Honestly guys im torn, Im a black educated male or a shitskin by your definitions who lives in and loves western civilization. I love europe and It pains me to see what is happening to america and europe right now. The slow destruction of western civilization and european culture. Europe is a gift to the world and like most beautiful gifts it is important who you share it with. You simply let too many people too quickly without any form of vetting, people who dont give a shit about the gift that is europe.
That said due to the mass cognitive dissonance in white society today i find it way too easy to bang the hottest blonde chicks (dont worry i use a condom). As a moderately successful brown skin, i find its the whitest blondest women eager for me to talk to them,white men are shirking their manhood.
All this has led me to this thought, white male cuckery is causing alot of white women to turn to classical definitions of masculine men and right now brown skin men from pro masculine cultures fit that definition of strong masculine ideals.
The white cucks believe their worldview will allow them to bed attractive females by appealing to their feminine sense of empathy but this is totally wrong as women are notorious for saying one shit and practicing another.
Simply put women are not going to ignore the 100s of thousands of years of evolutionary programming to procreate with a weak male.Women WANT to be dominated not abused but dominated. Not to mention women have no ingroup preference, they through survival tactics reward the invader. The whole 20th century of feminism and womens sufferage was a shit-test for men and men for the most part have FAILED.
Torn with whats happening today
Why should I care what some dumb roastie thinks.
I'm going to continue studying and becoming wealthy.
I don't give a fuck if they don't think I'm masculine enough.
Black people seem to care what other people think too much.
For someone who claims to be educated your writing is barely comprehensible
most of us don't want used up whores. the problem is less real when you're 26 and discerning and can get any 18 year old you want in the entire world. the women you're fucking are second tier.
>Im a black educated male
no such thing
youre not a shitskin dumbass. you realize the actual racist people saying that shit unironically here are a minority right?
Based african american cuckposter.
im 27 and have no idea why i even come here anymore
The problem is, the west was built on having a lil less testosterone, which leads to clearer thinking.
It's like 2 sides of a coin what u describe there.
The key would be, to remove womens rights asap.
Op is spot on
A lil ironic tho if u think bout africa, where gynocentrism has been holding civilisation down in the mud for thousand of years and disallowed any progress.
>I bang fat white chicks and think I cuck alpha white males
Listen kid, no matter what, Europe will be dominated by whites. If the shitskins take over westen europe, it will be a shithole within 20 years and therefore invaded and taken over by Slavs.
Slavs are more masculine than you and far more intelligent. OP cant compete.
So, how do we the fighting spirit of white europeans sgain ?
We need a philosophy and culture of fighting, basically like naziism.or better, like japanese honorary superior martial arts!
*blocks your path*
V is that u, bro ?
outta my way, nigger!
i need to stay off this shithole of a site
why i don't believe in god: non-whites exist.
Niggers arent more masculine, a lot of niggers I see are effete and skinny hipster faggots, those sluts just have a fetish and are a minority. Plenty of masculine white guys around, take your fantasies to Blacked.com fucking nigger.
Reading the comments, im horrified about how insanely bluepilled pol actually is.
Op rescrobed cause and effect perfectly, containing even the conclusion, but responses are bluepilled monkey apeing.
I've never been to eastern europe : The Post.
OP is right, I banged polish girls while you """alpha male""" was dreaming about your 2D waifu. Don't bother answering, stay delusional.
>comes to a website built on the idea of anonymity
>could just discuss political ideology without personal identity even being a factor
>openly announces identity like a Fucking redditor trying to earn some sort of credibility points
>tying to play the oppression Olympics when this board exists solely to mock the very idea.
Seriously, what did you mean by this?
1 post by this ID.
Seriously guys, DO sage.
Its not sbout being.
Its about the image, in the head of women, soley.
That also : thats what decades of portraying white men as loosers created in the heads of women.
When will sociezy ever learn, that feminists / lesbians absolutely MUST BE KILLED AND ERRADICATET INSTANTLY in order to prevent them to destroy society like they just have.
Lesbisns are the most toxic and outright evil.ppl on the planet, period.
We need to create a worldwide culture of killing lesbians, where kiling dykes is celebreates and considered glorious, an act of cleaning your nation of horrible disease.
Pol could help to establish that right cult, which is nothing but cleaning humanity from toxic disease and pure outright evil , codified
by telling my race i am giving context to the post, and im not trying to play oppression olympics. No where in my post did i say i was oppressed..
quite the opposite actually, im benefiting heavily off this
well i tried
>I love europe
Explain yourself
yeah man don't worry, this is the redpill in the subreddit /r/theredpill sense. It's obvious feminism was a shit test and whitey failed. Very hard to come back from that, and it's actually permanently made all white men look like bitches to white women subconsciously.
t. pajeet who loves white people and white culture but has no pity because it did this to itself
Every intelligent person who is able to remove themselves from groupthink should come to love Europe and everything Europeans have done for the world. You know not all black people are dumb right? about 20% have the same intelligence correlated genes as white/asian people.
>loves white people
And you too.
This kind of thinking is what creates (((civic))) nationalism on the long run.
means what it says, i love european culture, i love the food the centuries of architecture. The vibe and aethestic of europe. Just because im not european doesnt mean i cannot appreciate another set of cultures. Quite contrary, i think it BECAUSE im non european i am likely to appreciate europe more. That said europe should be treated like a prized gift. A gift that should be treasured and ONLY shown to people who will appreciate it, and if that means strict points paid immigration where people must assimilate so be it.
Right now the merkels and macrons of this world do not "appreciate" europe and by their actions do not care if they open the flood gates to people who wont bother to take the time to assimilate and appreciate it.
You are spot on, the kikes have BLACKED.com our culture and made niggers look 'cool' and 'in', some feeble minded girls develop fetishes for them, and I know this from experience (ironically, a kike niggerlover from work).
>The whole 20th century of feminism and womens sufferage was a shit-test for men and men for the most part have FAILED.
Thanks for the update
Did somebody say BLACKED?
Ur 85 iq is showing.
>thinking an ethnostate is possible
>american having this saved
no wonder you voted a nigger into the white house
shit b8
majority of blacks have small penis syndrome because they were lied to that they are average (the ones that have a slavemaster rape baby in their lineage) and aficans are shorter than Mediterraneans
100% ethnostates wont happen, simply because most homogenous states have one thing in common liberalism. Which states everyone is the same there are no differences and such everyone deserves the same access to resources. Poland and hungary are fighting tooth and nail now,but soon if the EU doesnt break apart they will crack.
"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned" - Yeats
kinda punny
They are like chinks and women in that regard. All face value.
Women are a scourge to humanity, I'm waiting for artificial wombs.
uhhh no, artifical wombs will NOT be good for men, one load from a man can repopulate the entire human species. Why would you need a billion or so men after that.
>he wants Jews to be in control of who reproduces.
I dont know how many women are ACCUALY getting blacked in western islamic europe but here we have a ratio of about 1 black in 3000 white families . (sorry but no source, just my experience ) where you do see negros is in the capital where they keep to themselves as Atheneans are pretty racist. (for a good reason , concidering crime to skin colour ratio) There is no such thing as cuckoldry in Greece. What I find unerving is the amount of incest porn in top searched results in porn sites