Why are so many millennial females interested in healing crystals?
Why are so many millennial females interested in healing crystals?
because so pretty
Am I a faggot for loving that aesthetic OP? Please tell me I need to know.
because women are retarded
depends entirely on if you believe in the healing powers or not
Because they look nice.
What fucking difference is there between literally any other necklace in the history of ever?
You are so fucking stupid.
Also, what the fuck does this have to do with politics?
Modern medicine is a white patriarchal construct
I thought healing crystals were a gen x thing. Literally everyone I've seen with one are 40-60 by now.
Males are trying to pull this shit off too
Its mostly niggers and hippies that believe melanin gives you superpowers or people that watch spirit science.
I conciously trick myself into believe stupid shit works to game the placebo effect
They need them to power their lightsabers.
Fuck, OP. This fucking political breakthrough is fucking killing me. This is why I don't go to major news outlets anymore.
Because they're dumb millennial females
Those crystals look like glass vials of cum and food colouring. Does that explain their interest in them to you?
Women are fucking stupid.
The female brain haven't evolved since the dark ages
Christianity is dying or is too sexist and homophobic for the current year but women are still spiritual and turn to to nearest thing that fills the void.
It's vaguely political. The fact that women are stupid enough to believe that crystals have magical healing properties proves that women's suffrage was a mistake.
Because they imagine themselves as the healer character in their fantasy novel.
Men call them JO crystals and it gives them male vitality.
It's a fad. A fashion accessory, nothing more.
>Woman see, woman do
I like crystals too, but in a geologic specimen sort of way.
Got a neat rock collection going on.
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Health insurance expensive. Healing rock cheap.
>tits or gtfo
>Obviously user is female because they are saying things that go against the backwards ass narrative I am trying to push.
>Woman see, woman do
So the reason for all human culture and advancement, gotcha.
"When a man stops believing in God he doesn't believe in nothing; he believes in anything."
t.G.K Chesterton
I love crystals because they're a cheap easy gift for women who think they're magic or something. Obviously they aren't but even if I buy these cheap pieces of quartz I don't look like a cheapskate, even though I'm not buying gold or diamonds or whatever. Actually you look even better than that because the gift is perceived as more personal. It's great. In a way I guess they are therapeutic after all.
You can only take so much cock.
Invented by the manocentric maleocracy. Muh magic crystalZ
The more money a thing costs and useless/purposeless it is the more likely it is for a woman's taste.
Millenial femanon here. Love crystal jewellery but don't believe in "healing powers." I just love geology & often hunt for crystals in old mines.