Calling all fellow gays. Get in this thread. Chat shit about the LGBT+ community.
Calling all fellow gays. Get in this thread. Chat shit about the LGBT+ community
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I heard you guys were accepting pedos now?
I, as a literal faggot, go not brand myself as a member of the LGBT+ community. I hate them.
Like for fucking real?? Why would you guys do that?
do not*
fuck off you faggots
I figured thats what you meant. Why even would they think pedos are remotely ok
Only the most liberal among us, which won't be on this site unless they're false-flagging.
There are hetero pedos too and hetero pedo apologists too. Both either criminals or far left. You're targeting the wrong people.
We need a real pope you footfag liberal
because its a ((gender))
Haven't seen that bear in ages, is that the new symbol, the new leader, of the lgbt movement ?
piss off to lgbt, to you sodomite swine.
Fuckin might as well be if they'd gonna support pedofilia
My gay, i was not abused. Unless discipline is counted as abuse. I don't see it as abuse, i understand why its needed.
These stats are way too high to be accurate.
Homonationalist ethnostate when
Kill all fags!
what about pissing off, to the board for homo discussion, did you not understand?
pol is for politics and current events.
>haven't gotten laid in a long time
>jerk off a lot
>start jerking off to gay shit
>think i'm gay
>can't jerk off to hetero porn anymore
>get the urge to fuck some guy
>it's so strong i can't stop it
>download grindr and hook up
>i barely had a boner
>sucking a dick isn't pleasant at all
>blowjob from a guy was so disgusting that i barely managed to keep my dick erect
>after an hour he came, i wasn't even close to it
>desire for girls comes back the next day, gay tendencies completely vanish
LGBTFO, being gay IS a choice.
>Gets called out for using faulty sources
>Moves the goalpost
Y-you guys better play by the rules.
This picture needs update to make pedophilia in bold, since gay marriage already a thing. And bestiality too while we at it.
We made several assumptions and adjustments to prior methods that may limit the interpretation and use of our results. First, we decided that computing the MSM Index according to stratum would more accurately compare geographic areas, given possible within-urbanicity tendencies for MSM either not to cohabitate or to underreport SSM households. However, it may be that it is more accurate to compare all geographic areas, rather than to generate urbanicity-specific MSM Index values. Second, we used urbanicity-specific MSM percentages from Oster and colleagues [22], rather than the original estimates from Laumann et al. [13]. However, the urbanicity estimates from Laumann et al. [13] are identity-based, and the Oster et al. [22] estimates provided the most congruent urbanicity classifications for Model A. Finally, in order to avoid underestimating the number MSM outside of large urban areas, we imputed a proportional number of MSM to areas with no reported SSM households. It may be that some areas with no SSM households truly also have no MSM. However, the relative percentages of MSM (and resulting MSM population sizes) in all areas was mostly preserved because we altered the number of households and not the number of individuals, which was used only for weighting.
TLDR: Sample bias out the ass and results skewed using "models" Not real data.
dude, youre fucking G A Y
At least I'm not homosexual.
vatican japan lady?
you tried and you failed
rare flag
Jesus, Pope, calm your papal tits.
Are you the guy who works in the papal cafeteria, or is this Frankie the Communist?
Just can't keep up with us huh?
The lgbt society at my uni recently held an event for lgbt people who "self-identify" as low-income or working class.
It's better than being "socially identified" as poor.
I'm Frank but I'm not a fucking commie you cunt. Fuck you.
I self-identify as Emperor of Earth, and if you don't agree, you're a fucking racist.
Shit Francis, you're definitely a commie. Are you gonna start another crusade, or are you going to continue to be a complete faggot?
I'm Frank. I'm not that foot kissing Francis. Learn to read and understand you fucking patio primate.
Whats worse.
A faggot
A commie
You first.
Why aren't we already at cannibalism and necrophilia when everyone says that you have to be a living person to have rights?
Can this be the new acronym now??
Why not? The mudslimes in Dearborn do it
scare thought
what's the difference?
Why is the gay community to cucked by liberalism? Why do they not mobilize against mass-immigration and Islam to protect their own interests?
Have you been watching Riley Dennis?
That your homosexual... okay... who gives a shit. But why the need to behave so degenerate in public? Why isnt there any resistance to that witin the "community"? Why the urge to attack heterosexuality and mess with the minds of kids?
Never understood the need for homosexuals to parade down the streets in thongs while licking eachothers balls... wtf.
Why you got to force a gay pride in runescape?
>Mass Immigration somehow related to Marriage steps?
>Gay adoption something to do with weddings
>gay rights is magicly affiliated with Weddings
Isn't it liberalism and neo-liberalism usually the group that actually allows people in the LGBTQ community any rights at all? Like reproductive rights, adoption rights...
All the other bullshit comes along with that, I suppose. Not all LGBTQ people walk around sucking off each other in public, dye their hair and stretch their ears.
-There is no such thing as a "lgbtq" community, it's a jew scam. Just like there is no "black community"
-Nobody likes the faggot degenerate homos, even the normal gays.
-There are homos who dislike the LBTQ parades
-There are redpilled gays
-While western straight men are turning more feminine due to being with SJW women, gays, who stay with men are getting more and more manly
>gays are soon manlier than straight men in the west
Straight men wake up, stop aiming hate towards ALL gays, fight against the faggots, the trannies and the cucks
there are gays who support you