Admit it Sup Forums, the reason you really hate baby boomers is because you're jealous of them.
Admit it Sup Forums, the reason you really hate baby boomers is because you're jealous of them
My family was poorer than most negro ghetto families and I got through college with 0 debt.
It's just stupid people falling for dumb memes like ivy league schools.
There is some genuine resentment among the more beta millennials that their demographic will never be as wealthy as the boomers.
Others among us have accepted that fact and moved on.
Yeah I so fucking jelous I didnt vote for LBJ. Really jelly I let niggers in white schools. SO FUCKING JEALOUS THAT THE ORIGINAL IMMIGRATION ACT WAS FUCKED AND NOW WE ARE THE 60%
Nah I hate boomers because I work with a lot of them. Incompetent with technology, usually lazy and pull the "I'm too old for this shit" card a lot. They also can't get fired because they've been there so long.
Yet they love to talk shit about millenials even after I just got done showing them how to work Office 365 for the second time of the day.
Goldbricking & job hoarding come naturally to boomers.
I am jealous of baby boomers
I wish I could fuck up the earth, fuck up other countries, fuck up my own country to set me up for life, screw it all up by not saving money, and then fuck my kids so I can have a cushy retirement, and then blame all these problems on my kids who aren't even close to the position of power to do anything about it.
I really am jealous of baby boomers
>Incompetent with technology
They pull this shit in order to get spineless idiots like you to do their work for them. While you're doing their work they're on their laptops and phones laughing at you. It's not even a very clever scam but it still tricks fools.
I hate boomers because they think pic related is worth 10 fucking grand
>hey whippersnapper come help us
>No fuck you
>Yo, Brett, that young guy is an ass hole. Not a team player and very rude
>Fucking millenials I'll write him up and tell him he has to stay after to fix it
>No fuck you
Is this your first job ever or are you just retarded?
Despising boomers is easy, just like hating society (being blackpilled). But hatred is a negative emotion.
Whats the point in hating a generation of liberals and cuckservatives, they are just idiots.
Moraly you owe them nothing. When SHTF boomers can be shot on site for their possessions, esp if boomer wealth is being transfered to a breeding age female or small child.
This. I can't really blame boomers for taking advantage of the economy. Most of us were just born a little too late. Not to say that plenty of boomers aren't huge pieces of shit because they're on their last legs and want to bleed people dry as much as possible. Really not their fault that Social Security will be fucking the younger generation and that jobs are scarce. Blame the elite boomers who set it up that way. The biggest issue I have is they're raising the retirement age and it's pretty messed up that the younger generations have shittier everything. Sadly unavoidable. In a few decades they will all be dead and instead of funding their ass we'll put all that extra money into shit like foodstamps or some bullshit.
Yes. I am jealous they inherited a white country where they could trust each other.
Then they did something remarkable, something that had never been done before. They reversed all of that in a single fucking generation. Why did they do this? I still don't know, but goddamn it's a world first.
I mean... You can still fuck your kids.
>700 years to get Muslims out of the Iberia. (Spain, you know that whole reconquista, inqasition thing).
>One generation of boomers to let them into all of Europe.
Hurr Durr; You millennials should stop buying avacados you are creating serious problems for yourselves...
But muh cheap labor :^)
thats a fucking RT doge charger/bee/magnum. its worth more than 10K. dumb ass. buy it.
i looked at it again its a dam SUPERBEE.... RT. shits worth 15k as is if not 5k more.
>boomer parents fight off Japs
>boomers sell country to chinese anyway
Dam millennials and there $5 coffees! Fucking screwups!
pic related is NOT most boomers. In fact quite the opposite
Those shit-eating cucks are the sole reason this country is fucked today.
Boomer means baby boomer, eg the POST WW2 baby boom. A baby boomer never fought Japs, in the USA they fought Vietnamese, Serbs, and sandniggers, but not Japs
I don't know what you're talking about. Every boomer I ever met in my life was either a flower-child hippie fuck or a neo-conservative
>memes like ivy league schools
You look like satire.
My parents give me shit for not moving out but I really can't afford it as a machinist working the 9 to 5 grind only making 45k a year.
Meanwhile my parents haven't worked in decades and live an upper-middle class lifestyle just from their rental properties.
>you're jealous of them.
Does it even matter?
What do you think the history books will remember those from their decades as?
>hopefully the next property crash will kill most of them off.
I think what hes trying to say is that there would be a lot less people with college debt if they just attended an in-state state school instead of going to some out of state school just for the sake of it.
>are you jealous that they had cheaper/free college, higher wages, cheaper housing, and pensions?
Yes, motherfucker, I am fucking jealous.
>the property crash will kill off people that have a completely paid-off house
Nope. The recent buyers, whose mortgages will be more than the house is worth, they will be underwater.
I just feel some people are salty they were not able to Jew the next generation first. Lets be honest here. If you were in their shoes during that time would you not do the same? Most people don't give a fuck about the masses, just their families. Lets not forget they actually voted for their economic interests. Respectable people now vote against their economic interest if it makes the country more stable. But keep in mind a lot of gen one boomers went through the depression and passed that on to their gen two boomer kids who also became extremely financially aware. They did whatever they could to not relive their childhood of eating peanut butter that had half an inch of oil sitting on the top. And if you drain that oil? Boy you best believe you gonna be eating a nastier powdered version of peanut butter.
Closest thing you have to boomers now are Democrats because they will vote for gibs or anything that might benefit them even if it destroys the state. Sure it was fucked up for boomers to do it but most of them just didn't know they were fucking us. It's not like they knew the population boom would drop like a rock and in the future we'd have issues with too many old people getting retirement/social security but not having enough workforce to actually cover it.
>But keep in mind a lot of gen one boomers went through the depression
Correction. Gen one boomers were born right after the depression so their parents instilled their values on them which in turn those parents (who were still poor as shit because it was still recovering) instilled their values on the generation after the depression. Then those boomers had Gen X which is where the great failure of the system began because the amount of Gen X.
This was all fine until the original boomers started retiring (or in some cases even worse not retiring.) The second gen of boomers were now paying into their parent's social security with a smaller workforce.
Next you know Gen X is starting to pay for the second gen of boomers. Then Gen Y is soon to start paying for Gen X despite having a smaller workforce due to all the fucks retiring at once. Once the boomers are all dead and we have an across the board even birthing rate we'll actually be able to cover boomer expenses. Well we would if not for Dems voting for gibs and niggers/spics paying so little in to taxes.
Quite honestly I'm slightly intoxicated. If I said anything wrong or unreasonable I'd love to hear it. No reason for me to be ignorant if I can possibly help it.
I'm only jealous of old people because they have rent controlled apartments. Other than that they're just ugly, so nothing else to be jealous of.
>Admit it Sup Forums, the reason you really hate baby boomers is because you're jealous of them.
Nope. We hate you because you're literally dumberr than fucking rocks and have consigned our future generations to hell on earth. You're fucking treasonous dirtbags.
>I just feel some people are salty they were not able to Jew the next generation first. Lets be honest here. If you were in their shoes during that time would you not do the same?
No. Boomers are degenerate filth who destroyed the country. Stop rationalizing.
I hate boomers because I worked with a few of them at a 7-11 who were only there because they're "bored of retirement". They'd constantly shit on me for wanting more than minimum wage because "back in my day i got paid $5.00 an hour!"
I can't tell you how many times I've had to explain inflation to some old fuck before they interrupted me with "YOU'RE SO NAIVE"
I work at a school police department in California and most of the campus police officers are retired from country sheriff departments or LAPD. They retired at age 50 with 90% of their pay and then work for another police agency (such as mine) where they can retire at age 65 with 45% of that pay. meanwhile qualified millennials are having a tough time getting a job. Fuck these boomers.
But it's a rational response that they did what they thought was best for their own interests and the benefit of their children. Like I said do you think all of Americans back in the 30's thought that the next generation would have lower birth rates? I mean how the fuck would they even come across such a prediction even if it were made (which I'm sure it was)? This was before internet and people had easy access to educated predictions on their fingertips.
I really doubt all boomers thought "haha in 60 years we're all going to be retired but there won't be anywhere near enough youngins to keep us afloat" despite being in their teen/early 20 years.
The whole situation just got way out of hand and with a population drop like that you can't really control it. But again, there were plenty of scumbag boomers who knew what they were doing, it's just that the general popluation wasn't really considering it because lack of foresight. Then the second gen of boomers had to deal with some massive shit like civil rights movements which put an even bigger economic strain on us in the long run.
What would your suggestion have been? Abolish social security and retirement for them making their last few decades of paying into it be a scam? That would be the government stealing their money. Is that what you want more of? Because they already steal plenty of money from us to pay for bullshit.
Just be happy niggers hardly reach retirement age and their job at KFC only puts $20 into their social security every check.
>Just be happy niggers hardly reach retirement age and their job at KFC only puts $20 into their social security every check.
Yeah but a hell of a lot of them get on SS Disability in their twenties.
Damn. Things are worse than I thought. Most insurance companies pay that much (exactly) for adjusters with 35 yrs experience. (A pay cut of about 20K from 20 yrs ago). Y'all aren't the only ones getting screwed and you're blaming the wrong people.
There's a common enemy. Or a couple of them.
the only ones who I hate are muslims, and not because I'm jealous of them, but because they're subhuman
I'll never understand this
>old people are enjoying themselves!!
yeah but they're fucking old! They're like 70 years old and have artificial hips. I don't wanna be that shit.
I am jealous of boomers because they could see Led Zeppelin or Frank Zappa play a concert for $10.
Shit Lana Del Ray probably charges $89 for a crap show
Fair point and another thing to add is while they might not put away much for social security they're sure the fuck not going to be the ones paying for yours assuming it doesn't collapse in on itself.
>When I was your age I just packed my bags, went from shop to shop and asked for a job. Eventually I landed one as a kitchen helper, peeling potatos all day in return for some money and a room in the hostel."
t. boomer mom
they're just disconnected from reality
They were the radicals that corrupted America's institutions in the 60s and 70s, the warmongers and bourgeois values holding cunts that set the stage for the current fucked state of the world in the 80s, 90s, and 00s, and now they are the parasites that, in a society in turmoil, care above all else about their own comfort and the protection of their social security payments. In the future they won't have to suffer the full effects of their collective action because they will be dead.
They somehow managed to be the worst thing you could possibly be at any given time.
Read the post again.
The only time I've ever had boomers talk down on me, if you can even call it that, was in reference to transportation in their younger years. I'm sure anyone over the age of 21 has had their parent/grandparent talk about walking 3 miles in 10 foot snow just to go to school. Hell the line is a TV trope.
Hell not only that take a look at immigration to the US from the 20's to the mid 40's during the first wave of boomers reaching their teens. It was lower than shit so of course boomers found it easier to get in to school or find great careers they wouldn't have to worry about losing.
By the time the Preference System was put into place in 65 immigration was already starting to rise. Boomers tend more often than not leaning right or at the very least centrist. Allowing the Dems to get such a system through was truly one of their greatest mistakes.
But again, I don't blame them. They likely thought it would benefit them considering the baby boomer age had just ended and birth rates were falling. They couldn't possibly hope to keep social security propped up with declining birth rates and the fact that the social security act had just passed when they were being born.
The FLSA (child labor laws) were not actually ratified until 1936 which is when all the boomers started being born and the boomer's parents started paying in to it. I'm confident boomer's parents are the ones that instilled Jew values on to boomers and it got worse with each generation due to the falling birth rates. Sure boomer's parents had it bad getting drafted for WW2 and all but due to their population size compared to their kid's they had no reason to ever believe social security would turn out so shitty.
I am having just as much fun.
Didn't go to college, became an electrician instead, now I make more money than most people who have just an undergraduate, not including computer science majors, fucking 90k starting fuck you guys lol