Well, you've done it Sup Forums, your shitposting has prompted literal political scientists to publish a paper about you. I hope you're proud.
A scientific study on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fig 2. plots the average number of new threads per week
>Fig 3. reports the no. of new threads created per country normalised by no. of internet users
Bump. Love seeing what cucks say about us
>Fig 4. plots the no. of posts per thread on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
I sure hope Alaska is full of shitposters. Nothing but bears and shitposters.
Even scientists know about Australian shitposting
>In Fig 5. we plot CDF of max no. of threads on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>Fig 6. plots CDF per posts per unique tripcode
>Fig 7. plots CCDF of no. of unique users per Sup Forums thread
>Fig 8. we plot CDF of avg. no of replies per poster per board
>Table 2 plots the replies per post per country
>the "rare flag" meme may be responsible for receiving more replies
>Turkey or Israel may be seen as countries of special interest for Sup Forums
>Fig 9. plots the distribution of categories of URLs posted on Sup Forums and their popularity
>Fig 10. plot the CCDF of the number of posts in which each unique image appears, using the image hash (obtained from the JSON API) as a unique identifier
> In Figure 11, we also report the percentage of Sup Forums posts in which the top 15 most “popular” hate words from the hatebase dictionary appear. “Nigger” is the most popular hate word, used in more than 2% of posts, while “faggot” and “retard” appear in over 1% of posts.
>In Figure 12, we present a world map col- ored according to the 8 clusters generated. Indeed, we see the formation of geo-political “blocks.” Most of Western Eu- rope is clustered together, and so are USA and Canada, while the Balkans are in a cluster with Russia.
>Fig 13. is the most popular image on Sup Forums
>Figure 14 plots a heat map of the percentage of posts that contain hate speech per country with at least 1,000 posts on Sup Forums.
>Figure 19 plots the relationship between the number of hate- ful comments on YouTube that occur within the Sup Forums thread lifetime
>A collection of rare pepes from our post collection
Did they work out who keeps making all the blacked threads
>Posting a study from last year
Perhaps if you weren't too busy shitting in the streets you'd have noticed we already discussed this
this isn't new at all poo in loo
I know desu, but its fun
Also, there have been a lot of newfags this last year
Old and boring.
What's it feel like being the center of the internet, Sup Forums?
>Does a bear shitpost in the woods?
New studies may surprise you!
>hate word
Figure 6 is entirely propped up by larp5
why do you think oldpol never used the term?
What's CCD and CCDF?
This wasn't the UN one? How many does this make now? I've seen a couple of these.
Newfag here, thanks for posting OP
>In this paper, we start addressing this gap by analyzing Sup Forums along several axes, using a dataset of over 8M posts we collected over two and a half months. First, we perform a general characterization, showing that Sup Forums users are well distributed around the world and that Sup Forums’s unique features encourage fresh discussions. We also analyze content, finding, for instance, that YouTube links and hate speech are predominant on Sup Forums. Overall, our analysis not only provides the first mea-surement study of Sup Forums, but also insight into online harassment and hate speech trends in social media.
so they discovered actually zero. fucking academics need to be gassed. i'm not joking.
nice extra rare flag friendo
CCD - Cumulative distribution function
CCDF - Complementart CCD
my sides
Build more toilets you fucking street shitter.
Why so hateful leaves?
>There is practically no hate speach from Argentina
Truly the whitest country on the planet.
>China and Korea
those hateful bastards
Japan should have finished the job
This is from 2015
>Greenland that relatively active.
Who the fuck knew?!
All ready for the Qatar spring?
hows the embargo going
>an (unfortunately) ultra rare pepe eating a delicious publix deli sub sandwich
no way this shit is real
this paper is thinly veiled inside joke
I assume this starts at certain hour. Midnight in Central Time maybe? Pretty much shows that it spikes every twelve hours which I would assume is noon. Does anybody still doubt this is an American as fuck board?
>it's worth mentioning how nationally and ethnically diverse Sup Forums is
>but they don't agree with our contributors so we'll classify their opinions as some fringe expression of harassment and hatred (muh brown people)
Every time
>mischievous witch
>Hate dictionaries
>They've decided so many words are offensive they have to write them down to remember which ones
Get that fucking garbage out of here.
Do you think they still browse?
they're here forever
whoever put this together should be granted one wish by our lord kek. Not the study, but the thread about the study. The study was probably done by some god damn normie leafs.
>perhaps the least rare pepe
ok which one of you cunts did this
>hate word
btw earth is flat
That'd be Denmark.
I'm proud of you denmark
>hate word
On of those guys is probably a fagot involved in universities shilling here as an assignment. fuck this faggot
>No sciencetist from an Israeli university
I liked the previous study better.
>muslim nations not using hate speech
the 2015 presidential election?
how did they miss this beautiful pepe
my bois done good nobody owns Sup Forums like we do
Qualitative garbage. Ephemerality guards against this sort of "Social Science" nonsense (as was noted in one of the first academic articles on Sup Forums printed in some MIT journal a few years back). These losers should be shunted into a lifetime of adjunct hell
"telefonica research"
Holy shit nice find pajeet
They only mention Kek in a footnote in the paper, why is it in the title so prominently? I fell as though Kek did not get his fair shake, they didn't reach into meme magic at all, or lore.
Ha you retard nigger faggots
It's even worse my friend.
what an insightful study
lol... I was just reading part of it and it said how diverse we are. It said we are an English speaking board but have so much participation from so many other countries.
Shitposting is the ultimate international language.
Who'd have thunk us Aussies are better at hate speech than most of you fag cunts.
But the chinks: you hateful bastards
LMAO as a scientist this is amazing
Ironically Sup Forums is the only place diversity actually works
damn china, calm down son
How come I rarely see China posts?
>Well, you've done it Sup Forums, your shitposting has prompted literal political scientists to publish a paper about you
There was some asian autist lady who did this in 2013 or 2014. Dunno if anyone else remembers.
proof Russia is an empire of peas
Or somebody who missed it.
dont tell them what they dont know
If it's the one I'm thinking of, then yes, it's fake.
It was dozens of pages long.
>kike that low
step up your game fellow goys
>aus pitch black
fucking shitposters
nein, it iz only the dreaded influence of the dastardly jews misdirecting us to hate on others.
Polysci is NOT a science.
post your dorner folder, i lost mine
Why do they waste their time with us?
Besides, that title sounds more like they went to reddit than here.
the EU has already spend 100.000 euros on investigating Sup Forums alone. they want to know what our effects are on society. this is only the beginning.
>n fact, Sup Forums’s ability to find or produce original content is likely one of the reasons it is thought to be at the center of hate on the web.
oh muh
>not spending 100 gorillion shekels
that's insightful and a redpill