Say something nice about muslims
Say something nice about muslims
I can't think of anything.
They haven't forgotten how to keep women in check, unlike modern cuckstianity.
You guys are the bomb!
their women aren't sluts
Some of em are white.
shawarma is p good
I thank them for not running me over with a truck.
Ummmm Deus Vult?
They kill each other more than they kill euros
I really hate this saying. Allah just means God in isn't their specific or special name for him, the way Yahweh works for the Jews. Middle Eastern Christians have to use Allah because there is no other word for God in their language. After learning about that, westerners who use Allah in English just irk me. They have no reason to. They can just say God since that's what it means. Allah and God are the same word in different tongues.
They are kike-realists
Good traditions
Strong spirit
Nice people
They treat women like property though kind of wringly.
They do child brides, that's good.
They sure know how to treat women
I've got one for you. There incredibly good at killing other Muslims.
> They despise the Jews more than anyone.
> Usury and other banking jewry is illegal in their countries.
> Take religion and culture seriously.
> Force modesty on their women.
Honestly though, none of this has much to do with Islam itself. Arab Christians are the same, though they're a bit more lenient on their women. Islam itself isn't what makes the Middle East so religious and conservative. It's just the nature of the Middle East. If the demographics flipped and the majority were Christian, it'd still be an extremely religious, conservative, nationalistic region of the world. It's a fucking shame the Middle East isn't Christian. There are about 80million Arab Diaspora, most of which are Christian. If they all returned to the Mid East, you could make Lebanon and Syria majority Christian, with at least 1/3 of Egypt becoming Coptic once more. That'd be enough. Just so that the birthplace of Christianity still has Christian areas with notable culture.
> t. my neighbor is a leb orthodox
Thay have Dave Chappelle as a convert.
The 'moderate' ones have some really neat beards now and then.
If you tell them to kill themselves they do it, the absolute madmen.
they won't exist in 50 years
They really, really, hate jews. Oh and oil
Great architecture
>Good traditions
>Strong spirit
>Nice people
Literally only the patriarchy part is true
They won't proverbially crucify you for saying you want to gas all kikes. They also don't have a book they love yet also hide, calling Jesus a false prophet wallowing in shit for eternity, so there's that.
There is nothing good about mudslimes
You have women with great values.
sand nigger New Zealand CTR shill fag get off Sup Forums.
If they were christian their subhuman genes would more acceptably integrate into western culture. As is they are better quarantined.
They're right about dogs. People should only have them if they serve an actual use.
they make good target practice
High birthrates
Better (read not good) view on women than the (((modern))) west
Willing to fight for what they believe in
Children are taught ingroup loyalty from an early age
Often fighting the American ZOG (and being funded by it lulz)
Kills gays and trannies
They die just like us.
>Say something nice about muslims
Nobody kills more Muslims than Muslims
>keeps women under control
>hates jews
>good at killing muslims
>faggots are kept under control
Muslims are in the TOP 1 of the worst things ever happen to earth
They are easily cured.
They're great at killing each other!
Lebanese are usually like that. Same with Palis. Theyre usually decent since they just hate Jews and thats it.
Syrians and Saudis are shit tier.
Fuck you I'm CSKA
i do not like some people in the religion but id culturally appropriate the fuck out of some your women
>Thirsty rl loser
Keep betraying your race you bitch.
>not all muslims explode some use trucks.
They kill a lot of other Muslims.
they blend in well in their brownish sandy shitholes
Leaf pretending hes white. Kek
>peaceful trucks
for you
Muslims will live more and more in Europe so it's kind of an irrelevant point
fun to get into firefights with
>His previous comment was discussing lebshits and palidiarrhea in-depth but he jumps on me making a white pride comment.
Kill yourself Prakesh.
nope, they can't into local community outside their own, are shitskin alien manlets who feel out of place elsewhere; my guess it they will either get removed or remove themselves
also don't think of europe as a monolithic entity, the east is a lot less cucked in mohamedan death cultist regard than the west/north
Fuck off ahmed you gay cunt, I hope melbourne gets glassed with you in it.
Have based views on queers and jews
They will rot in the gutter. Here you go.
It is kinda good thing they are shit at what they do, or else more people would die.
Allah = Al(The)+ilah(god)
ilah= god w/ the the little g
little g god can have different meanings such as gods or goddesses
saying Allah is supposed to be like saying The god as in capital g God. The saying probably packed more of a punch when pagan gods were relevant.
It's pretty much like when LORD is used in the Bible you know they're talking about the Supreme Being of the Universe.
look everyone, it's the quintessential canadian
Some of their foods are ok
Good that we dont need muslims to follow a recipe tho
They are not full of hatred like cuckholicks.
Based on the flag I'm assuming you just have the good fortune of not really knowing, but
pretty much sums it up. No unity, not particularly nice compared to other cultures (unless of course they want something from you) and their traditions are absolutely horrific to the sensibilities of pretty much any other civilization. I'm cool with them doing their own thing in their own fucked up corner of the world, but they have no place in mine.
They're pretty honest about the crazy shit their religion commands. They're like "we will kill you if you do this" and christians are like "oh no we don't want to hurt gays, god didn't mean it when he said that"
Yeah, it's not like it's actually Molech or anything, oh wait...
>The quintessential Slovenian is ignorant of basic theology in the age of information
They killed more Jews than the Nazis did.
They probably sacrificed children out of necessity because they breed like fucking rabbits
It really is this and and jews keep disinforming stormfront
I think she is muslim,this was the only nice post i ever saw of a muslim and she could be a middle east Christian or rape slave in the coming crusade
some of them are dead
>quoting bukhari
And the people of Moses[the jews] made, after [his departure], from their ornaments a calf[moloch] - an image having a lowing sound. Did they not see that it could neither speak to them nor guide them to a way? They took it [for worship], and they were wrongdoers.
And Elias was most surely of the messengers. He asked his people: 'Do you not fear [God]? Will ye call upon Baal and forsake the best of creators? God is your Lord and the Lord of your fathers, the ancients' But they rejected him, and they will certainly be called up [for punishment], except the sincere and devoted servants of God [among them], and we left [this blessing] for him among generations [to come] in later times, peace be upon Elias.[85]
They are extremelly easy to control through their religious leaders.
They're better at dealing with opponents than us.
> Imagine us doing this in known Muslim neighbourhoods.
Hows the cocaine smuggling going honduras? You get wifi up in the mountains on your way to the border with that big bag up your asshole??
they're great when they're dead?
They are very good at mental gymnastics to accept all of this.
Fucking muslim shills...
They always have an explosive ending.
They cling to traditions
lol this is bullshit... I can't believe there are retards out there who believe this.
They fuck more goats than any other group of people
Döner is pretty good sometimes. Granted, I don't need 4 separate Döner Kebab shops on my block that all taste the same.
Also they culturally isolate themselves in Europe so they're not very likely to crossbreed with us.
Yeah, apart from the friendly rape every now and than.
They're good at bringing goats to orgasm.
Fucking camel jockeys and the liberals who smell like them
1 in 2 that don't believe Sharia should be the law of the land are ok.
They have a good beheading technic inspite their shitty knives/swords
They often add fuel to bombs, because they love the show
they are really good at making bombs.
And excuses.
they don't have SJW women and transgender
This inbreed fags are so stupid that every one can become a suicide soldier in 10 mins indoctrination
Their women are all repressed and ultra slutty when unsupervised around whitey.