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Trump could prevent him from testifying based on "executive privilege" but he won't because 1) that looks incriminating and 2) Trump knows that Comey will get his ass handed to him.
It's like waiting 3 days for Rachel Maddow's tax return revelation. Libs are getting into a seething rage to be immensely let down again. I love it.
He already testified that he didn't get obstructed
This jagoff's ego is about to get the better of him. He'll end up perjuring himself just to look like a big boy.
How will Blumpftards ever recover!
>Trump gets impeached
>Conservatives/Brexit is defeated in the UK
>All right-wing parties in EU countries lost elections
/pol completely and utterly BTFO
2017: The globalists strike back
I'll take things that will never happen for 200, Alex.
Comey isnt a showman like Maddow. He's not doing it for views, he's doing it for America.
icant wait till Comey confirms no russian hacked the DNC, Trump is innocent and that the pope is a muzrat plant
Doing what? The answers to the questions you seek have genuinely already been answered by the man himself. He has already stated under oath that he had not been pressured into dropping the investigation. I literally have no idea whats expected beyond his answer to 'why do you think you were fired', to which he isnt going to speculate beyond any official reasons because thats hearsay. The fact that CNN has a fucking countdown clock on this is all the more proof that they are vile propagandists that need to be thrown in a gulag.
I wish i didn't need to wait 3-4 days to see the leftist tears.
>He has already stated under oath that he had not been pressured into dropping the investigation
Libtards HATE that Trump supporters aren't at all concerned about this. I'm looking forward to their meltdown on Thursday.
it will be a yawn, just a confirmation of already known impeachable offenses
haha you call getting fired 'not being pressured'? haha
> thinks Trump can be impeached because Russia doesn't like Hillary
>He's not doing it for views, he's doing it for America.
Or he's doing it because he's under a subpoena and doesn't want to get charged with contempt.
>all three were Obama appointees
>serve at the pleasure of the President
>outraged when a new President fires them
Yeah, he says he wasn't ordered to do so, but all the loyalty oaths and shit will come out, and the libs will construct a narrative that paints a different picture (like Schiff did earlier)
All three were incompetent Obama/Clinton bootlickers.
lol I know it's great. I love reading the furious comments on Twitter about how Donald SHOULD be locked up, but no reason why. They blew their load early on with the whole Trump is finished shit. Literally nothing is going to happen.
Fate has already been decided. Enjoy this place while we still can. Remember whom put this in motion and strike back when the time is right.
>you call getting fired 'not being pressured'?
Are you mentally deficient? Unless the man said 'drop it or you're fired', then, according to his latest testimony, he was not. Whether or not anything changed in the time between isnt known so I wont speculate on that.
Now that said, firing an FBI director doesnt quash all active investigations, not in the fucking slightest. And if you couldnt fire an FBI director because they happen to be investigating the white house, then all future directors can just open an investigation and hold their spot forever. Dont be retarded.
treasonous collusion dipshit
I still go back and laugh at their delusions about their so-called Hamilton electors.
Sorry, Clapper, Feinstein, Morell, and others have said there's no evidence of collusion. Try again.
Kek laughs in his face
Oh, was that their last ditch attempt to keep him from taking office? Where they were calling up the electors at their homes and basically threatening them to become faithless and cast their vote for someone else?
can you morons stop pretending comey was the head of DOJ?
Him getting fired impacted nothing related to any investigations etc
>mfw when Liberals find out that this is a battle between intelligence agencies, the FBI is on Trump's team, and Comey's "firing" was actually a promotion.
because the person getting fired don't have the responsibility media made you believe he had, they lied to you
the dossier moron, money laundering, follow the money, billions from putin's bank to keep kushner and trump afloat after 2008. dont you fucking read?
>Trump gets impeached
Wow! It's nothing
drumpf is surely done now
>more defected from Hillary than Trump
>she actually ended up losing by even more
>one went for some literal who native
>Ron Paul ended up getting more EC votes than Aleppo man
Couldnt have been a more amusing outcome to that sad whimper of an attempt
Yeah, that was it. I was laughing so hard after those manpussies had hyped up the Hamilton electors for weeks, only to find Hillary ending up with more unfaithful electors. Libtard tears never lose their delicious flavor. I wish I could fast forward six months into the future just to see their complete and utter demoralization.
>follow the money
I did, the only thing I found was a 40 page report about how Clinton accepted money from the Russians, nothing about Trump besides claims without evidence
the clinton report is called "from russia with money"
that is where you find corruption
let's see if you're still saying that in 6 months.
actually, you probably will be. you'll keep saying it forever but you'll never get what you want. it'll be the next 9/11 inside job desu
trump thought so, trump's motive is the issue
denial is strong with you tards, your leader is a senile shit for brains owned by putin
everyone around trump seems to get fucked one way or another
That's the thing. Time is a cruel mistress. Each day, we wake up to President Trump, and they wake up to their poutrage machine and fake news.
Do you truly, in your heart of hearts, believe that a guy like Putin would attempt to take the presidency with a guy like Trump who cant keep his louth shut to save his life?
I watch Joe Biden in his capacity of President of the Senate presiding over the Joint Session of Congress and will never forget the laughter that erupted when "Faith Spotted Eagle" was read out.
What a shitshow for the Dems!
Its all fake and we fuckin know it cunt
Guccifer 2.0 has been proved to be faked, appears to have been done by a DNC employee:
Trump tower server was found to be faked then quickly disappeared from the news:
FBI used known fake document (piss dossier) to get a FISA warrent to spy:
No evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia:
Suck my white dick nigger
you are a fucking moron
so your whole argument is that in your mind Trump thought he did something criminal when he clearly did not and thus he should be accused of what you made up in your mind?
no wonder your candidate lost when they have followers like you
>Trump tower server was found to be faked then quickly disappeared from the news:circa.com
You need to update this. The original logs were demonstrably forged. See this:
Also includes a doxing of the forger.
I am trying to keep it as normie friendly as possible they would see the url and run off.
Thanks tho il keep it handy
Fuck, so true, made me tear up