The Maker Movement- a sign of de-civilization

Civilization happened when men chose to trade instead of steal- to specialize instead of being jacks-of-all-trades.
"Making" is a waste of time and effort, just do your fucking job.

>wahhh why don't people want to be cogs in a machine
>freedom and independence are cancer we should be like the chinese
Go back to China

What if making things is my job

Answer me this: do you hold any money as completely liquid savings (ie. not invested in anything)? Why?

Cogs enable machinery to provide the desired motion, and each one carries all of the force (just in a different rpm/torque)- being a cog is being one with all humanity.

I hold no cash, only credit card. The reason why is that I want the maximum amount of work to be done with my money- and thus I gain the rewards.

What do you do with the income you earn? Do you immediately invest it? Or do you keep some around for unexpected expenses?

My income is automatically deposited to my credit card, then automatically deposited to my investment broker. $AMD to the moon, praise Lisa Su!

If this is indeed the case, I can't fault you for your consistency. But this demonstrates precisely why you don't understand the rationale behind making shit, even though you do use part of that concept.

It is axiomatic that humans cannot consistently predict the future (at least, in the medium run). This is why the concept of savings exists; people sacrifice present consumption in order to achieve greater future rewards. This money can be invested (as you do), or simply kept as a rainy-day fund. Regardless of which a person chooses, they are doing so because they expect a greater benefit than immediately spending that money on present goods.

Making things is a bit like prepping, in the sense that you sacrifice present benefits because you anticipate greater future rewards. The more self-sufficient you are, the higher your chance of survival if something happens. Similarly, the more money you save, the better off you will be if your income stops.

Also, there is a certain level of satisfaction, as well as pragmatism, involved in being able to do shit. Do you cook your own food, or do you only go to a restaurant where people who specialize in cooking exchange their goods for your money?

*medium and long run

> When 'making,' people are sacrificing money/goods for security.
Security, while includes self sufficiency, also includes interdependance. A jack of all trades will be of no use to others, while a specialist will be required by those who wish to operate most efficiently. The difference between us seems to be the likelihood of disaster and our valuations of being prepared.

Hello bugman

I agree with learning to design and build your own shit in order to be as self sufficient as possible.
That being said, these "makers" are nothing but faggot hipsters that consider themselves techie geeks because they added blinking leds to a shitty art project.

This is how Arab armies work. One guy knows how to maintain the tank, and he doesn't tell anybody else how to do it because then he thinks he loses his value. He gets killed, and suddenly the tank is no longer maintained

>desired motion
Of who?

It sure isn't my desired motion, bitch.

>seems to be the likelihood of disaster and our valuations of being prepared
Most likely. But don't forget
> there is a certain level of satisfaction, as well as pragmatism, involved in being able to do shit

Everyone's valuation of everything is different. No one is more or less "valid" than another. If someone wants to depend on specialists to cook all his meals, that is fine. If someone wants to do all his own car maintenance instead of paying a mechanic, that's fine too.

> desired motion of who?
Of society. Don't tell me, you are a lolbertarian, a fan of "you must bake the cake, but you don't have to ice it" Johnson.

>No one is more or less "valid" than another.
Valuations may be less rational, and only valid insofar as a person *believes* that his motion will achieve his cause.

>Valuations may be less rational, and only valid insofar as a person *believes* that his motion will achieve his cause.
Since value is completely subjective, a given valuation cannot be considered more or less rational than another. Except maybe in the fringe case of a lunatic spouting nonsense and acting with no apparent rhyme or reason. Normal people always act "rationally" based on their values and the information available to them.

Holy shit, leafs really are the worst posters

Making is a hedge against instability. There has been a huge amount of it lately. The more skills you have, the more future-proof you become. Making develops skills. When the company you work for inevitably shuts down and moves overseas to take advantage of labor arbitrage, you need them.