10 alt right students lose admission to Harvard after posting racist and anti semitic memes in a Facebook group
10 alt right students lose admission to Harvard after posting racist and anti semitic memes in a Facebook group
How much you wanna bet those boys can afford great lawyers. Harvard gonna get sued
Harvard is a private entity, can hire-fire-withdraw application as they like. Tough shit.
for what, withdrawing acceptance? colleges have massive leeway to do that before you actually enroll
Newfags don't know how to hide their power level, serves em right.
Also they should sue for discrimination, just for the lulz
It's Harvard's loss desu. Fast forward few years when Harvard will be nigger only University, we can laugh upon them hysterically.
There downfall was already started due to MIT in the front.
this seems like a happening
I dont understand why you would want to go to Harvard if you dont like Jews, the whole school is all just jews
it's not though, it's a mixture of different elites from all over the world.
Wow, I'll bet they sure learned their lessons. Great job turning a bunch of young men towards literal fascism.
Why would you want to go to a shit school like that? It's literally no better than any other half way decent college, except for the prestige.
if you are good enough to go to harvard you already have 10 safety schools
Feels bad they could have been future leaders of the world we could have had /ourguys/ on the inside.
Because prestige > ability for the sort of degrees you get from those schools.
Same as London, Cambridge and Oxford in the UK. Purely to say you were there and the contacts you make while being there.
People that post edgy mems on Facebook aint ourguys
Are they so retarded they posted from real accounts? Fucking normies.
ummm sweetie check again
what did they post
The memes that got them denied.
>that gas chamber joke
“As far as how administration found out, I know that a few other admitted students sent screenshots to the admissions office.”
>oh no
>well that does it
>you aren't getting into MY debt trap!
"magazines" gave me a chuckle
Something is wrong here.
WTF? These are private messages.
Most of those are actually quality memes.
If you're dumb enough to post on cuckbook you don't belong at Harvard.
2.5 minutes:
>First Ever Black Graduation at Harvard 2017.
just think, that rat is probably on the fast track to heading some kind of diversity enrichment program.
I hope someone in their community realizes the poor logic in hiding popular racial jokes. Obviously there is something worth talking about, not hiding. Damage control protocol would be to establish some kind of discussion about why these things are popular. They'll never influence the True power of memes if they hide from them.
harvard gives free tuition unless you parents make over 100k a year.
not that i would expect a brainlet goy to know
I'd say they are worth defending. There is good meme power in this happening.
reach your data cap already?
ok. found it within 10 seconds of searching. don't know why I asked.
So Jews
Better make sure to replace them with 10 disabled nigger dykes. That'll be a hell of a lot more beneficial for society than allowing intelligent white people who have "unacceptable" opinions in.
well sauce?
what the fuck? What the fucking fuck?
And here i thought Harvard was not an ape parlour.
sarina valentina
Traps are gay
also thanks
To be fair, I think that was their post-graduation festivities. Pretty sure they sat in seats and listened to a speaker at the actual ceremony.