Why are niggers so goddamn stupid?
Why are niggers so goddamn stupid?
It's called systematic racism, you fucking bigot. They were kings and queens you know. You are looking at your ancestors right there, they were creating civilization while we were in caves.
They think it's funny being dumb.
It's like when a monkey throws its shit at you. Yeah, you have to shit in your hands as a down side, but on the upside you and all your monkey friends laugh when you have shit thrown at someone.
>mfw I've done the same thing
There's a longer version where she starts walking again. The gears started moving when she saw the guy but they never got anywhere.
Get new gif
Maybe she can't afford a treadmill, sjit
Got plenty my dude
I've always loved this idea.
So what happened? You had it all and the big mean white man came and took it all, leaving you in wrenching poverty? Why would anyone consider advertising such a monumental failure and act like it's something proud to be about? It's amazing how stupid this single line makes niggers look and they don't even realize it.
pretty much.
Share it if they not used too bad.;)
Anytime, Nigel.
Maybe some child abuse while we're on the topic.
Have some more
Niggers are truly the dumbest beast to ever live
Always happy to spread nigger hate
Niggers were building spaceships n shiet until the hwyte man came over
Report him now!
niggers are literally gta AI
I had always wondered how that would work out for them dumbfucks..
i fucking love that its something out of an old timey video game. he grabs it and explodes and just falls like a game character.
Theres only so much webms out there my dude
Hint: it doesn't
all that white girl pussy must get to their heads.
Why did it take so long for him to get kfc'd?
He didn't touch the right wire for a while
When he grabbed the other wire it allowed the electricity to go throw him and to the ground
I know but stupidity of nignogs did not stop.
Damn right about that. Living in the south is torment only because of niggers
woah, blondie is banging
You race baiting dickbags are probably even worse than the "shill thread" assholes that descended upon this place. You post the same stupid webms and circle jerk about things no one cares about. Take this nonsense to /gif/ where it belongs, we already have a nog hate thread.
Have fun getting shot by a white cop, nigger.
that's fucked up. he hired those guys to shovel his driveway and said he'd give them each $50 to play a prank on his wife by pretending to rob them when they came home from the opera. they had no idea it was a setup so he could shoot niggers. really sad. google it if you don't believe me.
Damn, nigga, you don't get the fire on cloth, sheiit, c'mon.
what the fuck
He touched the guy wire that stabilizes the pole. It's essentially a contact to ground. The other two wires are insulated from the ground.
Now there is no sound
If we all live underground
And now it's virtual insanity
Forget your virtual reality
Oh, there's nothing so bad. (happiness)
Oh yeah
Rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover aren't the same thing. He learned the hard way.
Can't find it.