrorists with your tax dollars.

As a combat vet, I support your suggestion.

Fucking leaf.'_Military_Training_Camp

Fighting for Israel, right?

>It'll teach you all not to be parasitic NEETs.
We still have parasitic NEETs despite having conscription

I've done 18 months of conscription in Norway, protecting the Norwegian-Russian border.


Gimme a stress card. Laminated.

Look faget. Every country needs a military. It doesn't matter how corrupt the government is.

What is the alternative? Being a fat insecure dipshit working at a gas station or an office? Waiting for the economy to collapse again? You are no better than the laziest pog in any army of the world.

I believe we had this same thread a month or two ago, I'll just sum up what I said last time:

Conscription does not breed happy service members, you'll end up with a bunch of barely trained men. When I was in Korea and (shortly) in Singapore, I was given 2-3 Airmen/Soldiers to follow me, just from seeing and hearing their stories, seeing first hand how awful they're paid (ROK barely pays their men enough for a pack of smokes a day) it does nothing to motivate them to want to keep on with the life style. You can argue it being a must of SK and SG given how close their greatest enemies are, but that's another story.

Unless you're also going to provide special benefits to those who do get in and do their special, you're fucking yourself over.
t. Air Force LT
As a 'combat vet', your vote for yes seems weird. FWIW I did 1 tour in Afghanistan.

I would gladly serve the military of a white ethnostate. But no thanks, (((liberal democracy))) can die in a hole, and I won't be in there with it when it does.

The average person needs a good kick in the teeth from reality himself.

>It'll teach you all not to be parasitic NEETs.
They'll just become REMFs

I'll take that as a yes. You're part of the problem. You destroyed Europe by displacing entire populations. You killed the golden boy Gadhafi. You let niggers flood into the 1st world. The blood of Europe is on your hands.

Take away the female vote and we'll talk.

Why should I be forced to serve while a bunch of woman get the same rights and can vote for a war they will never have to fight in?

Yea? You don't think it was going to happen anyway? I don't see you assassinating any world leaders. You talk a big game but you never did shit.

Yeah 2 years of hard work serving refugees, no thanks.

??? the europeans bombed ghaddafi and they opened their gates willingly.

As long as you get a university level qualification from conscription and no debt.
People would go for that.

This desu, most parasitic neets just avoid conscription by claiming thay are ill or insane.

Democrat here. Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on. I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off. And there's nothing special or exceptional about me. You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires. I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them. But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars. The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers.. Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again.

You're a fucking idiot. Have fun remembering how you bravely fought for Jewish interests while the rest of the white world died because of your actions.

Talk talk talk. Keep talking. Nothing will change faget.

You're a liar.
Foreign involvement
United States
Further information: American involvement in the 2011 Libyan Civil War

Moments after it was reported that Gaddafi was killed, Fox News published an article titled "U.S. Drone Involved in Final Qaddafi Strike, as Obama Heralds Regime's 'End'",[47] noting that a U.S. Predator drone was involved in the airstrike on Gaddafi's convoy in the moments before his death. An anonymous US official subsequently described their policy in hindsight as "lead[ing] from behind".[48]

No conscription = best countries

Conscription = shit countries
>Soviet Union
>Confederate states of cuck and failure

Not an argument. You can't even defend yourself from my accusations, you know you can't. You're just a stupid grunt, and you know I'm right.

how about you dont tell me what to do you little faggot

you deserve to be conscripted in muslim land till ur dead for thinking you can force someone to do something like this against their will

In countries where the youth is already half non white ? You are basically offering a fight formation for brown people and a two years bullying for white people. No, thanks.

I would if they'd let me dammit.
Fucking leaf reminding me.

It won't teach shit lad. Unless you mean actual military service in warzones and such.

>no conscription
American education strikes again

OR you know, you could try and create a society and government worth fighting for, then you wouldn't need to conscript people

Enlisted Soldiers are the most parasitic and manchild like people you will meet - producing no wealth, being micromanaged like children and cant handle booze responsibly.

To kill the NEETS we simply have to kill the welfare state that keeps them going.


This. And criminalize their parents who offer them the conditions of their depravation.

Switzerland has conscription, but the army doesn't do anything
People are just sitting around for a year, smoking weed - and if anything, becoming more degenerate

Do you have any idea how much this will cost and how much incentive you'll need to give the conscripts to not dodge the draft?

Conscription vs. Volunteer/Professional army non-debate.

Conscripts are great when you're fending off invaders because during mobilisation you only have to give large part of your reservists some rudimentary training, the rest stayed there from the time they've did their service. As such you have military of 20-something years olds ready to be called to war. They aren't going to be as good as guys who were professional soldiers since they were 18(or even earlier if they were cadets), but they're going to be good enough and you can get 10 times more boots on the ground than you could if you'd have professional army only.

However, when you try to use them as an expeditionary force they're going to fail miserably since you won't send those 20-something years olds since you won't mobilise them, no, you're getting good for nothing 18-19 y o boys to do a man's job.

Which is why countries with huge overseas colonies use professional armies while continental powers rely on conscripts.

Rome moved away from conscripts because they suck as soldiers.

Must have been cold up there.

Israel v Egypt is also another good case study of this

>Combat bet
Lol, probably shot a few rounds in the general direction of a mountain

You post Nam "vets" haven't experienced anything near war

Read this a bit
You will notice that Rome defeated its greatest foes at a time when conscription was in effect.
The only time when there was literally no conscription was the early Roman Empire.

Yes, below zero degrees celsius from October to May. Mostly -20 degrees celsius or colder in December, January, February.

Who drank more vodka, you or Russians over the border?

It will waste time and resources and weaken the military, I don't know why you idiots believe such nonsense.

Some mopey conscript isn't going to change one bit for the better.

Probably the Russians.

Typical condescending response from a nigger Irishman. There's a reason why the English genocided you uppity little leprechaun pricks.



I'm a veteran and living off veterans disability, which makes me a NEET.

Checkmate, consciptards.

No can do you need basic math skills usually i cannot comprehend even basic math

>Progressives are ruthless when cornered.


>It'll teach you all not to be parasitic NEETs.
It destroyed my health and made me unemployable for a decade.

we already have conscription.

Seriously though I've watched countless hours of "combat" footage from Afghanistan and every single time it's just shooting in the general direction of where a shot or two came from. Occasionally they call in air support

The irish republic has never fought a war

Your "military" is more like the peace corps. Sending whites to "help" subhumans.

>*breaks leg*
>goes back to NEETing

This guy gets it

>I watched countless hours of Anime, therefore I'm Japanese
Ir*sh rat brains for you.

Too bad I'm applying to West Point so I can kill whoever Uncle Sam tells me

I didn't even say anything close to that analogy

Im 3% japanese so you never know that couldnt be an anomaly right? 23andme test

>it's just shooting in the general direction of where a shot or two came from.

That's how infantry combat has been for that past few hundreds years, you potato nigger.

We have conscription and I only learned evading responsibility, making other people do my work for me and hiding from people who wanted to make me work. Go-getters and volunteers are universally hated in the military

>Past few hundred years
>WWI was barely 100 years ago

I signed up for four months of basic training in the military.
They cancelled my contract due to cutbacks.

>there were no large scale ground wars in the 1800s

Irish education, everyone.

You did what you could. Props to you.

You dumbass combat is not like call of duty.

Look at WW1 or WW2. Most soldiers didn't even fire their weapons at the enemy. Most of the time you would get killed or wounded by enemy artillery, while you're a mile away from the closest enemy soldier.

In modern combat it's much closer. Look at the battle of Fallujah. Soldiers were going inside every single building/home clearing out terrorist. That's pretty fucking close faggot

I can fucking assure you that universal service won't turn a bunch of pathetic NEETs into Hard Men. Also, the rich and powerful won't have to do it anyway, one way or the other, so it's basically just one more fuck you to the commoners.

Only small countries with larger evil neighbors have conscription. You need it to protect yourselves from Russia. If joined NATO you wouldn't need it. We could help you destroy Russia.

It's an interesting point though, all this hard training and gun stuff to go hiking and try to bait the enemy into shooting at you.

Sounds like an immigrant job to me

my nigga.

>If joined NATO you wouldn't need it. We could help you destroy Russia.

Only if they meet spending requirements, unlike most freeloading NATO cucks.

That's not what I was implying. You can't even try to put down the Irish education system though. I just came here from Massachusetts and the system here is far harder than there. Considering Mass is one of the best/hardest in the country that says a lot about most other states' education

You seem to know about this stuff, I heard the attrition (death rate) was something like 70% in urban combat. Is this true?

Also I've worked for the gubberment before and everyone was retarded, like.. full retard, so if they said go in x building and shoot. I'd probably shoot the person giving the orders instead, does this happen much in modern combat?

Urban combat is retarded and a lot of good men were killed unnecessarily.

Strategic bombing prevents all that.

Fallujah along with a few others is an exception. I'm just saying that overall America has not faced a real enemy in combat in a long time.

Saddam was swept by airpower in 91 and 03. Armor was used minimally and infantry wasn't even necessary at all until after the regime fell (Fallujah and similar operations)

>being conscripted to fight for cucks, feminists, homos, turd world immigrants, etc

Finland has conscription and Sweden doesn't. Figure out the rest

>America has not faced a real enemy in combat in a long time.

Coming from a potato nigger that's kinda funny.

Yeah an A10 strike would be way better imo, fuck I love the A10. Best jet ever, best looking, best gun, best everything.

I like it in green camo with the mouth, like a modern day stuka

You faggot what about Mosul? What about Najaf? What about the entire surge?

The entire war was like that. It didn't stop. The government had areas the military could not touch, thus breeding a hotbed of terrorist with YEARS to build their weapons then one day the white house orders the military to clear out and many men get killed for no reason.

Just like the "holy sites" were off limits so the Mosques would become filled with explosives and weapons and the US military couldn't do shit because it was a "holy site."

>Holder of US Passport
>Midway through West Point Application process
Real potato nigger here

And idk the British Empire and UVF mean anything to you?

>We need to meme Conscription back into existence.
WW3 soon, fellow NEET. Nuclear weapons will be used.

>a leaf
>knowing anything about combat
Also if you believe in conscription you never read our most holy text, Starship Troopers

Fuck off mate maybe if you choose to do a limp wrist function such as logistics I never got the time to "just sit around for a year"

Clearly has never done anything more than infantry

What if there's a choice between voluntary work and conscription?

I don't know much about Switzerland, would you mind answering a few questions?

Are nationalism/patriotism common?

Are you raped by migrants?

Is the gun culture real?

You'd love it here in Tuscon. They are based here at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and they are always flying around the city going to and fro the Goldwater Range.

Only if you take women's rights away to go along with our responsibility.

>2 years of hard military service
>It'll teach you all not to be parasitic NEETs

Or on the contrary, it'll fuck you up so much so that you'll become an alcoholic or a junkie. Or even worse.
Just like many Vietnam vets in the US or Afghanistan vets in the ex-USSR.

nationalism not really patriotism more i dont think there are that many swiss people who genuinly do not like switzerland....
Their are a lot of migrants mostly eritreans but its not that much of a problem as in germany or sweden
yes it is especially in more rual communitites but it may change because of the new EU gun laws

Conscription is for gay betas. Real alpha men don't serve conscription service.
>real alpha me~
Oh wait, never mind, you can proceed.

Finnish politicians are go-getters so they would go above and beyond 2%, but the thing is that joining NATO would piss off Russia and they'd start causing problems for us

That'd be so cool, next time I'm in the states I'm definitely going to AZ for some training at gun site. I'm thinking of doing their shot gun course cos the Australia n gubberment hates guns.

I actually got a lecture about the evils of gun control from a cop in Washington state once, he was absolutely correct.

Fuck that shit. I support having a military and volunteers but forcing me to train for 2 years? No school no job? BS

why should i care about doing anything other than playing video games all day
>being forced to fight for the jews