What did they mean by this? Seriously, searching for a none tinfoil hat explanation. Can someone even confirm this vid is legit or is the poster a retard?
Other urls found in this thread:
One changes into the terrorists clothing. Because it is all fucking fake
any proof for that?
Enough with this flat-earth tier bullshit.
Yeah, coz the stocky ginger copper is totally the same swarthy wog with the black beard laying on the ground. And you would change into your terrorist actor clothes right in the street in front of cameras.
A lot of regular police within London are also anti terror police. They were changing on the scene because they were caught out with what was happening.
There is nothing more in to it than that.
He also dyed his beard in between changing... Get a grip.
Ex cop here. They're probably plain clothes called in to do level 2 (Riot) duties or firearms. Often we'd get dressed in the vans or on the street if we had to put on our gear especially in emergencies.
They're both wearing similar camouflage pants but other than that cops getting changed into gear on the street is nothing knew.
If there's something big going on you get in the fucking van half dressed or not and get ready enroute or at scene.
GG sharing a conspiritard video of some shitty dindu muzzie.
Waaaa muslims never hurt anyone. Its all a part of the anti islamic propaganda being spread by the west
And UK has what to gain from staging fake attacks committed by people who they defend?
This is actually a viable explanation, thanks.
Only thing irritating me is would you really change into camo in a situation like this?
Is it some legal thing or for looking intimidating or why would you do that instead of just grabbing a bigger gun?
Fuck you with this dumb shit.
Every country has something to gain by staging false flag attacks within their own country one way or another. Just because you can come up with some tin foil hat answer to try and justify it in your small mind doesn't make it true...
No he probably didn't have time to get his shit out of his locker in the station and this was all he had on hand.
If you get an orange button call or terrorist incident you go straight to the van no bullshit.
I was working 7/7 and was in an interceptor in my fucking jeans and t-shirt with my vest and hat on.
You don't fuck around with dress code in these situations.
Thank you for having the patience and making these idiots understand.
>be plain clothes/undercover police officer
>terrorists are attacking
>run around with a gun without my uniform on
>get shot
You cant really be that dense can you Hanz?
How about you give me one reason if you wish to call this a flase flag
that video is a fucking joke...
police guy with carmouflage pants has a red beard and no tatoes...
guy on the floor has a black beard and sleeve tatoes on his arms....
He is sharing a video made by a guy named KHAN and he is probably a Mehmet
Ok yeah, can kidn of imagine the situation, thanks.
I want to emphasize I created this thread so someone with more knowledge can debunk that video, like I said in OP.
I'm just not one of the guys brushing away every idea because "I just know it's bullshit." I actually want to know WHY it's bullshit.
.... I don't. I think you've misread what I said previously user.
Should probably explain further.
Level 2 gear doesn't work with shirt and tie underneath. You put on comfortable gear underneath that's tight an then the armor, then a set of overalls over that so people can't pull the armor off.
He's taking off his shirt and trousers to get into level 2 gear. Nothing even remotely suspicious.
They look like the thick and stupid group (TSG) so they're level 1's or 2's getting into riot gear. You can see one of the lads in his overalls. walking to the van.
Actually i dont know what to believe. The western intelligence agencies have a long history of comitting false flag attacks.
However in this case i dont mind the anti muslim sentiment which arises from these attacks.
Its like, imagine if your dog ate your food from the larder and blamed the rats which are usually responsible.
You figure that a final solution to the rat problem is necessary and call an exterminator.
No more rats.
Ah, didn't even think about the shirt and tie making problems with the armor.
And I also didn't know you were something over the armor so people can't tear it off.
And that's exactly why I create threads like this, one might actually learn something.
Why is it so hard to believe that three people who are brainwashed got in to a van, ran over some people and stabbed some more? No hijackings like 9/11 or bombs like in most other situations.
Surely it's not too far fetched to understand that this was real.
Because Arabs dindu nuffing man. The country that is importing them en masse while defending them is trying to make the public racist by staging false flags
>no (((hijackings))) like (((9/11)))
fixed that for you
I like the touch, thanks! Ha
Sigh. It happened and was real. Watch a British documentary called "The Jihadis next door" on YouTube. One of these degenerates is in it and it'll help you understand how brainwashed they are.
The polls weren't in his favour until after these happened... Facts. Also, Corbyn will win.
Don't get me wrong.
9/11 was a false flag by israel but we know that because them and the neocons literally told us they were going to do it in the Clean Break Document and the Rebuilding America's Defenses A New Century think tank.
But those are easily corroborated and verified.
Giving me some knuckle draggers changing into their riot armor isn't a smoking gun. The pants aren't even the same they're similar but not even that much.
Not to mention the idea that low level police would be even remotely involved in false flags is silly since we leak so much fucking info on the regular.
Israel did 9/11.
Good thing then, would appreciate more false flags like this.
A labour victory would be a catastrophe not only for Britain but also for the brexit.
Ha, i wear level 110 gear in world of warcraft. Fucking amateur cops.
Idk if there were any real victims or not but all your latest happenings starting from Westminster are most likely staged crap.
Compare it with real events with a real gore and blood like Stockholm or any attack in Russia. Then search "Nobody died at Sandy Hook" in duckduckgo and read it carefully. You will start seeing the pattern and a bunch of details.
1. They're in their patrol uniforms and are changing into their more comfortable gear because they expect some kind of crowd control. Police don't wear their pressed blues for these things. Camo uniforms are usually worn because police can outfit entire units with surplus old-military gear.
2. They off duty and were called in to assist in a hurry. So they drove straight to the scene then changed on site.
Looking at this video and saying "ha, this proves a falseflag!" is like looking at firefighters quickly changing to respond to a fire and saying "obviously they caused the fire!
>I need a conspiracy to explain the religion of pieces
That's cute, I used to be like you too. Then I grew up and faced reality. You don't need a huge conspiracy to explain Islam, oh and before you start if Israel goes so goes the entire Middle East. No exceptions.
Many normalfags can't fathom the idea of wanting to kill others.
Nobody could ever just walk down the street and stab another person! There must be some conspiracy to it. It was the white patriarchy that made that black stab the old white man! It couldn't just be that blacks are more violent!
Certainly not if they are the religion of peace! Why that would never happen! Don't you see them openly practicing Taqiya and denouncing their own warriors?! #NotAllMuslims
Just watch.... m.liveleak.com
Black and radical Muslim killings are two completely different subjects. Unless, you're talking about the two who beheaded Lee Rigby a few years ago?
bringing in a police state
I'm talking about people complicated simple things because they simply can't understand the desire to kill
I was watching a Ross kempl documentary today and at one point he started talking about hiw he couldn't understand that a religious person could be violent. Fucking christ cucks being apologists for everyone with 'faith'
They already have that.
Found the lolbertarian.
>Not realizing muh police state is a result of criminals upping the ante and legimate terrorism
When it's pistols vs pistols, your 'police state' can go away.
because the attackers were running from the police and charging innocents. in plain clothes they could spread out and get close to the assholes who kept running and stabbing people, yet running from police.
>Christ cucks
They've been co-opted long before. I don't want to resort to atheism or some sort of witchcraft but boy do they make it hard to stay in that fold! I'm tired of it, I just want average people to wake the fuck up and open their eyes!
Posting shit like this is why people never take half of the stuff on Sup Forums seriously.
>taking Sup Forums seriously
>muh rebutations!!!
how new are you?
>road, cars, c'mon baby you can do it i love you, some more road and cars
You're not investigating but trying to convince me instead.
Damn, you got me with green text and everything. You sure know how to imageboard.
The first guy has no tatoos on his left arm
>not taking Sup Forums seriously
CNN and MSNBC are making false news to make the british government and muslims look good so they can try to throw it in president trump face youtu.be
>Meticulously plan out false flag attack
>One step of the plan is to have officers get changed into random clothes in plain sight
Really? If it was pre-planned why wouldn't you get the people dressed before hand to prevent videos like this being caught?
Also: how can you be sure the guy on the ground is the same guy that changed his clothes? also - even if it is him, couldn't he have just been injured legitimately after getting changed?
The issue at hand is that you're not 'investigating'. If you don't believe the narrative, you go out of your way to disprove me Vlad.
completely different beards and camo.
Because liberal governments dont even try to hide that theyre lying because idiots believe them anyway. They could do this in broad daylight and if you said anything they would say you watch fox or that jones person or that you didnt understand what wws happening
The british government spends more time trying to make trump look bad than actuallly protecting their citizens.
You were never supposed to take anything here seriously.
You're an outer circle normie and this is just a meme containment board:)
It's also worth noting that the trousers are actually different patterns, the Police are putting on MTP and the Terrorist is wearing desert DPM.
It's not fake news, it's called TV. It's not called staging, it's called direction. Sure, they printed off these A4 pieces of paper to give to some Muslims (who more than likely wanted to do this) , but that's the media's agenda of not stigmatising all of the same faith because of some scum.
>not staging but directing
Directing a stage
>not fake news, its TV
>Prints signs to give to muslims
Just stop XD
>not realising that it's being reported to US audiences, not UK.
Just because you're being fed shit doesn't mean we are here in the UK.
You're clearly a crisis actor yourself.
Ed Chiarini, baby.