17 y/oEast ukraine rebel girl soldier dropping red pills on life

youtube.com/watch?v=j7-W02CNXPM or is she just brainwashed to join the militia? In her own mind she's fighting the fascists which could be argued knowing the ukraine situation. anyway her courage and conservative values made me feel just a bit emotional

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ukraine is rightful russian clay

Even the name Ukraine refers to it being the boarderland of the Rus. Russia's first capitol was Kiev before the Mongols and Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth took it over. Seriously though, the east and southeast Russians were occupied for a few hundred years, now they think they aren't Russians.

Can't blame them if they don't think they're the same or don't want to be as Russians when the former USSR conducted a bloody holodomor in the country

Ukranians ARE Russians. The ones in the western parts of the Ukraine are Russified Poles. That's it. Similar with Belorussians, but they were Polified Russians.

>can't blame them when [Stalin, an ethnic Georgian that hated Russians and wanted them divided and weak so he could break their ties to Orthodox christianity and their ethnic culture, and forge them into his ideal "new man"] conducted a bloody holodomor.

>Even the name Ukraine refers to it being the boarderland of the Ru

It refers to borderland of Commonwealth you uneducated, fat fuck.

she's probably some degenerate camwhore. all redpilled women are

>red pills
where ?
she is just a nice cumdumbster for the commander and he made her a riflewomen only so he can impragnate her between the fights

Dont even think about commenting on european ethnic allegiances. Their eastern region might as well be russia but the distinction between small and greatrussians is rather old and as valid as belarus being an own thing.
Its more about power and a hope on livingstandarts here and not about what you think would look better on a mememap.

also wtf, using some hot slag as propaganda is even something the blackpanthers in the US managed to do.
babbys first war propaganda.

Is there anything more pathetic in this world than russophile amerifats?

I want a slav

Sup, pol.
USSR soldier dropping red pills on life or is they just brainwashed to join the militia?

Not really. Except maybe Louise Mensch

>are they

I wanna see her feet pics


She's dead though isn't she?
And face it, 17 year old wife of a soldier. These are not her own words.



You know, I'm ambivalent about Bandera and the fascist uprising in the Ukraine as the Holodomor was a real thing caused by dirty jews who wanted revenge against the jews.
Where I start to have a problem with Ukrainians (I'm a Serb btw and I like Ukrainians) is when they are too retarded to see that they are again these days used by jews as puppets to be sacrificed against an enemy they can't possibly beat.
Their president is a jew, their last two prime ministers were jewish, literally every fucking governor and oligarch is a jew.
They are being played like total fools.

Putin could have solved this internal conflict if he just openly said that the jews were responsible for what happened to Ukrainians.

Then they might go purge the right people, instead of attacking ethnic Russians who've been living there for centuries.

>caused by dirty jews who wanted revenge against the jews
Correction: they wanted revenge against Ukrainians for the justified pogroms in the pale of settlement.

>Stating facts means I am a russophile

heh.. FAG!

You are a new friend from 2ch, aren't you? Nobody will humiliate you if you make mistakes on Sup Forums and Sup Forums like people on 2ch do. If everyone would fix their mistakes threads would be unreadable.

>he wants a slav
>posts a girl that easily can be ethinical udmurt or something like this


Most likely. She married Serge??? He got blown up in the fuckin elevator with his bodyguard. But i thought he married this chick in 2014.. Same girl?

Only the far west of the country, the heartland of where ukranian nationalism started, and where ukranian identity emerged was Polish.

What, and you are qualified? I bet you think Alsatians, Austrians, and most Swiss aren't ethnicaly Germans. Just because civic nationalism is currently the norm doesn't give people the excuse to go retarded and claim a diferent ethnicity because they aren't apart of the same country.

Russophile? Russians killed my ancestors and made them flee the country. I am just calling a shoe a shoe.


meanwhile in the free land occupated by bydlo


They are closer to poles/belarusians than to russians.
Ukraine = Portugal
Russia = Brasil

Russians did never exterminate Poles or Ukrainians, you are mistaking here something.
The Soviet Union was JEWISH, the Russian Empire had conflicts with Poles, but they never did the kind of shit the jews did, like intentionally starving millions of people.

>They are closer to poles/belarusians


>Is there anything more pathetic in this world than russophile amerifats?

yes, russophobes

When I see this shit it makes my blood boil.
Fucking kikes, they just love killing Ukrainians in any way they can.

Here's an interesting video on the background to what these kikes did in the Ukraine:


Is this a joke or just trolling?

>The Soviet Union was JEWISH

the worst shit is not only that ukrainian nazis are lead by jews but when some internet dumbfuck think that soviet union was jews.

Only western Russia are slav lands, Musovites were finno ugric

No idea, Slavs have a weird skill in changing appearance.
I seem to remember her body being used in a lot of videos some time ago.


bydlo trying to silence the truth


It was jewish, right to the WWII when Stalin could see that if he let them go on exterminate Russians, they'd loose the war.
Only then he removed them from power, because people noticed and were revolting.

But still the kikes weren't purged, they received preferential treatment up to the 60ties from the Soviet Union.

That's why jewish media in the West constantly shilled for the Soviet Union up to that point, after that they turned against the Soviets.

>17 yo female
>not brainwashed

pick one

>ukraine is rightful russian clay




Fuck John McCain/Soros too though

>lives in an artifical country-betrayer
>not brainwashed

oddaj Wilno pedale żmudziński

It's a proxyfag. He is implying Ivan is mostly african and other mixes. Obvious bait.

>tfw no ukraine rebel gf

>It was jewish

Eh fine, were quick to judge you as full burger.
Austrians&bavarians are actually genetically distinct too from northwest germans if you take it veeeery narrow. Sometimes language isnt all and geography plays into identity. Albeit I see that the donbass area and crimea might as well be russian as the few distinct features between greatrussians and the rest arent really developed there. Now for the heartland around Kiev common roots arent necessarily all if political and geographical alienation over hundred years did their work.

I didn't say african, but yes, a lot of russians have finnish blood, even Putin.

This is his national language.


Wasn't Muscovy exactly western Russia?



what did he mean by this?
Are you referring to 1991 declaration of independence from collapsing communism "heaven"? If so, go neck yourself faggot

Looks like a trap
Sounds like a trap
Probably is a trap


I meant that you, fags, should be a part of Polish Federation and should learn Polish in schools

>declaration of independence


there is an amazin report of cia agent about heavy nato and western spy networks in lituhania before its "Independence" shit wnet hilarious when Lithuanian first inner minister was a fucking old nazi from Germany, who literally was in a same time on a search warrant in Interpol for massacres in WW2.

And almost all Gulags and secret police was run by jews.
In the Ukraine they specifically went against everyone they either remembered for having crossed them in some way in the past (including their families) and against anyone who displayed some kind of intelligence and virtue.
They literally wanted to create a slave colony out of the Ukrainians because of resentment for the pogroms.
And it seems like it worked out well for them, the Ukraine is once again run by jews and its best men are sacrificed in a completely retarded war while their women are trafficked as sex slaves to Tel Aviv and Berlin.
These women have due to the great economy the jews created often no choice than to go for these high risk proposals.

dem kek when baltic politicians are not publishing anything in the tweeters and other social medias because they are or were literally parts of "CIA $ free agent" networks in a same time they were educated in the west management schools (hastly getting master degrees in Yale and Harvard in 3-6 month management cources). most of them were part of neonazi organizations or even not fucking citizens of baltic states. so they hide themselves behind fake identities and deleted past, working mostly absolutely anonymous and hidden from any journalists.

>I hate Facsist ideals

Oh, she's controlled

All these little sex bunnies on youtube are controlled.

>And almost all Gulags and secret police was run by jews.

god.. i am tiered of this fucking moron..

Russia should be understanding to the Ukranian feeling spawned by the soviet era.
Ukranians are so neo nazi because to them at the time the nazis were the good guys.
The nazis were the guys who pushed out the (((bolsheviks))) who had been butchering them by the millions for decades.
Russia should understand this and also help Ukraine to understand that it is not them who are the Soviet Union anymore. It is outfits like the (((UN))) and the (((EU))) that are the new (((Soviet Union))).
I think the reason why Russia refuses to do so is I believe, and honestly I hate to think this, that the jew still have a pretty prominent grip on Russia.

great arguments you fucking retard



lol good goy in germany understandable he probably wouldnt understand considering its probably illegal for him to.
Kagonovich and Yagoda woulda loved you

If Russia went publicly against the jews it would obviously be more violently attacked by ZOG.

So it is very crypto and symbolic how Putin presents this info about the jews.
Also, Russians have been brainwashed so well by the Soviets that some segment society would be violently triggered if you red pilled them on this, while another segment of society is Antisemitic.

Still, the jews know what Russia is up to, they just can't open call them out for Antisemitism yet, so they do this gay genocide bullshit.

>3 jews in whole party which included 2 million members


>If Russia went publicly against the jews

I wonder if Churchill's piece "Bolshevism vs Zionism; A struggle for the soul of the jewish people" is legal in Germany
Dont read this out loud goy or you might get a knock on the door.

>Churchill's piece
trusting a fucking eternal anglo bloodsucker, whose life was to hate russians and their empire.

I can't remember that Putin specifically put him into prison for being jewish.
He put him into prison for behaving like a typical stealing jew.

it is true
jews and others wanted to create slave colony from ukraine. it fails all the time and it leads to war all the time (since 1600s)

ukraine is divided on "left-bank" and "right-bank"

right-bank and eastern part has mixed population with mixed genetics (east-south-west slavic,romanian, jewish etc) and jews partially succeeded in creation of slave colony there

Western ukrainians are genetically inferior to kievansand eastern ukrainians. western ukrainians vote for jews even today. jews have ruled them economically last 500 years. Poles are stupid and economy in poland was managed by jews.

turmoil in ukraine started because jews tried to enslave free people - russians and central ukrainians.

falling for propaganda

right-bank and western part


>I'm fighting the evil Fascists
>never mind all my Communist allies
>nevermind that from the earliest days Right Sector's little armed security were Chechen Muslim militants

Why are Communists always so fucking stupid?

the distinctions between greatrussia, redrussia, whiterussia, and littlerussia ignore the fact that each oblast of each is distinct, and the divisions are artificial. There is a dialect continuum from Poland to the Urals, and Archangel in the north and the cacusus in the south, and all of the dialects are just as legitimately russian as all the others, dispite the current standard of muscovite russian claming to be "russian". Each subregion (modern oblast...sort of) has it's own local customs, some of which are shared with neighboring ones, and most have their own native dress varient. I can go on. The modern Ukranian culture is the local customs of west Ukraine aserting cultural hegomony over a chunk of Russia, while "Russia" is the same thing, but Moscovy is doing it to the bigest chunk of Russia.

Even though they were allies in both World Wars.
Im beginning to think this might have been one of those guys who survived multiple gassings if you get what I mean

The white race NEEDS to embrace Communism and unite. Russia did it, North America and Europe need to too. We will become unstoppable! It will need to be completely European though, no shitskins.

Would you, Sup Forums?

>But still the kikes weren't purged, they received preferential treatment up to the 60ties from the Soviet Union.
No they didnt dumbass. They had limits on the number of jews per university (along with some others). And putin isnt some anti jew saviour even if he doesnt suck their cock

Rockefeller and marx arent jewish

>and I hate fascist

fuck off shlomo you aint purgin me you hooked nose albino sand nigger

Russia, under the merciless tyrannical rule of Bolshevik Jews, killed tens of millions of whites. That isn't uniting. The purpose of Communism is literally to enslave a populace and ensure the ruling class is Jews.

It has nothing to do with "purging" whites and everything to do with saving us from genocide you fucking bong!

western ukraine has no customs

they were slaves, they are mixed with poles, they are like niggers in USA, all their customs are ultracucked

people would better accept cultureless genderless jewish soulless capitalism where everything has price, even life, than cucked slave-nigger culture, (maybe it is a secret goal)

Marx was completely 100% Jewish any retard knows this
Rockefeller is questionable by admittedly usually accepted as a high standard goy

good video, which explains so much.

Yeah sure think, Bronstein

I'm talking about REAL Communism, not (((Communism))) with (((them))) at the top of the food chain. For Europeans and ran by Europeans. Everyone else can be deported. All the European countries who embrace it can unite together and become one. If anyone can actually make it work, it's whites. We can make anything work.

Rothschilds - the King Jews are jewish and they're the richest people in the world

She is their cumdumpster

Communism is applied Bolshevism. Bolshevism is Judaism applied to politics.
There is no such thing as nonJew Communism.

Creating a slave class of "workers" is 100% Jewish and can never be anything else, kike.

TyrannyUnmasked is pretty great

>conservative values
>fighting facists

user, I'm talking about it being ran by Europeans for Europeans. Not as a way for us to murder each other, but as a way for us to help each other.

> Completely deport ANY non-Europeans (this means we'd deport Jews too)
> Unite Europeans around the world (1 currency, 1 language, 1 military, etc.)
> Eliminate poverty
> Allow Christianity (our society's were stronger with it holding a larger place within it)

Does that sound like a bad thing?

>another shitburger being sold as meat
Maybe you should stop believing the self-interested blather of rich industrialists whining and pleading not to be shot and have their muh property expropriated for crimes against the people.
>muh my imaginary friend sets the rules and if you don't agree you're a defective hurr durr

No, they do, but it is half Red Ruthenian, half the tradition of being cucked, 100% self loathing the fact that they are between being Polish and Russian, so they force that view on the rest of the Ukraine.

Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia need to reunify, stop pretending they are different people, and the rest of "the west" needs to stop pretending that Russia isn't also an intigral part of Europe and equaly "western" as places like the frankencountry Belgium. Make Russia Great Again, then we can start adressing the real threats the west faces. For some reason this process keeps halting.

>> Completely deport ANY non-Europeans

top kek. you do relize that there is turkey, albania, Greenland, Russia, and even a fucking kazakhstan which can pretend on european partipation..

i dont know how old you are but you are on level of 6 years old neonazi. you are trying to isolate the countries which are plagued by incest and heavy inbreeding instead to go for more and better ideas like rolling over all Eurasia and kick americans back home.

Communism does not eliminate poverty. It makes everyone but the ruling class poor. It turns 90%+ of a country into slaves while a select handful of party members who administer the Communism are wealthy.

You cannot take away the fruit of a man's labor. You cannot eliminate the single most important and effective means of motivating someone to work. This isn't a matter of opinion, its factual. Communism is entirely ideologically flawed. It quite literally is a Jewish trick, and attempting to imitate a Jewish trick is retarded. So retarded only a kike would recommend it, you hook nose kike.

Go shoot some more heroin, Antifa faggot.