Reminder that Kekistan was created to destroy kekposting and occultposting on Sup Forums so that we would lose any real power or motivation we gained from the worship of Kek.
Reminder that Kekistan was created to destroy kekposting and occultposting on Sup Forums so that we would lose any real...
Do you even comprehend what you just posted burger?
reddit ruins everything they touch
>no fun allowed
Leftist kike niggers trying to assassinate our memes
Fuck off
I think you're the one who doesn't comprehend.
Pepe is our frog and will always be our frog. The left literally ran a news cycle about how Pepe is dead. Does it not seem odd to you that the site that fought for Pepe and won him back would just give him up so easily a second time? Fuck that it's obvious Sharia blue character assassination on their primary memetic target
This is the third time it's happened.
>I'll stop forpostig
>becuase people who cant match my wits in debate tell me to
'wrong '
I was aware of everything in the pic being the first time. When was the second?
This is why we should make kek less meme facekike friendly again.
1488 day of the rope Pepe
No you retard. You're the one who doesn't comprehend. Occult power comes from the self. "Kek" was just the will of the self manifest as a cartoon frog. "Kek" didn't give anyone "occult powers". The board as an entity has it's own occult "powers".
KeK is eternal
This is what happens when something get too popular. Fucking reddit ruining every good thing.
All around me are Frogs faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily MEMES
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their KEKS are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The MEMES at which I laughed at are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people Shitpost, in circles its a very, very
KEK world, KEK world, enlarging your world
KEK world
he's correct
we tapped into something that leddit destroyed with its characteristic cringe
Fuck off to cancerchan
This shit has barely any pull on Sup Forums outside of a few shitposting generals.
Where did it even come from ?
Agreed with this post. I ain't no Reddit faggot. But it seems that Sup Forums's faith in Kek is waning, and I think that's largely due to the fact that normies have appropriated him.
OP is right, you know
report/sage/pray for ban
Report to God, burn sage and pray for their ban?
Very occult of you, user.
Reminder that you can't halt chaos with control. It will never work, Kek will continue to bless us. We should probably look to the other Ogdoad gods as well.
Checked 'em. You guys are on the right path
I honestly think you are right. pepe and mass acceptance of kek is some of the dumbest shit ever. However, we are in a time where dumb shit is normal. Colleges giving in to SJWs, antifa, the fake "we can fix this with love"'s all fucking god damn dumb shit. We are so far beyond the point of civil debate in some situations that kek has become the face that stands for simply saying "no, this is fucking stupid". Anyone who simply goes "no" is kek.
I can't believe you dug that up on me. I am the one who originally wrote this. AMA.
But the niggers and normalcucks here LOVE IT why would you deny them their cringefest?