Is Karl Marx OUR GUY?
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He is antifa's guy.
I bet no one replying to this thread even understands das kapital
Well, he is in the raffle for a helicopter ride
You don't have to have memorized the blueprints of the Tower of Pisa to understand that it's leaning the fuck over.
LTV is debunked garbage, as is the alienation/exploitation concept that Marx shilled.
Is there even a point to these cunt threads?
Like i said you dont understand what it even is.
LTV is a very valid concept if you study its reasoning
No, it's not. Subjectivism is the only theory of value that makes any sense.
That post proves your ignorance.
"use value" is subjective even marx agreed with that, he put that idea into commodity exchange and came out with LTV as a common measure of subjective value
NEET jew that created a body of work used in excuse for a violent jewish take over both in tzarist russia and post ww1 germany, in effect making one of the biggest tragedies in europes history in loss of life alone but further-more in dissolving national and cultural identity
no OP, he was not
>common measure of subjective value
The entire point of subjective value is that it is subjective. There can be no common measurement.
Then you can stfu already
Such a high caliber of economic discourse is why nobody but college leftists takes Marx seriously.
I dont and im not intrested to
Get out
Ironically, yes.
He was against the chads of social hierarchy- the upper class
It wouldn't surprise me if he was a "Learned Elder", aka the last people on Earth capable of being "/ourguy/"
Is Karl Max a jew?
Well guessed Muhhamed
(((Moses Mordecai Levi Marx)))
Marx was delighted with the idea of humanity's moral ruination. In his poetry, he dreamed of a pact with Satan. He was especially fascinated by violence. Later, in his own ideology, he stressed that one must fight violence with violence.
Read marx and you will be really red pilled
Not reading the thread and still shitposting is why no one takes leafs seriously
The thread is 23 posts long. You've added absolutely nothing to the discussion aside from your unsubstatiated, just-so claim that Marx was right.
Hang yourself, commie chink.
>common measure of subjective value
Isn't that a disingenuous way to say objective value?
No client cares how much you work in something, there's absolutely no relation whatsoever between labor and value and anyone claiming "its a valid concept" should demonstrate why so instead of claiming nobody understands it.
You're like a teenager, misunderstood and infantile.
One of the worst books ever, yet some people treat it like its genius. Its painful to read and marx makes no sense.
>A faggot that couldnt pay debts while also talking shit about Jews being stingy with money being /ourguy/
Not on my watch
nothing to ask beside wether he is a jew or not. best question always and ever, self sufficient for any argument
Economists always attempt to argue fairly subjective topics into more objective measures. Marx actually did this very well, so to call him out singly among economists is not honest.
It seems like none of you even understand marxist economics even when wikipedia exists so let me sum it up for you dumb fagets.
Marx subdivides the vacuous concept of value into several conceptual values includibg "exchange price" ie market value and "use value" ie utility. Both theae concepts are subjective.
Obviously only things you trade can have market value but that doesnt mean everything that isnt traded is worthless. The common factor is the value of their labour. Logically the concept of labour value is also subjective
fucking leaf first in the gulag
Anyone who thinks Labor X Resource = Value doesn't understand the concept of market.
Top kek, a parasite who odesn't even have the decency to feed it's spawns.
This is the definition everyone gets stuck on.
Marx subdivided the idea into several concepts trying to explain value for different uses.
Thus his terms of exchange value, use value and common labour value.
The worst fallacy of value is that market price = value. This is totally a banker concept
he was a jew. not our guy.
>Never bathed
>Smelled bad
>Everyone hated him
>Family had zero respect for him
>Convinced future generations that being lazy is a virtue and it's always the fault of everyone else.
Yes, he's Sup Forums's guy
Kys faggot, the only people getting stuck on the term "value" are you lazy gibsmedat faggot so-called commies.
Anyone who thinks the supply-demand "curves" are anything but theological apologetics doesn't understand the concept of value but DOES understand parasitism quite well.
Not an argument, jew.
Have you ever finished reading books from like Adam Smith, Ricardo, or Keynes either?
fuck off /leftypol/