Three niggers just beat and robbed my brother's wife. Koreatown, Los Angeles. Right in front of her apartment. My brother is away on a business trip. I can't imagine the guilt and rage he must feel, because I know I do. The cops didn't do a fucking thing. Feeling so helpless and full of rage right now.
>inb4 it's our fault for living in fucking Commiefornia
Three niggers just beat and robbed my brother's wife. Koreatown, Los Angeles. Right in front of her apartment...
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Yeah and I bet if it were three white dudes he'd probably feel the same, she'd probably be dead though so thank god a nigger did it.
>Three white dudes robbing somebody.
damn I was right by there today, is she okay?
Sorry desu
They know who and who not to rob I feel sometimes
At least she wasn't raped, that's a lot more traumatic than getting beat up in sure
I'm an LA bro too, but I've lived around blacks and hispanics too long to know which faces are going to mess with me
If she's an ethnic Korean (or East Asian), make a big fucking deal out of it on Korean message boards, media, etc. Pretty sure California has ethnic Korean state representatives; portray it as a hate-crime.
Stir the pot. Make it look the cops don't give a shit BECAUSE of the victim's race.
nigs gonna nog
>methheads totally dont exist in califonia
Blows man. Sucks they got hurt but it could have been a lot worse.
Maybe it's time to get them guns and take them to the range. Teach them gun safety, proper cleaning, and storage.
What cross streets?
Ktown isn't even that bad for the most part depending on what streets
Everyone in California is a shithead.
>los angeles
I mean.... if you poke the bear...
it is an absolute fact that type A blood is original. It is the supream blood. And oh look at that type A blood just happen to be the blood of a pure BLACK MAN!!! Then u have type AB Blood Brown. Type B blood yellow. Type O blood, white. Its a proven genetical fact that you cant get dominant from recessive, but you can get recessive from the dominant. Meaning, YOU CAN'T GET BLACK FROM WHITE BUT YOU CAN GET WHITE FROM BLACK!!! Ooohhhhh!!!! So then! If a white man's blood is recessive then he originally came from black! And that's why you all think the earth is 6,000 years old because that's how old white people are. I can further prove my point by the bible scripture in GENEsis. I put Gene in capitol Letters letters for a reason. It's goes like this, let us make man OUR image and in OUR likeness, and let US give them dominion over the birds of the sky the fish of the sea and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the land. Who is the US that the Bible is talking about? If there was no human beings before Adam then who the hell is us!? Why do you all call yourself manKIND? Because you all are a kind of man. You are not the original dwellers of this earth you were made by our scientist and you were made for the sole purpose of rebellion against the will of Almighty God Allah! And this is the reason why you all are so evil! Is there any more lies that you want me to destroy? Are u sure u read this all?
Blacks target asians because they believe they have lots of cash on them.
Not everyone, some people are based. Just gotta take the time to find them leaf.
Hey man I'm up in Hollywood not too far away from you. Really sorry to hear about what happened I hope your bros girlfriend is OK
They were in a car, stopped in the middle of the street, jumped out, and decked her twice. Once while on the ground trying to get up.
8th & Wilton.
Late mode gold Camry
Thre niggers in black hoods, so the exact description of every nigger ever
A gun wouldn't have saved her since she was in public and it's basically impossible to get a CCW in Los Angeles. If she was carrying one and shot them in defense she'd go to prison.
Hire a private investigator.
Those niggers just poked the bear, mate. They're lucky my brother isn't home because we'd probably be initiating he rope protocol
Hey at least she didn't got raped
>mfw my gf lives a few blocks north on Wilton & Beverly. God I hate this fucking shithole.
You are making it really hard not to blame "commiefornia" when you aren't even allowed to properly defend yourself in that state.
Can you carry pepper spray there? Next best thing. I heard a tough marine that had been shot before cried after being sprayed by pepper spray. It's serious shit and will disable attackers and make it really easy to run away.
Burn the rice, pay the price
>cops didn't do anything
>a crime that she had sole responsiblity for preventing
What, we have to deal with Korean niggers now, too? Stop making Cali residents look like reactionary douchebags
They usually do. I noticed a lot of koreans are too comfortable in koreatown and forget they are in los angeles. They think they are in korea or someshit. I seen dumbass korean women walking up to atms past midnight and getting a fuck ton of cash and just walk to wherever they are going on foot. So easy to rob these gooks. See that shit happen literally every minute on wilshire and vermont.
She got redpilled that's for sure. Enjoy living in your liberal hellhole
>be police
>get call from lady
>got mugged by 3 black guys
>ask for description
>they were wearing clothes and were black people
>probably a million cloth wearing black people here
>can't do anything
>don't know who to arrest
>this happens daily
>become racist cop
>kill black people whenever you find them doing something suspicious, which is anywhere at any time
>get paid vacation to hawaii
She's white
This faggot is either a shitskin himself, or doesn't understand anything about the world.
Sounds like an old fashioned gooktown spookdown.
But really, fuck niggers. No logical reason we should keep them here. Send them all back!
Also you need to get out of LA that place is lost beyond redemption.
Are you Korean?
My family lives literally 5 minutes away, can confirm it's a shithole and I've been robbed on the bus before
No, white. Were all white. He lives in koreatown because he's a poor game dev
My WHITE SHARIA prayers are with you and your family.
Prepare For War.
Oh, and thats what you get for living in fucking Commiefornia. Reminder that you and your brother personally help pay for those exact nigger's gibemedats
Was your bro and gf bluepilled on race and/or jews before this?
What time did this happen? My sister lives in Koreatown.
All shitskins should be exterminated from the white living space including niggers.
> The cops didn't do a fucking thing
Yet you pay all those commifornia tax shekels.
What are the gun laws in California again?
You can't get a CCW if your depended on it.
I used to have long winded debates w/ liberals about this. No one cared and felt guns were evil. Then you complain when some nog knocks you over the head and takes your shit and the police do nothing....
What did the London Mayer say?
> Just part and parcel of living in a major city.
Furthermore, the whole of Africa is white man's land.
They already both hated niggers, who dosent?
Is this the asian manlet general thread?
Sorry to hear what happened. But thank you for posting this, my sister lives on that street, I'll pass this on to her.
We come from a backwoods town in Appalachia and have a basement full of guns there. Unfortunately the town is nothing but drugs and desperation since the steel mill went down.
We came out here to try and make something more of ourselves and it's been a decade of suffering. I think this will be the last straw for my brother.
>Concealed Carry
It's fucking rediculous here. You have to be able to prove to a sherif that your life is in danger. It's practically impossible
Yeah I guess this is all our fault for living in a communist nightmare. This isn't what we signed up for. This whole shit is a fat lie
At least a rape wasnt involved, which is unusual for niggers.
Yes thank god for that.
Thanks to all you anons with kind words and fuck all you cynics your just as bad as the niggers who did this. No one deserves to be asaaukted because they wanted to live near the beach.
IMO, you move to a city in your 20s because you've been lead to believe that's where the action is at. You ride the rides. You do the nightlife. You have your fill of it. If you've lived elsewhere in America, you start to figure out as you get older that cities are just high cost amusement parks that you grow tired of and out of.
I've spent my share of time in California. It was a good ride. I did dam near everything that was available to me. I saw all of the parks. I road the coastline. I went to ever cultural festival there was... and then I asked myself what I really wanted to do in life. With the costs, taxes, and lack of connection to what I remember feeling in a more American city, I packed up my shit. Life got increasingly better with every year I spent outside of California. IMO, travel the Pacific North west. You have no clue how much you're missing out on w.r.t to places that have even more beautiful nature but way cheaper and with way better people.
> It's fucking rediculous here. You have to be able to prove to a sherif that your life is in danger. It's practically impossible
Yep, I recall when I bought my first gun in California and then read all of the laws and restrictions regarding having one.
>Yeah I guess this is all our fault for living in a communist nightmare. This isn't what we signed up for. This whole shit is a fat lie
Well, you've done it.. You've done the city life. You have your memories. Some good some bad. If you're reflecting on it often, you now have actual experience to know what you more truly want and can confidently choose it. I lived in California for about 7 years. Enjoyed it immensely but it was time to leave and I left. I don't miss it. It was a great chapter in my life. I was in northern California. I visited LA from time to time. It was another world man. I don't know how you do it.
You're getting older and will want to set up roots somewhere that's sustainable and away from the noise. Koreatown? You fuckers better band up and do something. You're the man. You must know people.
Talk to your community. Organize. Community watch. I know there's probably some fuckers down there with sharp knives or something.
Proof or it didn't happen.
I'm black and there were places in LA that absolutely freaked me the fuck out. Downtown looked like the crack epidemic never ended. I literally wouldn't walk down certain streets there... Looked like a zombie apocalypse and this was in broad daylight. The hollywood strip looked like a fucking wasteland (I'm not sure how they hide this so well for movie premiers). Even some of the beach areas were scummy af. The only beach area that seemed removed from the crazies was Manhattan Beach.
I know you're made at the nogs right now user.
Niggers come in all colors though.
LA is a fucking shit hole if you're not in the hillsides or in a higher end areas. Even then, ffs .. Beverly hills looks like your average american cookie cutter suburb... Hilariously it's only a few blocks. LA is truly a mirage. You hear all the stories about it.. You get there and you're like WTF is this shit.. LOL
Eat the saltine, get the guillotine.
Well, her face is swelling now so maybe I'll get a picture for you in a bit Thomas
>inb4 it's our fault for living in fucking Commiefornia
No, but it is your fault for being a fucking Chink or Chink lover.
Where was her gun?
You should prepared some proof before you made the thread dickface.
Learn some Sup Forums manners newfriend.
Hey man we don't hate all blacks. He is with a black dude right now on his business trip. You seem pretty based and your analysis of LA is 100%on point.
The scum has been rising to the surface for years and this place is becoming unbearable.
Niggers come in every color. We don't hate indiscriminately. Unfortunately I think that there are fewer and fewer respectable people living in this area every day
Give her a pistol.
I don't need to prove shit to you faggot. I just made this entire story up for lolz are you happy now? Do you feel better now? Fucking queer
Literally no way to prove it right now because they took her purse with her to phone in it, which is the only camera she owns
New-development outskirts are the only acceptable part of cities to live in, and even that's a stretch. After 10 years or so they turn into the same shit.
Stay the fuck away from them and commute if you absolutely have to.
>Do you feel better now.
Yes. Because it is clear from how badly your are sperging out that you did really make it up.
>Took her purse with her phone and I don't have a camera phone, and blah blah blah blah
Just fuck off already.
It blows my mind how much LA is glorified in pop culture when Skid Row exists. This place needs to be purged. They're not down on their luck like normies think, these people have made a lifestyle out of homelessness. And there's a reason why they congregate in Los Angeles.
find and kill them, police don't do anything right, become the night, become vengeance.
Time to act brother
if she was ethnic the perps would most likely be dead already
What are you going to do?
Ride a horse into the ghetto and start roping niggas?
> were three white dudes
Funny enough, there are more Mexicans in Koreatown than Asians.
She has a big family that is severly riled up right but
>Three niggers just beat and robbed my brother's wife. Koreatown, Los Angeles.
Los angeles is probably the second hardest city in california to get CCW. I think in the 90's only two people had CCW. That guy who killed the black robbers in his watch shop and someone else.
>we come from a small town of Appalachia that once was great when it thrived off of steel. Now it's gone to hell with drugs An desperation so we moved west for the Californian paradise, only for it to turn out to be hell.
Holy fuck you are me.
Do you think you'll go back to where you're from user or just leave LA?
I've been debating going back home for years but I'm always dating girls that are from here and don't want to leave
They do and the black ones rob people while the white ones turn tricks and spread aid literally you know nothing of the world
>living near, around, or passing through anywhere in California with a nigger population and not being armed somehow for self protection.
Play stupid game win a stupid prize
>I have never been to the Central Valley, the post
Give her money for a gun and tell her to shoot the next nigger that attacks her in the head.
>set them up. Bait them with a korean girl. Have a bunch of asian gangs waiting. Jump those niggers and break every bone in their body. Niggers get to rap about being quadrapalegic, asian gangs look good, and you get your revenge.
Im pretty sure asians will do it just because she was asian. If not you could always throw some money their way and get in good with them.
Niggers love to attack Asian Americans. They get off on it, like when they are in a restaurant with white servers.
In college I worked for a Chinese man from Chengdu, who managed to go to school for his PhD and own a restaurant that received rave reviews at the time. It was just him, his wife (also Chinese), his mother, and my whitey self.
Even though they locked their door and owned a dog that was wary of strangers, black people targeted their house over neighbors because of a perceived language barrier, so they assumed zero retaliation.
Well the second time they were burglarized, his mother (who could only do written English) took matters into her own hands. She immediately asked me the process people with work visas and green cards can go through to get a firearm. All were working towards citizenship and my boss and his gf had a tether baby so that made stuff a tad easier over time.
They got a firearm. Two in fact. A third time niggers tried to rob them. They were shot at because the Chinese family had little time to practice targeting before this happened. Just shooting in the nigger's general direction was enough to have them never return (at least since 2013 so far). Said firearm was wielded by my boss's mother, whilst he chased them with a 9mm in the parking lot until they jumped in their car and fled.
blacks kill more than whites not only that but the difference is sooo huge that white neigberhoods are usually considered save by everyone including nogs so i dont know in what retard fantasy your brain resides in.
>debate going back home
Same, then I go to visit on a holiday and see it's the same old shit but more drugs than ever. The bad memories are there too, so I don't think I'll ever leave LA. Also the dating women here keeps me here too.
He meant white hispanic, obviously
Of course they do but druggies arent a pack animal
Fucking exactly, brother.
>8th and Wilton
Can confirm there's been a group of niggers pulling over and assaulting people at night, not local to the area though. Car break-ins as well. Around what time did this happen? I'm literally right around the area, got chills reading those 2 cross streets.
It happened just after 10pm. Late model gold Camry.
Pulled the battery out his truck since they now have the only key
>Living in LA
>Surprised he gets mugged by niggers
Americans truly are fucking retarded and deserve everything that happens to them.
Have you ever been to LA? California? The states at all? Do you know anything about the US you didn't learn from movies? Of course not fuck off Sven.
Damn it sucks man. Good thing they didn't kill her, or else your country would drop to 55%
They'll be back soon in that case, keep an eye out.
What color is the truck? Now I'm curious.
Sleep in the car with a gun and kill the niggers.
you live in spic/nigger central.
It's part and parcel of living in a big city user
>It's fucking rediculous here. You have to be able to prove to a sherif that your life is in danger. It's practically impossible
It is impossible unless he knows you, the person that signs for your right to carry is responsible for your actions, it will always come back to him, positive or negative.
LA fag here. Shit is getting worse. I live up in the hills, and that shit is migrating into the good areas. Breaking and Entering. Cars getting broken in to. The precursor's, before the more violent shit that always follows. The little fuckers trying to "sell subscriptions" that are casing your place are more prevalent.
The wizards running this dump let out a kabillion "non-violent" felons out of the prison system over the last couple of years. I can see the writing on the wall. About time to take my ass back to the South. Ten years is all I can stand of this place. Even my born and bred LA Girl wife is ready to punch out of this place.
Yeah because gangs of White people beating and robbing women is a fucking epidemic these days.
Go back to your tree, Jamal.
It isn't that hard, the entire state north of Sacramento is full of farmers and hicks with enough guns to invade Canadia.
half the time they are raped they just dont say they were...
Girls are never ashamed of being raped they are ashamed of liking it
That's what you get for not paying your dues to your local mexigang.
more like they are afraid, because no guy wants to marry a girl that was raped by nignog.