>muhammad was a brutal warlor-
Muhammad was a brutal warlor-
Other urls found in this thread:
Mu Mu was peacefu-
>don't betray
Did they really need to be told this?
**these do not apply to non-muslims
If he was a man of peace why so much war.?
Naah this is probably all true but again the same with “if you kill one innocent you kill all of humanity“ or something
This is only for other muslims
For non muslims there are no rules
But even this like don't kill a women ok but if she did x it's ok to kill her
So it's full of shit
**these do not apply to infidels
>128707033 (you)
Do not kill a woman/child - Adriana concert
Do not kill an animal/mutilate a body - Seden truck of peace
Do not destroy a building - 9/11
Be good to your prisoners? Like what? Choppin their heads off with an axe instead of a butter knife?
Its a fucking waste of time to spell them all out and you're a waste of oxygen you half brained goat fucker.
>Don't kill infants
>Don't kill women
Yeah save those for the raep after the battle
Fucking disgusting propaganda
>don't betray
How can any sane person follow a man like Muhammad who:
(1) let young boys watch him clean his private parts (Bukhari 1:4:152)?
(2) sucked the tongue of a boy (Musnad Ahmad 16245)?
(3) dressed up in little girl's clothes and women's clothes (Bukhari 2442)?
(4) slept with or had sex with a dead female body in a coffin or grave (Kanz al Ummal 34424)?
(5) was a pedophile (Bukhari: 5:58:234, 236; 7:62:64, 65, 88)?
(6) said to consume house flies (Bukhari: Vol. 4, Bk. 54, No. 537)?
(7) commanded to drink camel urine (Bukhari: Vol. 8, Bk. 82, No. 79)?
(8) admitted to having a devil (Muslim: Ch.14, Bk. 39, No. 6759)?
(9) confessed to being demon possessed (Ishaq: 106)?
(10) told false revelations (Tabari VI: 107, 110; Ishaq: 166)?
(11) encouraged adherents to lie and break oaths (Ishaq: 365; Tabari VII: 94; cf. Ishaq: 519; Bukhari: Vol. 7, Bk. 67, No. 427)?
(12) or sex with animals (Abu Dawud 38:4450)?
what the FUCK I love islam now
>1 post by this ID
Muhammad "Don't kill a woman while we are at war"
Mudslime Soldier "Prophet, what about after the war?"
Muhammad makes pepe face.
At the Battle of the Trench Mohammed used field fortifactions to defeat his opponents cavaly, then after his arab enemies left he turned to a Jewish tribe who had sided with them, and after they surrendered and were his prisoners, he massacred all the men, including the rabbis and the elderly, of the tribe and enslaved the women and children.
I've got your back!
> don't force anyone to islam
now let me tell you why that's bullshit
this us 100% the opposite of the truth
>B-b-but he only fought blasphemers and non-believers, y-you bigot.
He did when you consider that he was the one who made up the whole religion, then of course everyone else is kafir.
And this is on and on with Islam. Muslims claim that Mohammed was only defending himself, even though they documented that he was instigator in 90% of cases, the reasoning was that Meccans threw him out because he was a subversive cunt, and he started to raid unrelated caravans as an act of self defense against that expulsion.
This kind of reasoning is prevalent with muslims - if they move to your country and you prevent them from exercising sharia on everyone in the vicinity, you are oppressing them and you have become a target for violent self defense.
Anyone else feel his life would actually make a pretty good Vikings-Esque TV show even if it'd be bluepilled normie propaganda? I'd watch it desu
Mohammed personally broke all of those, except maybe that tree thing.
It was better than that. The jews helped him dig the trench but wouldn't participate in the battle, so he killed them all afterwards for merely supplying logistical support.
It'd be sort of shit unless they sexed it up. Mohammed was kind of crap and nearly died in battle except he kept throwing his dudes in the way as he fled until the enemy was finally stopped. The accounts of his life try and paint this in the best light possible, but it still comes off as dogshit.
Sounded like a hilariously destructive mid life crisis
>Man turns 40
>goes apeshit
>invents religion and his barbarous followers continue to annoy people to this day
Like Breaking Baghdad
ok germany
>don't destroy hamboigahs
>don't betray
>do they really need to be told this?
Jews and Christians sure do.
>tfw the Old Testament is nothing but the story of Jews violating the commandments and telling themselves their landlord said it was ok
Lessons learned, which is a lot more than we can say for the kikes.
Pretty much yeah. He wanted his life to mean something, so he basically started spouting endless bullshit until it did.
>don't force anyone to islam
how big is your nose OP
How many *s are there ?
literally taqiyya: the infograph
>muh taqiyyas muthafucka!
banu qurayza childrens beheaded, filthy mushit liar,
Muhammad : "what is war but deception?"
Muhamad : "you can rape captives, you are not going to castrate yourselves"
Muhammad : "There is nothing sacred to observe concerning enemies"
Muhammad : " I have life long lices, but i prefer ask archangel gabriel a dick potion so i can fuck as many as 40 women per hour" " people only go after their lust, while im the ultimate example for humanity, and i can fuck 12 wives + any slaves that i own and i didnt marry + any captive of war for free, im very prophetic desu"
Every single one of those, muslims do the opposite.
Explain that, you can't, which means this is just bullshit feefee propaganda and clearly not what muhammad said.
That only applies to if theyre muslim.
>dont force anyone to islam..just kill them.
>don't kill animals except to eat
>infidels are worse than animals
rly makes you think
It's easy to explain, there's a lot of exceptions and most of them start with you not being a muslim and not following Islam.
what about the muslims who kill other muslims because they adhere to the wrong sect?
>worse than pigs
ISIS are jewish, you dumb fuck. There's a reason you're the butt of a whole class of jokes and that's because you don't think hard enough.
Its pretty simple actually, all of those things only really apply to Muslims. Oh, but he also warned that tons of people will pretend to be Muslims but actually aren't and you should be super paranoid about that.
Except, the generals(family of muhammad) who were taught by muhammad, committed all these atrocities when they went on their mission to spread jihad.
If their spiritual prophet told these men, these things not to do, why would they then go on and do the opposite?
if someone releases a manifesto and says that even if the west were not involved in the middle east, they would still attack us.
if the blow themselves up and engage in other suicidal attacks and say its to spread then its reasonable to assume they are telling the truth.
the violence in the reason is the water in which they swim but there is an ideological component to the problem.
its not just the wests fault
I'm sure we can find some passage on some shitstained book justifying it.
We should ask ISIS.
none of the hadiths that mention those restrictions make that distinction
[citation needed]
And so, the years after his death, the spread of jihad was done by false muslims, the same people that were his brother in-law and father in-law?
They're not "real" Muslims of course. Islam is a religion of war and conquest, when there's no kaffur around to fight they fight each other. Its been that way since its inception.
They didn't, like he said, they all have a big * next to them. Like 'Oh man, totally do not fight during Ramadan, unless you're fighting Infidels'
Since you aren't ever supposed to kill or fight other muslims to begin with there is essentially never a time where that matters, everyone you fight is automatically not a muslim and its fine for you to do whatever.
Muslims have been playing this 'No True Muslim' shit literally since the religion started.
*does not apply to Infidels
**super does not apply to Infidels
***fuck Infidels
Good luck finding anyone willing to make that show the mudslimes chimp out over cartoons.
WTF I love terrorism now
t. turk
I haven't say anything about Isis you dub fuck. This fellow on image is so called peaceful rebel unassociated with isis. He looks like you, not like Jew.
Yeah when I see muslim i don't think hard I just beat him until he ceases to breath.
Abrogation: The later violent verses in the Koran nullify and supersede the earlier peaceful verses. The Muslims will never tell you this while they quote all the loving, nice sounding verses that have long been overridden and replaced.
just by reading about history of islam you can see that 80% of this picture is a fucking lie to get liberals support
Haha what? That's the most idiotic thing I've ever read from a frenchie. You do understand turks are muslims right?
He also had brain damage
and they violated every one of those, whats your point?
>It'd be sort of shit unless they sexed it up.
Don't worry it would be sexed up with 9 years old Aisha
tell me the point of taking captives if you have to take care of them then release them?
(llipder: ereht tnsi eno)
between the age of 6 and 9 muhammad practiced what muslims call thighing, he literally frixion his sandnigger dick between her thighs, very prophetic stuffz
>provided they are/he is/she is/it is Islamic
Kek. Got a verse for that? I want to trigger some liberal friends of mine
>don't kill women, infants or children
But do take them as (sex) slaves
>don't force anyone to islam
But do kill them if they refuse to pay up
You forgot:
>Stone the gays.
>Kill all that refuse the word of Allah.
>Spread Islam at all costs, lying is permissible.
>If you kill an animal for food, let it bleed dry in the most horribly cruel way you can think of, otherwise it is not halal.
>You cannot love an adopted son as much as you should love your own or show him the same affection.
>Sex with 6 year old girls is okay if you marry them first.
wowee what a fat load of shit, go back to the desert you smelly sand nigger
>don't kill
>but rape and imprisonment A-OKAY
It means keep ALL your enemies shit if you kill him
Where are the Quarn quotes to match this?
I could tell you that Jews worship oak trees but that doesn't prove anything. Fucking Taqqyia piece of shit we know your tricks.