Can Sup Forums help remove kebab and make my country a truly secular country?
inb4 "But Albanians are Turk roaches". Help make Europe great again.
Albanian Muslims
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Allah akbar kuq e zi
t. diaspora
Albanians are honory ottomans like bosnians.
Use ISIS tactics against them in your own countries before they do it to you.
Some Italian guy in the XIX century traveled through Albanian settlements, he noted that he didn't find a single man that can write or read.
Austrians and Italians created Albanian state, Serbs and Greeks captured it from the Ottomans, but Austrians didn't fancy the idea of a Serbian port.
Secular Muslims. lel. M8 theres no such thing. A muslim is a muslim. Be they from Albania or Algeria, theyre all scum.
>independent co uk/travel/news-and-advice/venice-rialto-bridge-bomb-plot-four-arrested-kosovan-men-minor-a7659366.html
only you and the people can do it.... get out and start fucking up muslims & masques
>Can Sup Forums help remove kebab and make my country a truly secular country?
The only thing that can help Sweden is the destruction of the EU, because then regulation and international law will losen up enough to allow leeway for extreme measures to be taken.
none of my business it's your fault
hahahaha γαμω τη μανα σου πεθανα. που μπορω να βρω τετοια memes?
Did you even read my thread you autist?
Keep your douchbags in your country. We don't need your greedy pharma Muslims like pic related
>greeks don't do crime
>shitpoor and in debt
>albanians sell everything from air to pcp
>shitpoor by choice (because drives around in the newest mercedes kidneys can buy)
Stip ebing so idealistic. Take the black pill.
hes northern albanian and a catholic, you think we dont have other religions too, 58% is muslim, and imgagine how much of those never went to a mosque
even us albanians are beggining to notice how subhuman kosovars are. too bad they commit crimes and the nbe called albanians
fucking kosovar, not my fault
I am muslim and not a terrorist
is that really gonna be your argument
Muslim Albanian. You're the fucking problem. Get out of my thread.REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
how are you going to do anything about your country if you're in sweden
True. For example in my grandparent's village they always said they were Muslim... They were reading from the bible... The reason for this is widely due to the Turkish invasion, and how Christian Albanians had to conceal their faith.
Unfortunately some modern Albanians are too stupid to realize this.
But in all honesty. I thought us Albanians weren't cucks yet here you are bringing the same SJW leftist arguments like #NotAllMuslims. What's next? You gon call it a religion of peace and say how Christians killed more people in Medieval times? I'm ashamed th at you and I share a country. Grow up and accept that the more "Moderate Muslims" there are the more Jihadists will find ways to hide in plain sight
Honestly? I gave up long ago. I'm doing it for me and the people I care about. If you want to bomb the rest feel free. I'll give you a map
> secular country
atheism is destructive
you need to convert them to christianity
Well you aren't Swedish so you've got to go back
*is the most stealers and killers even though not the most practiced religion*
*does blood feud*
*kills daughter for talking with a boy*
*catholic regions are the most shitty ones*
There's already a lot of Albanian Christians. I don't need any more of those. They're even more fanatics than greeks when it comes to Orthodox bullshit.
Trust me mate the more muslims in my country are leaving this shit religion. Even our leaders keep saying that we should not countinue to be mistaken for some super islamic state and themselves are converting to christianity. I really hate when they mistake us for kosovo shitters
Thats good. Atheism is false and you Albanians need to convert.
If my daughter would talk to a muslim too id kill em both. This is how we survived in a muslim state. You know people and the youth keep posting ironical hate memes towards kosovo
Now I understand why Sup Forums hates us Albanians. Cause we never admit when we're wrong. Kek
Albanians seem to be pretty chill especially the catholic ones, but seriously wtf is wrong with kosovars?
Idk. They is poor. Like Africans. Do they even matter on an international level?
What is right with them would be a shorter list
Why the fuck are you posting from a Swedish IP if you're an Albanian nigger? Get out of my country you subhuman gypso-turk rapespawn.
Does Sweden?
>They is poor.
Do you even know English?
Catholic Albanians are *chokes* o- *coughs* o- *spits* o- *removes kebab* o- *goes back in time to honor Alexander The Macedonian* o- *goes back to the future but in first half of 20th century just to be genocided by the Greeks* O- *finally in current timeline* O-o-kkay I guess...
kek. you want to go there, ilir?
You still believe you're Alexander's people? kek
I moved here. I work and pay taxes. Am I your enemy?
idk. I like Swedes. They're cool.
The more important question is how come your hands are free to type on keyboard, instead of giving handjobs to american soldiers right now?
I thought Albanians were Muslims. Don't all Muslims universally hate George Bush for fucking up Iraq?
>shiptar intelligence
We're a troubled people.
Most people here call you Slavs or Albanians. Literally noone recognizes your claims. Talk about intelligence.
They love the Clintons because they funded their fucked up criminal activities on Kosovo(as anywhere else)
Any time you want son.We can purge the mudslims and spare the Christian albanians
We just need the mudslims tsamides to fuck with the Greek minority to have an excuse for an invasion
Now I can't blame you for not knowing much about anything since you are an American, but the way things are the only thing keeping albanians in Kosovo alive (since Clinton) are american troops.
One second after they're gone, kebab gets removed - permanently
Bring back communism, if you outlaw religion then they will have to leave or be imprisoned.
>taking swede's as an example
Should I be offended? And btw, shiptar, read shitposting-basics-101.pdf
Ew commies. What's wrong with you?
If they're kissing our ass this hardcore we must be doing something right, we need more allies like Albania. Havent heard about any terrorism attacks coming out of there
Hoxha could have saved you
They don't tolerate muslims
Your parents could have listened
That's not a phoenix that's a griffon
That's not a phoenix ya shit sniffing whores bastard
My parents were and still are supporters of Hoxha.
Sorry for using word "phoenix" instead of "griffon" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and now the live in decadent crapitalist democrazy occupy bunker and remove revisionist
This is OP
>kissing our ass
Dude they have literally George W Bush statues all over the place, did you hear about something like that? They even got a bust of your ex secretary of state, guess who that is
That's not something funded though
Hillary when came here visited that bar
The bar owner made a statue of her for ad purposes "Look ppl, famous guys come to my bar"
That's barely "symbol of cult"
Quite some bars have statues of famous ppl, being that actor, singer or politician
stop finding excuses, nigger
Are you familiar with the expression, 'only the guilty one feels the need to explain himself'?
If you move home, i will halp