Is the new-right a big globalist psy-op?

>Alex Jones slowly retracting all of his old redpilled beliefs and focusing on a bunch of Fox News-tier talking points. Changed a lot after new production was brought in.
>Richard Spencer, a wealthy unemployed transhumanist socialist with ties to the Bush family and other wealthy Texas families
>Rebel Media, owned by a Jew, lots of weird behavior from Gavin
>Paul Joseph Watson, not much background information on him except that he was possibly married and divorced, and appeared on the show when Jones changed his schtick and Infowars got a new producer

Is it just me, or does it seem like there is a lot of weird coincidences and strange behavior around these figures? Like there's just a giant spider web of weird connections and bizarre statements around these people?

I watched a few of Alex Jones' old documentaries last weekend, and holy shit. That motherfucker SNUCK INTO bohemian grove and filmed some WEIRD shit. Yet, he never talks about it anymore. He doesn't talk about a lot of stuff out of his "Endgame" documentary either.

It's like he just turned into a slightly edgier Sean Hannity or something.

Are the globalists/Jews behind this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Without a doubt, hombre.

Dumbass, wasting your time on made up bullshit. Read Marx and wake up you fucking classcuck.

Everything is either Jew controlled or Jew allowed. It's better to not get too serious and just enjoy the memes.

Class is a spook you dumbass

I don't think people like Sam Hyde, Pastor Anderson, and other people like that are part of this psy-op.

But these companies that just have millions of dollars to blow like Infowars, Brietbart, Milo Yiannapoulas, and others like that. They seem to have a ton of weird shifty, shady shit going on behind the scenes. Just small subtle little connections. Producers that happen to be Jewish, or major retractions of old claims, or generally strange deceptive behavior.

Does it really make any sense how Infowars makes money? That motherfucker sells shitty internet vitamins? Seriously? I bet nobody buys those things. Who the fuck would?

Spencer and some others that pop up and get MSM attention instantly are part of the psyop

some are legitimate

coercion is natural for any non globalist movement.

we did read marx.....100 million people we stopped :)

I honestly think they are doing that just to attract new viewers and earn some more of those precious shekels.

>retracting all of his old redpilled beliefs
>major retractions of old claims
Such as?

God damn you guys read into ever detail like it's all connected. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy.

Be paranoid, don't trust government. It's good to have that mindset, but don't fall into the trap of seeing conspiracy in every shadow.

He just talked about the Bohemian grove when he went on Joe Rogan. Biggest Red pill dropped to normies, ever.

>Are the globalists/Jews behind this?
Yees. They are controlled opposition to make anyone to the right of Josef Stalin look like a nutter.

Shit Alex Jones started his radio career 3 years out of high school. By all means, get into the conspiracy game.

Jones used to be pretty heavy on the Jewish Question and talked about Jews ruling the world quite a bit.

Then he has david duke on the show and just attacks him the entire time, even though Duke was only saying what Jones said like 8 years ago.

Jones' old documentaries were way more in depth as well. If you watch Engame or any of those, he had tons and tons of facts on all kinds of stuff. Now all he lightly brushes on those topics but mostly sticks to talking about Islam and Sean Hannity-tier topics.

He went from being closer to David Icke to being closer to Fox News. It's just a really weird shift.

> the only book xir has ever read was the Communist manifesto
> not a single history book

American (((colleges))) everyone

Yeah that was another weird one.

Jones was dropping redpills every 20 seconds, but unless you already know that shit, it just sounded like science fiction gibberish.

Like Jones was saying that there is a war between some dark forces vibrating from another dimension, which is a reference to the Saturn theory that ancient religions basically worshipped Saturn as the source of Satan's power or whatever. So the theory is that all dark power resonates from Saturn.

Jones just framed all of his redpills to sound crazy and didn't explain them in a way that really makes sense unless you heavily research all of it.

But maybe he's just bad at communicating sometimes...I dunno. Just seems shady.

Also, where the fuck does Infowar's funding come from?

he came into money. Capitalism has a way of corrupting, and everyone even you has a price they will sell out for.

likely Russia, Jones is intended to subvert our culture to hate democracy.

Yeah I don't know if I am just being paranoid, or not paranoid enough.

Maybe Richard Spencer is legitimately from a rich family so he has never worked a day in his life, and just does his little NPI shit....Or maybe he's some sort of CIA operative who is just planted to cause dissonance in society.

His behavior and ties are weird. He seems like he is faking everything he does and says, and just forcing it out. Then again, his podcasts have like 300 views, and if he were truly a CIA operative he would probably be pushed and promoted to larger audiences.

Alex Jones has been built from the ground up to control the counter-narrative. He is also the strawman built to burn it all down (in their favor). Richard Spencer, Debased Stickman, and any other assumed avatar is a controlled op. Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean you're wrong. The David Duke interview should have opened all of your eyes already. If it hasnt, you are too far gone into either fluoride apathy or lack the pattern recognition required to notice these things. His message has shifted, his tone has changed. Instead of each broadcast being him having guests on and doing the usual doom and gloom (but with associated facts) all we get is the doom and gloom.

Watch Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon, Jones Deception, etc to get a better hint. Hes always been a fear-monger (we dont hear that word enough anymore). Its one thing to use people and lose them (as they fall out of favor) but this motherfucker doesnt go away, only grows stronger. Something is up, and its not organic.

Probably not a Russian shill.
Isn't Jones from money? didn't he have rich parents?

There's nothing "new right" about Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Rebel Media, Gavin McGinnes, Milo Yiannopolis, et cetera. They're all basic-bitch libertarians.

PJW's been with Infowars for over a decade, his brother is a writer there too.

No. There's probably some level of alphabet agency and supranational support we have, along with subversion/infiltration, but Sup Forums etc. controls the beast more than the other way around.

(((Ezra))) is based, so is Milo and you could easily interpret Spence as Bush and co. secretly being redpilled all along.

IMO, there's a big faction of the GOP and globalists that has been fighting to de-cuck America ever since Ike and Nixon liberated us from 20 years of bolsheivsm lite, and currently that includes Kushner and Mercer and their little AI box that contains the manifestation of kek and our meme magic.

>his tone has shifted

This. After I watched his old documentaries and listened to his old broadcasts, I knew something had seriously changed.

He used to sound very sincere and real. Now he just seems like he is reading a script, like an actual Hollywood actor.

>Something is up, and it's not organic

It just does not make sense how Infowars and all of these other companies are funded. How do they even have revenue? I don't get it. We know nobody is buying those stupid Vitamins they are selling.

People barely buy vitamins from local retailers, you think they're going to buy them from a fucking nutcase on a conspiracy entertainment show? Wtf?

We all know that most public figures have been compromised in some way. They have been placed there by the powers that be to serve a certain purpose that leads us towards The New World Order.

Implying he didn't just shift to become more mainstream. His older conspiracy theories are from when he was a more "out there" guy covering stuff no one else does instead of a major media platform.

YES, here is a screen shot taken 9 days before the election
part 1 of 2

>Jones used to be pretty heavy on the Jewish Question and talked about Jews ruling the world quite a bit.
[citation needed]

taken same date check time stamp.

I don't remember him ever talking about jews, he did talk much more in-depth about the illuminati and other secret societies though.

>Producers that happen to be Jewish
lol Jews aren't all in on one big conspiracy. JQ is real, just saying it's more complex and multifaceted than that, so you can't read too into stuff like that (but you can't ignore it either).

Yes u faggots r being manipulates

Wait....what on earth are you saying?

>Bush, redpilled
The bush family has deep ties to globalists, and they attend bohemian grove. Also, the bushes worked with the clinton foundation on the haiti fundraiser that ended up being a money scam. Plus neither Bush did anything to stop globalism while they were in office, they only expanded it.

>Milo redpilled
Uhhh dude is a pedophile and gets magical funding that just rains down from the sky to continue doing his little faggot tour, even after being outed as a fucking pedo

>secretly fighting globalism

Are you trolling right now?

I will say there is one thing in your theory that is possibly correct. Every year at the Bilderberg meeting, an anonymous attendee faxes a journalist all of the details of the meeting afterward.

This means there is a billionaire globalist who wants to stop them

Well the change could be caused by manny things,best case scenario:they did it to make more money from mainstream and when you tell people that the central banks own them and do whatever the fuck they want.....well people dont like that and ignore and dismiss it as a stupid cobspiracy.
The worse case scenario: is that the kikes and globalist who own all the other media so that these faggots were getting alot of attention and were waking people up.Especially his old documetaries which are detailed and woke af.I think they bought them and possibly even threatened them and now they dont report much of importance anymore.....

Here you go. Starts at 1:40

Milo was Bannon's meatpuppet (likely still is). He's boring now but people underestimate him. I have no idea whether I should trust Kushner or not, but he is Trump's family and I can't assume whether he's truly a sell out or juggling with the jewy elites for a pro America agenda. My theory is that we're living in the timeline of competing AIs: Cambridge Analytica vs. Google and Faceberg hivemind. This would explain why there seems to be a true battle for dominance instead of both parties being the same like usual, and would explain how meme magic and kek and moloch have all become real (everything's been played out beforehand in the simulations).

Also the globalists love when you're racist

old alex jones fan from the 2006-2010 glory days I don't know exactly what happened to the guy he turned into a shill years ago his pierce morgan interview confirmed what many in the real truth movement back then believed . but even bill cooper called him out in 2000 so maby he was always a shill . I am always amazed that people still watch his garbage but for every person that wakes up to him there are always 3 people new to the truther community that start watching him yt is designed to keep the real alt media supressed we are use to our channels being deleted I feel bad for you kids if only you knew what was really on you tube below the controled opp surface

Its more than that. His show is literally him leading people in circles instead of describing how your governing system (((operates))). I watched it a lot in the run up to the election (used to be a radio listener 2006ish)and its nothing but running in circles to catch your own tail instead of actually taking the role as the educator like he should have been this whole time. Hes always been shit, but now hes a total disinfo shill it seems.

Someone has placed him to take over either CNN or Fox when they go down...from my estimates. I go back and watch him busting up gun rallys, running people down, figuratively during broadcasts, dressing up as a clown and acting like a total freak. Did he crush his reputation at someone elses whim?

A lot of us started off listening to Jones and it seems that most either are turned off entirely after a short time.

Kushner and Ivanka are globalist liberal New World Order shills. Look into the shit they've done since they've been in the administration.

It's possible that Bannon and Milo are connected though. Milo is obviously a fucking nuclear bomb to the left, but is he controlled and meant to destroy the left for a strategy reason?

The CIA is basically all rich families

That post took an unexpected turn

john podesta

you can't start a new thread if it has john podesta in the OP

Yes. Anything that you become (((aware))) of easily on JewTube is pushed in order to make you aware of it. Even brother Nathaniel is too easy to discover...
I know this is part of a giant psyop but have not yet factored in exactly what the end game is here. Most people attracted to the so called "right wing" are simply non radicals who would literally have to be mentally retarded to buy shit like 9/11 being down to cave dwellers from the dessert.
Much of the "alt right" is designed to subvert (You) into bring a Fox loving (((conservative))) and clearly getting (((Trumplestine))) elected has been part of that..corse Hillary was just as bad or we were fucked either way.
>this is a highly important Question though and thanks for making the thread. We really do need to examine exactly what's going on

Jones is genuine, done more to wake people up than literally anybody. Great man.

Weirdo like Duke sticks his plastic face and instantly 99% of people are repulsed. He has the exact opposite of redpilling- he automatically associates in peoples minds with complete nutjob. Never redpill anybody with that. He's the plant, not Jones.

>he's been placed to take over when Fox goes down

Yep this. He's doing a fucking interview with megyn kelly tomorrow.

He is clearly going to be the next Fox News.


Nah, I thought his election coverage is great. He's still entertaining but I only watch occasionally on yt.

>Kushner and Ivanka are globalist liberal New World Order shills. Look into the shit they've done since they've been in the administration.
I'm aware, but how do you know, for example, they aren't instructed by Trump to rub shoulders with Diane and etc. because their job is to rub shoulders with the crooked inner party members and keep them off daddy's tail? Just saying, I'll keep my mind open til at least a year or 2 into his presidency.

Milo openly said a while ago Bannon basically set up his career. And remember, it was breitbart who reached out to us the first during goober gay. I've always kept that in mind and thought it was pretty awesome, even before 2014 I wonder why no one was paying attention to Sup Forums or tapping into all that grassroots right wing energy ripe for the picking. (us and our sphere of influence)

>posts old Jones

I agree, Old Jones was good. News Jones is weird.

>Is it just me, or does it seem like there is a lot of weird coincidences and strange behavior around these figures?
There lies your problem in the first place. You put too much faith in figures that were NEVER meant to lead something like ''new-right'' (puke)

>It's like he just turned into a slightly edgier Sean Hannity or something.
Here lies your second problem. You expect everyone to consistently keep a certain standard or always keep HIGH ENERGY. Well, sometimes they can't. Sometimes they need to chill.
You should chill too. Even Tanks need refueling.

Doesn't he claim to have connections to the patriots in the deep state and stuff? That also means he has connections to the bad guys, but that doesn't mean he's a shill since that's just how our government works.

You're an embarrassment to Canada...actually, you fit right in. Brutal. You're meaning to tell me that Jones squirming so bad he needed his producer to bail him out of the debate since he was made to look like the fuckhead he is? Yeah David Duke is a joke to most, but he shows us here what Jones actually is. Take that for what it is. Call it a spook upstanding spook-lite if that makes your maple-tipped dick happy.

Yeah, Jones is a good guy.

Which explanation of the world was more accurate, David Icke's or Alex Jones in his hey day?

They are all meme wizards that used up much of their power getting trump into office.
They are trying to recharge, but the spotlight causes only adds to the pressure.

this is true...

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

Probably Alex Jones.

David Icke has a lot of good stuff but he trails way off into some completely retarded theories about the world being a digital simulation and shit.

I don't think David Icke is controlled opposition either. Seems too insane...well maybe he is. How the fuck does that guy get those gigantic presentations booked?

I remember him complaining about zionist occupied gov but not full 1488 tier crap.
Mostly muh guns, duh banks.

william cooper is the only person worth listening to

I kinda trailed off there. But jones being made to look like a clown in front of Duke is a very good redpill for Jones fans. Its the only time, THE ONLY TIME that someone opened up the curtain and we got to see the man that pulls the goys strings.

...I know Duke looks fuckin silly with that hair piece, but this moment is crucial for us. Im starting to think (thanks to that one user for first pointing this absurdity out) those vitamin ads are to convince us that hes fan funded. Good snipe.

fuckin retards anti alex jones people

ive been watching him for 10 years and he has nothing but good motivations and saying the same thing for 20 years and red pilling people the whole time

blue pills need to GTFO theyre just mad cuz they still live in the matrix and cant comprehend anything he says

and yes people really do buy super male and all the products

Fuck you. He was unprepared to debate Duke and Duke surprised him. But to think Duke will take you any other place but backwards and to the freakshow just demonstrates that you are genuinely an idiot.... or a shill.

This. So many redpills in this thread

>people really do buy his products

Dude I just don't believe it. Who the fuck would buy those?

Like I said, most people barely trust vitamins from their local retailer. But they trust an internet water filter salesman who is a professional conspiracy theorist?

Dude I'm just not buying it

I said to take that interview for what it was...a spook embarrassing a spook. I like neither of them, you jackass. Does Jones actually have retards as fanatics or is there a shill-force?

I am 2 degrees from him with respect to people I know, and no. he was middle class-ish growing up.

Anyone got dirt on Hagmann and Hagmannm my new favorite radio show?

I'm disappointed in you, medpack.

>Jones shill-force

Yes, people have nothing better to do than pretend they're not Jones fans while trying to gain him traction.
That's too autistic even for Sup Forums

no not "this"

a lot of people just hate alex jones ive never seen anything remotely malicious

he calmed down after trump was elected a little bit he would still be fine with going into all the old shit if he wanted

natural herbal supplements the fuck you saying i buy shit like that all the time

millions of people buy shit like brain force anyways
some retards who need to concentrate in school
and doesnt wanna take adderal

The bottom line is that Jones has woken up millions of people to all of these ideas who never would have seen otherwise and kickstarted the whole movement in a massive way. The bottom line is that his overall effect in shedding lite on what the media and governments do has been trailblazing and huge. That's it. He has done well overall.

Again, fuck off. one less asshole here would be nice.

This is assuming that Jones has truly led people down the right road here.

If he is globalist controlled, then this is all for a reason to serve their agenda.
Does he have product in any retailers?

>shitty internet vitamins? Seriously? I bet nobody buys those things. Who the fuck would?
I have a friend who does/has. I have tried to tell him to be careful buying too hard into AJ, but he's on the hook, and I can't stop him.

People like AJ, and *gasp* Donald Trump (disclaimer: I voted for him) form cults of personality that exploit the narcissistic over-inflated ego's of the millennial and post-millennial generations.

>I kinda trailed off there. But jones being made to look like a clown in front of Duke is a very good redpill for Jones fans. Its the only time, THE ONLY TIME that someone opened up the curtain and we got to see the man that pulls the goys strings.
never watched the video, but I'm surprised people usually don't notice when /ourguys/ strategically say the opposite of what they mean like this

On a side note, you should look into your trust issues a bit. You seem to have faith in nothing. Sure 'question everything' but damn, that's unhealthy.

He shows what he knows or believes and then says says to look into it for themselves and make up their own mind.

exactly man there are so many great yt channels but they all always stay under the radar never having more then 50 to 100 thousand subs at the vary most . I mostly follow people in that range but you need to know yt to be able to find the networks we have going on the deep reaches of the site . I wish people here knew what was going on I have never seen anyone share ever here any of the people I follow .

I think Jones leads you up to the gate and then no further. The fact he even interviewed Duke and then tries to censor him..only makes Jones listeners question jones and listen to Duke. I, for a long time, assumed that Jones wasn't mentioning JQ because it is commercial poison and would lead to his show getting shut down YET Geoff Rense openly talks about (((them)))...
I think it's more than likely jones has had Mossad types fuck with him over the years to scare him straight. 3am telephone threats and people following him in cars's inconceivable to think anyone like jones would be allowed to exist in a vacuum. He would also have to be either insane or have the biggest balls ever to carry on calling (((them))) out..and it's quite clear Alex is all talk, expecially illustrated by how much "I'm not bragging" he does.
He is absolutely controlled...however as others have said he has led millions of people down the right's just now a case of him leading them off it and round in circles.

Unless jewtube actively bans certain channels before they even see the light, it's in our hands to make the 50k sub people famous.

Jones had 50k subs at some point too, did he not?

>like an actual Hollywood actor.
It may interest some to know that he did play a bit part in a cult-clasic Keanu Reeves movie called "scanner darkly".

The Joe Rogan interview showed AJs true swag.

He's not fucking around. You can't believe in meme magic, and not understand (((they))) are building a fucking A.I. kill grid on orders from the beyond.

Don't get cognitively dissonated.

Sandy Hook

I only have faith in God and the Bible

It is true I have trust issues, but i nearly have a sixth sense in reading people. I am barely ever wrong, I predict people' should actions and behavior just from watching them for 5 mins. I was raised with highly abusive psychologically backwards Machiavellian types who were all trying to lead each other (and me) into this weird traps to ruin their reputations, relationships and business.

That's why I have trust issues, I'm hardly ever wrong. Sometimes I am overly suspicious of good people, so it is possible I am reading too much into Jones.

just replace globalist with jews if thats what you prefer

its still good stuff

>He is absolutely controlled

that doesnt make you "controlled" if you just avoid talking about a subject because they threatened you

when people say controlled opposition they mean he works for the jews and theyre idiots nobody goes on radio screaming his lungs out for 20 years working for the globallists the whole time

Rebel Media is KIKED, but they get a good schlomo pass from me for hiring Tommy Robinson.

He is being smart if you can believe it. There is a void of pro nationalist media and he aims to fill it. FOX is bushy establishment.

I could tell you some real fucked up stuff man about the stuff thats gone on over the years . many people that speak real truth on yt get their channels deleted over and over again but they always come back because of the way we network with each other . everyone knows everyone so when someone comes back on every one makes a video telling people to sub their new channel . but sometimes people have just disappeared and always vary strange when they do one guy who always used to call out jones got his house broken into then he vanished . there is some real fucked up shit that goes down man way more messed up then that.

Anecdotally, I know someone who has bought multiple products from infowars.

Do they work?

You have faith in something, which is good.

Also you don't have to praise yourself, I can tell you're an intuitive lad.

Just saying, we're not crazy for questioning this stuff


The Jewish question is more complicated than saying it's all Jews all the time but Judaism is clearly anti social the same as Islam, except more hidden...and the Alex Jones question is more complicated than saying he is a phoney, all the time.
I'm still on the fence with Jones but he has done highly questionable shit too many times. Has he done this for his own self preservation? Or because he is on the payroll?
>If you are not free to say whatever you like then you are by definition controlled.

Overall Jones has been beneficial though..but his blind love of (((Trump))) is too much to stomach. Did Alex go all in with Ron Paul to the extent he did with Trump?

>creepiest pic related ever

I've heard similar stories and I believe them, perhaps we need to find or develop a more steady way of getting the word out there.
The cabal has roots everywhere and very ruthless people working for it that will rather die before giving up their seat in world domination.

Would love to hear more
>any links

they work for me

no there is no jones question ive been watching him for 10 years

hes on the good team and hes against the new world order

ive never seen anything questionable

so how the fuck do you question him unless you yourself is a blue pill

>but his blind love of (((Trump))) is too much to stomach. Did Alex go all in with Ron Paul to the extent he did with Trump?

yes he did support ron paul 100%

and its not a blind love of trump

trump hasnt been proven to be bad yet just slow on doing everything he said

>never seen anything questionable
Seriously fuck yourself
>"the Muslims run Hollywood"